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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. You'll love the shelter Dave! Hope it came with the seats and not chairs.... Here's mine and my hut warmer with a fish on..
  2. Yah.. he's got 3 times the horsepower too Malcolm ! When he's weighted down with the same pound/HP ratio we're identical for take off.. as we both have the same airfoil design on our wings! Spiel.. you are correct.. Stick.. not Yoke. Stick is simple to build control wise.. yoke is more complex.. extra weight and I hate flying with my arms out like driving a car. Last clip Lloyd just set the camera in the corner of the windshield adn why it's crooked. Before Spring I hope to pick up some tiny cameras that I can mount on the wing, tail and float to record some nice stuff for next season. Terry... why I carry barf bags in the airplane !! Prop Stop???... you know how shutter speed works and light frequencies. You can actually verify that your tach is correct by going out at night and running the airplane up in front of a light standard.. or portable work light. Any division of 60.. the prop will look like it's perfectly still.. so 1200 rpm... 1800 rpm... 2400 rpm will all look like the prop has stopped. When I come in to land I usually pull back to about 1500 rpm.. so I guess Lloyds shutter speed is some division of that.. Roy... I'm just surprised that Lloyd could let go of the "oh crap" handles long enough to play with the camera...
  3. $45 at CTC.. plus of course a one time purge fee and filling at your local propane dealer.. if you can find one anymore that fills and isn't just a 20lb trade a tank.
  4. I'll be doing it again Thursday Morning Rick... 30,000 feet.. south bound !
  5. I offered to stop at the IGA in Brechin on the way home... Terry said he was good ....
  6. Look up Rob... that's the picture from Saturday !! It's not snow.. just wind and water movement. There is very little snow up there.. sled trails aren't even open. Have never fished Diamond.. but check my Diamond overflight video.. pause it and look for shoals! lol
  7. I thought you would baby sit .. and Jessy and I would get out !!
  8. Not sure what his issue is Dabluz... I can't keep my 2 HP Jiffy Legend 9" away from the guys. Single scraper blade that rips through 3 feet of ice...light weight over a shoulder and drills hole after hole !! I did notice this year that the entire thing is plastic though.. not sure how long that's gonna last. As for Pete... I think he's happy now.. tomorrow on the ice will tell..
  9. Finally got Lloyd's SD card, from our escapades back in September, 2009 Be sure to click full screen to get the full effect !!! Here's our take off from my camp...heading for Eagle Lake for big pike with the canoe on the side of the airplane. Wave at Leah on the way by !! The start up after pulling anchor on Eagle lake.. no fish there. Taxing on Eagle to give you a view of the peace and tranquility...other than that engine running. Curving take off from Eagle lake.. heading for a better fishing ground. Nice shot of Diamond Lake from the air. Landing on Fry Lake A nice scenic trip from Kokoko Lake to the townsite of Temagami, and my dock.
  10. Good show Terry... I seached Propane tank.. and it didnt' come up! BBQ Tank ! lol Shows in stock in Midland.. but I wouldn't hold my breath.. have never seen one in there.. as of Friday even. Also says in stock in BOTH Whitby CTC stores..
  11. What's your address again... ;O)
  12. Last year the Richmond Hill CTC had 5 lb tanks on the shelf. Pull up the CTC website and go store to store looking for stock..
  13. Great stuff Emil... good to see you out and about.
  14. Here's one of Lew.. almost showing how happy he is with his new ride.
  15. Sorry Boss... won't be in town.. but Misfish was taking the bulls by the horn..
  16. Well Johnny was with her of course...
  17. Geeee Mike... would this be a bad time to say she's slept in my bed too...
  18. Hey Terry... I meant to ask you... did you get your Ice Transducer yet???
  19. Yep.. the Adams are great folks... and their daughter Sue outfishes her husband Des in most Bass Tourneys they enter....
  20. You turned those screws yet Pete ???
  21. No they came up with it, because the sales tool was there.... the fear of fossil fuel depletion.
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