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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I wish you luck Steve_paul..... but I hope you bought cancellation insurance! GET ON THE PHONE AND DON'T GIVE UP. Mass panic...last minute applications for the flight into USA deadlines. Apparently even a 4 hours waiting time to submit applications in person at 4900 Yonge Street. Tickets in hand is >NOT< considered an emergency. Death in family is about it for that to get moved to the front of the pile. Even last year Leah and I had to cancel our trip to St. Lucia. I was lucky and got the easy quick renewal program they were trying for passports. All I had to do was send a new set of pictures and my old passport to Mississauga. No declarations or anything and I got my passport back in 4 days...on Dec 15th. Leah on the other hand had to send her's with declarations and pictures to Hull. Figured we had lots of time at the time of submission, so didn't bother with the MP's diplomatic pouch route we'd used in previous years. Our trip was to leave January 15th, Her passport showed up around the 23rd..dated the 19th of January...and of course old passport/birth certificate etc...all along with it so nothing to travel with.
  2. Congrats Lexx. You didn't even look pregnant in October! LOL Glad everyone is doing well !...now change that diaper....
  3. GREAT post Mike! Thanks for taking the time that it took to put that all together. Some wonderful scenery and a tad toooo close for comfort on that fire!
  4. Leah bought me one for Christmas Gary (and she's pissed at your price!). I always hate when the boat goes over the hump of the ramp and I can't see it for the bed cover on the truck, or see much in the mirrors at that point. Was thinking of mounting it on the boat..flip a switch to turn the camera on before backing in. Good to know about the 2 hours limit as there's nothing that says that you must turn it off..just plug in and go. The camera is supposed to be hooked to your back up lights..so it turns on and off as you select gears..which to me is nuts if you want to keep an eye on what's happening as you manouver into a tight spot.
  5. Let me make a fresh cut...while you throw that salt in Tony! LOL Have a great time fella! Maybe take Amanda with you as well...
  6. Com'on Mandy....Lots of wimmin will be there. I'll even bring the candles to put on your Birthday fish if you'd like! LOL
  7. Dan...did you want one of us to find you a date?
  8. Who would have thought! LOL Thanks for pinning it up TJ. Let the count begin. Figure you and yours = 4 So Leah and I = 6
  9. None that we're gonna share with you budd ! Leah's coming with me, Ruth with Deg, Joey be there with Tybo etc etc. Enough to keep us all in check! LOL
  10. It's just like the advert on TV...."sooner or later it will find it's way into your home".
  11. Yes it will....so leave it at home!
  12. Talked with Ron and found out that his trip to Rabbit Lake had been scrubbed thanks to open water last weekend...so I did some poking around to see what I could find out. I have a trailer load of lumber I'd like to drive down the lake this winter...but it's not looking promising. As of Jan 5th they are still boating in from the Bear Island Reserve to the Mine Landing beside Loon Lodge. I'd imagine Fang's Nephew Rick is still boating his kids to the school bus from Ketchaneny. As matter of fact this satellite shot from Jan 5th is showing the ENTIRE lake wide open...except for light ice covering thru the axe narrows and in the basin right at Hyw#11. Rabbit lake and Cassels lake are open up the centres. Temiskiming and Ottawa River wide open..etc. If you are heading out in the next couple of weeks.....just because we go into a cold snap in the next couple days...PLEASE don't be lulled into the thought that the ice is safe. Talk to your local outfitters, go fully aware and fully equipped. Hand picks ready, floater suit on, etc. As you'll read in Jim's fishing report from Dad's Outdoor store there's been a drowing up there already. Play safe people! Wayne THIS IS JIM's REPORT FOR THE WEEK "FOR THE WEEK OF JANUARY 8th 2007 Good day to all and I hope your New Year has started out well and goes this way for the entire year. With all of the warm weather that has been happening in the North there is not much fishing to report on. But I will give you all of the information I have on some of the lakes in the area. As you all may have heard there has been a drowning related to thin ice on New Years day this happened on a river so this should be a warning to all, DO NOT TRUST THE ICE NO MATTER HOW IT LOOKS. Cassels Lake people have been braving the thin ice conditions and heading out just off of shore getting into 30 to 40 feet of water and pulling a few Lakers along with a couple of Walleye. But from last reports the ice is only about 3" thick so make sure your equiped with something to number one check the thickness of the ice and number two FLOAT if you happen to go through. Myself I stick to the backlakes where there is only 3 to 6 feet of water below me as a just in case. Whitney Lake just to the North of town people there too are braving the thin ice and getting a few Splake nothing big enough to write home about but nice pan sized fish. With the amount of snow on the ground so far you could almost drive back into any backlake you wish but make sure to let someone know where you are and what time your expected out or back home, better be safe than sorry. I have heard a report of one of our locals who in my opinion sits on his brains has been out on some of the big lakes and has went through about 5 times so far this year, you may be reading his Obit in one of my reports soon if someone does not put a leash on him soon. He apparently went through again last week around the Rabbit Lake area and had to break into a hunt camp for the night to try and dry out. If your heading up please at least check in and see how much ice is one the lake your planning on going to and don't push it, if in doubt stay at home it's much safer there. The ice will come sooner or later it will be here. And one thing to remember when fishing LIMIT YOUR CATCH DON'T CATCH YOUR LIMIT! Take what you need for a meal and no more they will be there on your next trip. Take care and take time! Jim Krech Dads Outdoors "
  13. Yep...as Rick says! ..and Hey Brandon...how ya been? Todays biggest spam # (about 30 times) for us at home was email from postcard.com saying a family member has sent you a greeting card....and a VERY well written message body that would have you believing that is was like Blue mountain cards or similar sending you a birthday card. Good thing I checked it first... as it's Leah's Birthday today and she would have let the thing open. Hint... If you ever have a link in an email place your cursor over it and then see what it really is on the bottom of your screen. The message link will look like a normal address...but what appears at the bottom of your screen will show the spoof address and generally a .exe if it's a phishing/spyware application.
  14. Just spend your time here. Interesting first post....mind you I know see you've been registered for months...where you been?
  15. I was just to town and back and even though it's still -8C....Not a speck of ice formed on Midland Harbour last night. Not even in the Bay Port Marina docks...so water temp is an issue as much as the wind/waves.
  16. With the winds last night...did it even freeze at all ? !
  17. That wind would have kept most wide open areas from freezing last night due to wave action. This snow fall won't help ice formation unfortunately! I also need the snow to melt again...and that looks like Friday up here Maureen. I cut up a bunch of wood on Sunday afternoon and it's now lying under the snow and needs to be found and split!
  18. Yep...nothing $200K can't fix! lol
  19. Sorry can't help MB...wish I had a brother like you though!
  20. So...how do you dig something like that back out of the ice to get if off before melt down?
  21. Bay City Marine is the Lund dealer in Hamilton. Heard great things about Clarence...but he/they couldn't be bothered to do my quotes for a Baron.
  22. "Lund" boats is way to vague to suggest pricing. Which model or line? Aaron's 1900 Pro-V that is for sale in the classifieds is listed at 1/2 the price a new 2007 would be if outfitted with a kicker/bowmount electric and fishfinders + taxes on top.
  23. Obviously a couples only "shack". You can only sleep one wide..two deep.
  24. That probably cuts you down to a very few candidates around here...lol... and I already have a trip heading to "NorthEast" Ontario in that time frame..so I can't go with ya!
  25. Here's the link to all the pictures Nip http://photografik.net/reno/ Sorry Rick...took another one off the rails....
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