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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. LOL Martin..and what did I just post... "now that Martin has gone looking for his charts..." LOL And there are two correct answers to the name of the lake in question...
  2. Park is correct and sorry..just grabbed my own charts and didn't realize that was called Methodist Point Figured that would be over by Methodist Island LOL. Lake is wrong though. Kettle and Pine I believe are the two lakes in the park. What is the bigger lake to the right of them.
  3. Nope the second shot is taken looking South/East..and you can see both Penetang and Midland Harbours in the top of the picture...heck I can even see the narrows to go into Matchedash Bay on the horizon. So now that Martin has gone to dig out his GBay Charts....in the first picture...that is Beausoleil Island in the top right qt of the picture and I'm headin East at this point..
  4. Yah...I was hopin she was on line to say "HEY THAT'S MY HOUSE"..but she's not. What does this peninsula of land belong to? and for bonus can anyone name the larger inland lake in the top/right quarter of the second shot.
  5. Mine from BOQ this fall. 31.5" fishing with Lloyd and Dano in a typhon and the 28 I caught the next day with just me and Dano out in my boat
  6. So..Which OFC'rs house is this with the BIG fence around the yard.
  7. I didn't type that too clear Lew. Midland harbour was in the top of the picture frame. Where I was in the airplane when I took the picture was right over top of the cross location on the North shore of Penetang Harbour where it dog legs out to open waters...about where you dad rented your hideaway. Best I can do for now Lew. Will get a closer shot of the shoreline if I get out again. and looking North up Penetang Bay to the shore you were on
  8. Yep ADM Milling. Smells like porrage most of the time on the waterfront. BTW..here's a better shot of the mural for those that have never seen it.. Which OFC'rs house is this with the BIG fence around the yard.
  9. Well I really should get into the shop and do some work...but it is 2:30 already..what's the point! The "Honourable" Paul Martin is visiting what for the winter...
  10. The real pisser with the reservation system is when you try to get a week..you find you can't because someone reserved ONE DAY for a Tueday.
  11. Probably Mark. Just got my oil tank filled for the furnace...not impressed at 84.9 a litre for furnace oil.
  12. Looking at the radar....London/Kitchener are getting hammered right now! Nothing up here in Penetang other than a STRONG wind out of the south.
  13. LOL Tackle Buster...right answer... 20 hours late! That's why I typed find the lastest picture before answering below that shot of the marine rail. Now...do you guys/gals want me to continue...or should I just shut up now???
  14. Yes and no Lew. The older building in the foreground is Oak Ridges..prison for those that claimed to be insane when they committed their crime. Basically the most dangerous offenders in Canada..murderers etc. The "ferris wheel" is the new super jail for 2 years less a day and for holding scum like the mother that killed her two kids in Barrie last year while she awaits trial. Midland Harbour in top of pic and I took the shot from about where your Dad rented the cottage years ago. Here's a better shot of the entire PRIME Penetang Waterfront property...that we effectionately refer to as the "Penetang Hilton" around here. At least they don't come up from Barrie on Tuesdays to do labotomies(sp) anymore.....
  15. Okay..this one isn't really fishing related in any way...well one OFC'r works there...but When I'm flying kids on Young Eagles flights I always say "Hey Look....the Penetang Ferris Wheel fell over" !
  16. Was a nice spot there for sale last fall..should have bought it using the banks money, as it looks like I could have kept it fully rented out to OFC'rs alone !
  17. What were you saying Jersey Dog.... This is looking in at Waub and Matchedash Bay. The "clutter" in the lower part of the pic is around a hundred huts. Anyone fishing here be very cautious of the extreme current under the ice here. Could be a foot thick where you're standin and 2 inches three feet away.
  18. Have a great day Bud ! Glad to see you staying ahead of me and my twin Art !
  19. Here's a shot looking pretty much West showing the pool and little lake. Then you have the locks and into Georgian Bay. Second shot explains itself
  20. I do the same thing to this day Raf. Always look out to see if the place on the island to the right is STILL for sale. Yes this is the lock out of Little Lake/Gloucester Pool into Georgian Bay...flowing under the 400 bridges. You can see it a bit in the picture...but my full size picture has an neat optical illusion to it. Looks like snow is flowing out from between the two roadways and the channel to the left actuall looks like a waterfall flowing from the Gbay side down into the area between the locks and the bridges. Oh and remember that area between the bridges and the locks is a sancutuary for part of the season guys..at least the area where the bypass flow is coming in from the right.
  21. Have fun Tony...and remember to run out of gas so you're still there when we get there next Friday ! LOL So you know...80% of the lakers and whities are being caught in 40FOW or less off the shoals. Not the usual 60 to 80 FOW of most years..so keep that in mind if John doesn't have you on fish.
  22. Yep Jersey Dog knows the spot....and yah don't bother..there's no fish there..no bass on the shoals of Jack's Rock either LOL....rope might be my bait of choice in the bay shown. Here's the next one..EASY
  23. The pool is a fair size and you also have "Little Lake" between the pool and the Port severn lock to GBay. You can also get in and fish the shallows of the outflow of Black Lake/Black River. The fast current of the little chute, the waters below big chute...the shallows of Six Mile Channel etc. Oh and have you ever seen a cub or colt with aluminum wings?? Mine is a "Murphy Rebel" that I built myself. I have some more shots of the pool and six mile...let me look for one that gives you a better overview. Also keep in mind that my Canon on Zoom is putting 30 to 40 miles into some shots that I took ....from Victoria Harbour and you can see all the way to Blue Mountain/Owen Sound in one shot.
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