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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. You had a hoe in bed.... Wait 'till I see your wife..
  2. I think I pretty much covered everything he needs to do in my 2nd post Jim.... short of the forms he needs... glad Smally appreciated it anyhow. I could get the pardon forms as well, for a canuck going to the USA, if I went out and turned on my sisters computer in the shop.....
  3. John.. just a personal view.. nothing that I've read.. been shown.. told with factual back up.. or otherwise have knowledge of.. justifies the higher price of Sythetic vs dinasour. Had a customer that demanded I use an $18/ litre synthetic bike oil in his Rotax 912 aircraft engine... that he picked up from a TO bike shop and left with me twice a year to do his bi-annual maintenance. I tried to get him to stick with the $3.50/liter Castrol GTX bike oil with gear box additive from CTC that I've run in both my wife's and father-in-laws 912s for over a decade...... 3 years on his expensive European stuff and a $12,000 overhaul later.. he's letting me use what I want !
  4. Jesus John.. is that your best side?? Good to see Lady luck let you out of the nest. Gonna take a lot of trips without her to catch up though....
  5. Lots of reasons. 1/ I'm a dinasour.. hard to teach an old dinasour new tricks. 2/ In many cases it's too slippery and doesn't allow rings to seat/seal for proper compression strokes. 3/ Not recommended for Supercharged engines. 4/ Does not scavenge lead properly.. which is a big deal for me.. considering AV gas has lead in it as does fuel required for my old cars. 5/ It's a good lubricant for many applications.. but it's a terrible cleaner! 6/ History of failures like this multi million dollar Cluster.... http://www.avweb.com/news/news/182891-1.html
  6. Got out with Terry, Lloyd and Drew again today. Up at 5:30.. off to meet Terry for 7 in Orillia and the same routine as New Years Day to have us fishing by 8:30 on a Zone 15 lake. Terry's starting to get really pissed about the blind fold though! A tad brisk this morning at -18C.. but thankfully no wind worth speaking of and the sun came out full. Big difference having a black hut vs the blue Clams. I didn't have to turn my heat on.. just left my door open into the sun, well until I turned it on to boil water for my Mr. Noodles, and then once use to the heat couldn't turn it off. Lloyd had his hut at a balmy 31*C for most of the day, and I forgot to grab a shot of his red neck thermal hut design.. I think he was trying to get Drew to strip down.. but I don't really want to know! At one point Terry was moving spots and well.. Houston.. we have a man down, but hey look.. he's okay! lol Hope the back straightens itself out tomorrow bud. Terry, Drew and I got skunked. Lloyd got into a couple of lakers. One keeper and one big squirmer that he let go. Neither had fin clips so suspect natural repros. The other day I decided to do some new rod holders. My hut had the little rings that flip out but make the rod statically (word?) stiff. Amazing what you can make out of an old door mount shoe rack. These allow the rod to tip ever so easily down if a fish takes the bait.. and take about 3 seconds to remove from the frame to put the cover on for transport. Mr. Noodles and Chief Boy R D for lunch ! We were on 10 to 11"s of ice!
  7. Yah.. it was Roger on the door ! lol.. sorry Steve.. couldn't resist.
  8. Overcoming Exclusion from Canada. There are several ways individuals can overcome criminal inadmissibility, but the short answer you must give your client is that there is no short and easy way to do it.º These include: Deemed rehabilitation at a Canadian port of entry; Streamlined rehabilitation at a Canadian port of entry; Approval of rehabilitation through a Canadian Consulate in the United States; and A Temporary Resident Permit through a Canadian Consulate in the United States 1. Deemed Rehabilitation. Persons are eligible to apply for deemed rehabilitation at a port of entry if the following are true: There was only one conviction in total; At least ten years have elapsed since all of the sentences for the conviction were completed (payment of all fees, jail time completed, restitution paid, etc); The conviction would not be considered serious criminality in Canada (most felony convictions in the United States are equivalent to serious criminality in Canada); and The conviction did not involve any serious property damage, physical harm to any person, or any type of weapon. top º U.S. lawyers should note that Canada only recognizes three types of paid representatives named on Canadian immigration forms: immigration consultants who are members in good standing of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC); lawyers who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society and students-at-law under their supervision; and notaries who are members in good standing of the Chambre des notaires du Québec and students-at-law under their supervision. Submission of an Immigration form and designation of a U.S. lawyer who is not a member of one of these three groups will result in Canada returning the application. 2. Streamlined Rehabilitation. Persons are eligible to apply for streamlined rehabilitation at a port of entry if the following are true: There were two or less convictions in total; At least five years have elapsed since all of the sentences for the conviction(s) were completed (payment of all fees, jail time completed, restitution paid, etc); The convictions would not be considered serious criminality in Canada (most felony convictions in the United States are equivalent to serious criminality in Canada); and The convictions did not involve any serious property damage, physical harm to any person, or any type of weapon. 3. Deemed & Streamlined Rehabilitation Applications. Deemed rehabilitation and streamlined rehabilitation applications are processed at Canadian ports of entry. Submitting an application for rehabilitation does not guarantee that the request will be approved. Should your client wish to apply for either, the client must bring the following documents to a port of entry during regular business hours (Monday - Friday between 8am and 5pm): A United States passport or birth certificate (with photo identification); A copy of court documents for each conviction, and proof that all sentences were completed; A recent FBI identification record; Recent police certificates from the state where the conviction(s) occurred, and from any state where a person has lived for six (6) months or longer in the last 10 years; and A fee is involved for the streamlined rehabilitation process, equivalent to $200.00 Canadian. There is no fee for deemed rehabilitation. top 4. Approval of Rehabilitation. If more than 5 years have elapsed since all sentences related to the conviction(s) were completed, but a person is not eligible for rehabilitation at a port of entry (because of the nature or number of convictions), a person may apply for approval of rehabilitation through a Canadian Consulate in the United States. The same documents required for port of entry rehabilitation identified above are also required for rehabilitation through a Canadian Consulate, plus a completed Application for Criminal Rehabilitation (Citizenship & Immigration Canada Form IMM 1444. Five Canadian Consulates in the U.S. process criminal applications - Buffalo, NW, New York, NY, Detroit, MI, Los Angeles, CA, and Seattle, WA. Again, the decision to approve rehabilitation is discretionary, so there is no certainty in obtaining admission to Canada. In the situation where a person is ineligible for rehabilitation because of the nature or number of convictions, employment of competent Canadian immigration counsel may facilitate approval of the application. 5. Temporary Resident Permit. If a person is not eligible for deemed, streamlined, or approved rehabilitation, the only option remaining (short of a pardon or executive action) is to apply for a temporary resident permit. This is a process where a person requests special permission to enter or remain in Canada. A person seeking a temporary resident permit submits the documents required for deemed or streamlined rehabilitation as well as a completed Application for Criminal Rehabilitation, except that the applicant does not check the box in § A(1) indicating Application for Approval of Rehabilitation, but instead checks the box in § A (2) indicating For Information Only. As poignantly noted on the Citizenship & Immigration Canada website, the Customs and Immigration officer will review the Application form, look at the nature of the offenses, the number of offenses, when the offences happened, and the applicants current situation, and then the officer will: At Canadian visa offices outside of Canada: advise that they do not recommend that you travel to Canada; or, advise that you could apply for special permission (temporary resident’s permit) to enter Canada. At Ports of Entry (airport, marine or land) (Contact your nearest Canadian visa office before traveling into Canada.) advise that you will not be allowed to enter Canada and ask you to return immediately to your country of departure; take enforcement action (arrest, detention and/or removal); or, advise that you could apply for special permission (temporary resident’s permit) to enter Canada. In Canada ask that you leave Canada voluntarily; take enforcement action (arrest, detention, and/or removal from Canada); or advise that you could apply for special permission (temporary resident’s permit) to remain in Canada. top The safest course of conduct is to make application for, and obtain approval of, a Temporary Resident Permit at a Canadian consulate in the U.S. prior to attempting entry to Canada. The website indicates that Approval of Rehabilitation and Temporary Resident Permits take a minimum of six (6) months to process in the Seattle office; a telephone conversation last month indicated the time in Seattle is much closer to one year. Clients seeking quicker decisions should direct their applications to the Canadian Consulates in Detroit and Buffalo. Failure to timely seek a Temporary Resident Permit can result in disastrous consequences. A client who failed to seek a Temporary Resident Permit was stopped at Customs and Immigrations in Toronto, detained, and returned to Denver the next morning on the next flight home. He was also unable to close a multi-million dollar sale, and lost his job as a vice-president in the cellular phone industry. Another client who failed to seek a Temporary Resident Permit was stopped, questioned, and permitted to enter Canada for business, but was counseled she would not always be so lucky. Once a Temporary Resident Permit is granted, it must be updated every 6 months to 1 year. It is not permanent. There are significant non-refundable processing fees associated with Temporary Resident Permits, and not surprisingly, higher fees correspond to cases involving more serious criminality. top 6. Processing Problems. The most frequent problem is inadequate or incomplete documentation. Although court documents may be difficult to obtain, Canada typically requires them for review. Proof of sentences being completed is critical, which could be anything from a letter received stating that a person’s civil rights have been restored or a letter from a probation officer stating that all sentences were completed successfully, to proof of the final payment of a fine showing a zero balance. If court documents and/or proof of completed sentences have been destroyed by the court, Canada requires a letter from the court which clearly indicates that files are no longer available. Canada also needs to see original FBI certificates and state police certificates issued within the year, and requests all required materials be submitted in one package. While the minimum processing time for these applications is six (6) months, many cases take longer to process.
  9. Works both ways.. you can't go into the states if you have one here either! You need to apply for a pardon.
  10. Thanks Raf.. figured they had to be down stream a tad from the resort.. as it's too shallow and not safe directly in front of it.
  11. Nothing wrong with a women that likes toys Johnny !
  12. It just what friends do Jennifer.. no thanks needed or expected. Wayne
  13. Shouldn't be an issue John.. just don't drive off of it. If you want to fish our end of the lake... you can drive to my dock and park there and walk out from there. Doug has the road plowed to my dock and my "parking lot".
  14. That happens with any carrier from time to time.. All I can tell you is normal Fedex charges $7 brokerage no matter the value. UPS can be anywhere from $15 to $90 and there's no rhyme nor reason to it! Fedex Freight... I had them here on Wednesday with a single acrylic aircraft windshield in a cardboard box.. arrived mint.. although it wasn't mine! lol... that little issue was cleared up around 3:45 PM Wednesday and the company I bought it from shipped my carton of 5 windshields that night, or Thursday am, from Pittsburg PA and I received it today at 2pm. Again in mint condition. I consider that some darn good service considering time of day to get the shipment out... the guys I bought from had to contact my import broker in Barrie.. they had to send the information back to Fedex and the border for pre-clearance etc. A favour owed would still require customs clearance... unless the driver is real brave in this day and age to get held up at the border. Then again.. why are we discussing this just because Albert's too cheap to just ship the stuff!!
  15. Use Fedex Albert... $7 brokerage vs UPS's crown and anchor wheel !
  16. You are right David... but that said, anyone here that is up against a "stunt driving" charge for doing 50+ over the speed limit.. grab a lawyer. The charge and having you face jail time for it is against Section 7 of the Charter of rights.. and you will walk and the crown will get your legal costs. Talk of even a class action suit being launched against the province for all that have been processed to date. 2 Judges have set precidence by throwing out Stunt driving charges as a violation of Section 7 of the Charter.
  17. 3HP should have a jet screw... turn it in fully (lightly.. no forcing) and count the turns to see how it was set.... and then back it out 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 turns and see how it goes.
  18. Jealousy is a wonderful thing... Bringing that tomorrow so you can see what's not biting your hook... correct!
  19. Sometimes I wonder what they're thinking.. Pigeau should have know better all considered and the fact that there was immense amounts of open water on the lake on Christmas Eve (and there still is). There are many that rip across on as little as an inch of ice to get to the mine landing early into freeze up. One hickup.. water in the fuel.. belt blowing.. getting to slow can = disaster. Even in the sheltered bay to my place I would have walked out to our camp at Christmas...and never considered a sled this year. Last year.. I drove the F150 to the dock, on the 22nd of December, as a comparison. Good to hear the ice road is at least in to Bear... but anyone considering travelling it to go fishing.. don't get off of it into the snow... you won't find much ice there ! I bet they've been flooding the ice road to build the thickness up.
  20. Remember.. bottled water is regulated under the food and drug act and not the provincial safe water act! It can be bottled from ANY source... even that tap you have an issue with coming out of Lake Ontario. The bottler does not need any licence to bottle and sell water and does not have to disclose where they are getting the water... unless they label it as Spring water and then they have to list the springs source
  21. You talking in Port Severn?? Be pretty hard pressed for safe ice in front of there... They must take you down the road and onto the lake further down from the dam??
  22. Shows what many don't comprehend in a big lake... that's current !
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