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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. It's actually off by 2 hours and 10 minutes!
  2. Thanks Jer... I know exactly where you mean. Next run to Ottawa I'll drop mine off.. edit.. thanks Terry!
  3. What's the address.. wish I had of thought of that on my way through the 'borough last week. Wanna drop a 400TE in for a sticky thumb bar and drag washers while it's open.
  4. LOL.. I plan to just that.... (the rum punch that is, no running!) .... my favourite from this year Dax !
  5. Yep.. they are fella. I had the same thoughts a few years back.. but look forward to the ice fishing now............but when the winter blues set in you can always jump one one of these and get away !
  6. Vince... start typing in full sentences.. and slowly !
  7. I still have mine 30 years later !
  8. Here's last years report from Fisherman http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27765
  9. When you install the hyfax runners... you'll need to use a heat gun to curve them at the front (after putting the first bolt in). No way they'll go down without doing that. Mine were also about 7" too long.. and the bolt pattern wasn't the best after cutting them off. At the rear end I had to counterbore an extra hole, about 2" in from the end, as the last hole in the runner after cutting them off would have left about 5 or 6" of runner flopping around..... just begging to get snapped off.
  10. Be sure to order the Hifax runners for it Dave if you're gonna tow it any distance with the sled. I got mine thru Wholesale sports in Calgary. http://www.wholesalesports.com/onlinestore I pulled mine for about 4000 feet on Saturday.. along the track from pulling it out with Lloyd's sled. It pulls pretty easily... if you're in shape.. which I'm not. That was the hut.. plus a 20 lb propane tank (35lbs).. plus hand auger (5 to 10 lbs).. and my gear/backpack/lunch bag for probably another 60 lbs. Total weight probably close to 185 lbs. Best way I found was rope under arm pits.. around the shoulder and behind the neck.
  11. Not for me... I was the only one that could pull gear and climb the portage hills ! Anders.... some great fish to make all the effort worth while!.. . although I'm sure even without fish you guys would have throughly enjoyed the day!
  12. Drive around the hole from yestedays car....
  13. I should take my 102C down to see why it goes nuts, if you turn the sensitivity above 76% when ice fishing
  14. Don't think so fella.... had the town cop hold the radar gun up and show me the 181, that he picked me off at before I backed off coming into town. Told me to pick his daughter up in dad's other car that night..... and thinking back, that was on good old CTC Tornado tires !!!
  15. Didn't Lloyd tell ya Ron.. we're gonna foot it into Eagle Lake! Great stuff Anders... tired me out just looking at it !
  16. I bet it didn't come with the same hut warmer though....
  17. It is Art.. and this will be the first one I miss thanks to the date being changed from normal...we hinted lots though!
  18. Kosh.. above it... is frozen good.. I know as my cousins have all been out to check their cottages.
  19. Not a lot of monitoring needed Jim. Yes the right side of the panel is oil pressure.. oil temp..amp gauge.. volt meter.. below it CHT, EGT, Left fuel, Right fuel. Tachometer on the right side of the main panel... below it is an ice detector for my carburator throat. GPS is in the Radio you see in the panel.. It's a Bendix KLX135.. $4200 item when I bought it. Would prefer a moving map now.. but can't justify it. Only thing Murphy makes in a tandem is the Renegade bi-planes. Nothing wrong with a 44" wide (that's 6" wider than a C185!) cabin. I like my wife beside me.. not behind me like an Afhgan lady.
  20. All those years as a Rock star have caught up with him Bernie !!
  21. You haven't witnessed speed.. until you have the 150 MPH speedo in your '69 SuperBee.. wrapped around the bottom and sitting at 20MPH. Ahhh.. the good old days...
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