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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Because they don't make anything off of them and the fee (probably somewhere between 2.7 to 3.5% for them) to accept a credit card would put them in the hole. I think Jim (Dad's Temagami) told me he only gets 60 or 70 cents, or something rediculous, for filling out a fishing licence. The hope is that you'll buy something else while in the store.
  2. Great choice Lew!! But Red??? Oh ya.. hard to teach an old firefighter a new truck colour...
  3. I know where the big perch hang out in the winter time..
  4. Like T Fisher.. I have a 350 big bear... 1995 if I remember right. Starts with no effort.. 4 seasons.. -40 or not. Quick hit of the button or a single pull of the rope. Unlike T Fisher... it's got the oil still in it from after the first dealer oil change. Never been changed since. Carb.. never been off... saving grace.. maybe all that 100LL AV Gas we've run thru it instead of car gas with all them nasty varnish making additives.
  5. I like mine... think I grabbed it on sale for $30 at CTC last fall. CAREFULLY turning the burner assembly from the way it comes.. makes for a real nice cooking surface! I have a little coffee pot to boil water for Mr. Noodles and to heat tinfoil covered wraps for everyone's lunch. Last week I used it to heat up a can of Chef BoyrD.. works great. Heck.. keeps you warm in the hut too ! LOL
  6. Looks like someone missed a spot with the Rapala sissors.....oh ya there's no slot size for perch!
  7. Give Chuck a ring.. before he sticks it on his windshield !!
  8. What do I think... the Olympics should have been kept as an amateur event ! That said.. there's some good talent there, now can they "click" together is the ?
  9. Terry and I just Friday... Lloyd's plan was three days. Give him a ring.. he's planning to motel it in Bobcagen I think to save a lot of driving.
  10. That's all it is Jocko... you'd need a pump to over fill and why mjack is claiming hard to get a good fill. You'll never it get it as full as it came from the store.
  11. Have fun John... call the airline and see what you can carry on. It's getting pretty nuts.. or is that petting..
  12. I knew the silly ass would be fishing... just wasnt' sure where! Don't let him whine to you later when his arm's all screwed up !
  13. Yep.. like Terry, can't wait !!! Just think of all the pressure it's going to take off the lakes we fish! LOL We'll be on a 15 lake for opening day of 2010. Have fun Mike and play safe ! Maybe Ronnie can come up and run your heater for you with his good arm! (but I have that crazy feeling he might just be with us!)
  14. Sounds more like an x-cop with a grudge. Terrible no matter how you look at it.
  15. Just fillet them like a pickeral... then slice out the Y bones.. batter with your favourite stuff and deep fry. If you get all the bones out.. nobody will know, that's eating them, that they aren't 'eyes!
  16. Remember those reg books are free.. and here's the on-line for 2010 for Zone 17. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR_E001336.pdf Pike season is now open all year except where noted by exception. Limit is still 6 for Sport.. 2 for Con.
  17. I figure he succumbed to the Mod Q blues and went Striper fishing for the holidays... Oh... there he is... lol
  18. Terry described it above GBW .. you just need an old propane torch head and an old BBQ regulator hose. Don't have them.. click the ebay link! lol
  19. A sled helmut bag, with the draw string, will work in some cases as well Tony !
  20. I found a small double zipper top gym bag worked perfect for mine Motion and also gave me a pocket to put the auger extension in!
  21. Motion... stop posting Ebay links... click.. click..password..click.. now I'm short a case of beer !
  22. Well you have fun out there.. Terry, know anyone that would want his spot ??
  23. Man... at least one of ya's good lookin !
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