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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. You know Lew....I think those were the last 3 nights of good sleep I've had....well after killing all the skitters first that is! Plan to take my new boat down into Cross Lake etc this summer and just put my blow up coleman bed in the back ! Just like the princecraft advert! Maybe I'll hit Lady E as well for some eyes....but I'll drop in out of the sky for that one! It or Diamond Lake...
  2. I think you'll be fine Tony. Just fill in North Bay..three stations just before McD's and then Mr.Gas..Husky etc up on the hill as you leave on #11. It's only 100km to Temagami from there and to be safe for the return trip refill at Shell right in Temagami... as they're bound to have fuel..but if they don't I'm sure Temagami Marine will pump you some premium from the fuel dock pump as they keep that whole area plowed. Rock Pine Motel also has fuel just south of Martin River PPark.
  3. Lots and lots of Pickeral...they is pickeral up there..no Walleyes. Access is the fun part, but there are those here on the board that have been and may help with the directives for that. Terry..the only expense is the cheap fee the family that lives at the dam charges you to trailer your boat over the dam and you can camp on Crown land for free. Not sure how many camp sites are up there though. Marty..you've got a PM bud.
  4. Connie...all that matters right now is that you have that roll of bills in your pocket for a spring trip to Geary's. Nothing else!
  5. Found them last night...but then they were dynamic links so I went to bed. Saved them and uploaded this morning..here they are... They lost it last year..so they tied it up good this year
  6. A dock..heck that's nothing.. a guy lost his entire boat house and it went a few miles down Lake Temagami last fall...the night before freeze up. Will look for that picture..
  7. NIce of you to make sure he gets his full weeks worth of Days Tom !
  8. Could be worse Bucktail...you could have done like my wife did a few years back and invested large into a CI mutual fund right after the markets closed...and then immediately after and on the same night Nortel announced their huge 1/4ly loss that turned their stock certificates to toilet paper. Lost 16% in one night. BUT she let it ride....and the same mutual fund is now worth 168% of her original investment.
  9. Doug..who's picture is the hungry Pike?
  10. Leah went to Ottawa and back without issue Sun/Mon and I went to TO and back with the other daughter. Everyone still seems to have fuel around here..Peterborough...Ottawa...PetroCan on 400 Tony...if you do head North on fumes and can't leave Temagami...see you Next Friday ! LOL I do suggest you fill your tank in North Bay (Mr. Gas..top of the hill going out of North Bay) to be safe though....
  11. That was really nice of you Jed...letting Miss Hathaway do her first post on OFC !
  12. You're only losing if you pull it out.....let it ride.....or like Connie...Buy some more ! LOL
  13. As others have stated it's a Netherlands/Holland Pike. Picture is right out of, I believe, In- Fisherman and same guy/fish is in Winter edition of Esox Angler. Not sure who/where the second picture is from but it has floated around OFC for years. The email going around with both pictures in it though claims they are Ontario Fish!
  14. Now that we have the website...that narrows it down for sure! Hopefully someone has been there and can help you out. Hey Connie...U been?....and is that the 18 you was tellin me about?
  15. Was the first place I thought of too TB...Birch Lake..North of Kaladar by Plevna. But no need to fly in there! So many lakes with the same name in Ontario...yah need to be a tad more specific...and I've never heard of Peter Kay to help.
  16. Thanks for bumpin a reminder Dave! Come'on folks...lets see the same OFC spirit we had last year. Bid hard and bid often. Remember.....This isn't Ebay where you wait to the last minute to pounce for a dollar......
  17. Nelly I have a friend with a dock done with barrels. He turned his 90* to what most do them and this stopped the tippyness as well as made in/out easy. He put the barrels under the dock and secured them with aircraft cable around the flared ends of the plastic barrels...and made them just tight enough to hold the barrels. This way they roll down his yard and right into the lake..same coming out.
  18. Tiny Johnson? .....as in Trolling Motor..
  19. Do the James Bond thing and give her hell coming out of the pool and you might make it up the hill and over the road into Six Mile... Congrats on the new ride!
  20. I've met my share of well knowns (and in most cases tolerated their false fronts).....BUT the "brush with greatness" in recent years has to be Maureen. If you guys knew half the things that she's done for man kind you'd understand why I say that. She has no false side, straight up and to the point...with a great BIG heart.
  21. The disease appears to come in weekly waves Roy...
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