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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Don't feel bad Rob.. my Maclean and Maclean french dictionary doesn't help me at all !!
  2. LOL.. I missed this part !!! Wasn't me.. but I do know who it was and it is true.. was flown home this way. Not an issue.. that's what we call a "field repair" !
  3. Otonabee is awfully high for this time of year (as I noted today... it's up on the front lawn of the Satin's Choice establishment).. so I can only imagine the current's pretty strong through the lake somewhere..
  4. Why not... it would pass a maule fabric punch test! lol Ya bring'm home anyway you can...
  5. Throw three logs in the fireplace.. go to kitchen.. pour rum, then soda of choice into tall glass... return to living room with same and stand in front of the fireplace. Best I can do Jeff !
  6. John... I'm kinda hoping that my next fishing report is... an open water report... from somewhere REALLY warm !
  7. I'd have drove Terry's truck out onto the lake we were on yesterday !
  8. I like Terry can't be there on the 20th... but also like Dan would have no issues paying $10 to access the lake, considering the hundreds..even thousands in gear we're pulling and the fact many stop and buy $10 or $20 worth of minnows, what's the big deal with $10 more to park somewhere with great close access..PROVIDED they actually plow the parking lot!
  9. I'm afraid to google "hole freezing over" as well....
  10. Knew I forgot a step on the way back out....
  11. Congrats to the whole fam damly Brian !
  12. Not sure whos great idea this was... but to bed at 1 and up at 5:30.. to pick Terry up in Orillia by 7 and head for Lake Lloyd in Zone 15. The great day, today, almost didn't happen... I left the old truck with a 1/2 tank of gas, after last Sunday's outing, and I jumped in it this morning to be greated by about an 1/8th of a tank... damn kids!! New Years day and of course not a gas station open in Midland.. not that any are usually open before 6 anyhow.. but I had hope. So I pedalled that old GM like I've never done before... cruise control for most of the highway travel and pulled into Orillia to see that even Timmy's was closed... oh no.. this ain't gonna be good. Thinking we're gonna be stuck in Orillia with no gas and even the peelers ain't open! lol. Got lucky and the Sunoco was the ONLY station open, right beside where I pick Terry up in front of the Hock Shop... I put 95.36 litres into a 95 litre tank !! So fuel in the tank.. next door to load Terry's stuff and off we headed for Lake Lloyd. Around Kirkfield I threw the hood over Terry's head again (for the second time in a week) for the next hour or so. He's pretty quiet when you do that.. must be something he practices at home! Arrived at the lake about 8:20 and loaded up our hut'boggans... to the tune of I forgot my fishing rods in the truck! Lucky for Terry.. I had 4 with me. With our lack of sleep.. it was great that Lloyd and Drew were already there.. and Lloyd had brought his sled, so he came in and towed us out. We drilled a few holes, got all set up and stared and stared and stared as fishies teased us on the "video game screen". Around 10:30 I had a big "hook" pop up on my screeen and whipped my spoon up towards it quickly.. a couple jigs and fish on. Nice, strong, squirmy laker that we released after a quick picture. Wish I had of kept it for supper after coming home to an empty house. Lots of movement on the finder after that, for all of us, but the fish were definitely out partying last night as well.. because they sure weren't aggressive. Called my Step-father around 11:30 from the hut to wish him a Happy New Year and got the usual lecture.. "what do you mean you are out fishing again... and I bet you let the darn thing go too.. why do you do that.. eat them for God's sake". Unfortunately he just can't grasp the concept, at 79 years of age, as to why we catch and release. A man that escaped German occupation of his Polish homeland... losing a buddy in the ordeal.. scrounging food to survive... just can't figure it all out, this thing we call catch and release. Many moves thru the day... lots of holes manual drilled.. well except the old guy with his 3HP power auger! Lloyd got a nice big, 6 or 7 lb, laker mid afternoon, but was too far away to get a picture. After moving back into a group.. and Lloyd (actually in my holes from the first laker) pulled up another one around 3pm, and it was something that he even got it up. Not sure if you can make it out... but you'll see the line back and forth between both holes. Laker swam around the 2nd line before he got it up. So three Lakers were the total for the 4 or us today when Terry and I left at 3:30. Keith had showed up at about 3Pm after fishing Rice Lake earlier, without any real success, and Lloyd text us to say Keith caught a Laker just as we were driving out the lake access road. Attached a few pictures... my FTP is down for my website for uploading. Thanks for the great start to the year lads !!
  13. Ummmm.. I think that happened 10 years ago ! What school you going to again?? 2010... two years before Armageddon Fish now... while you still can !
  14. Really hate these kind of posts.. call him first in the am.. and then if need be post here asking if he's honest. A much better order of progression IMHO.
  15. LOL.. but were you at home.. a little birdy I met at 3pm, by the name of Keith, told me otherwise !LOL Great trip out Jeff... and a new OFC'r on the list of fishing partners. That's the best part usually...
  16. Hey... we'll chip in and buy you a laptop !!
  17. Don't know.. but not the time of year I'd be playin on the ice in the dark...but that's just me. I'll be on a lake at sun up though.
  18. Have FUN you'z two. Stay out of the Whiskey bud...
  19. Thanks for the report Paul !!
  20. Yep.. they do it every year.... just when we get good ice they come in and break it up. The only positive...we still have a harbour that is used for commercial operations and employment.. Ogilvie Mills (AGM) and the Silica Sand folks at Unimin Canada.
  21. Don't sell your local guy short either. Leah got me a HJC from Factory Recreation in Midland last year cheaper than Royal would do!
  22. Carbide ski plastic drive on guides?? Saw it in Princess auto flyer for around $70... or Royal Distributing would have it I'm sure.
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