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Status Updates posted by irishfield

  1. Sad to see that old Don washed his airplane today... hope he has some good help to get it out tomorrow even if it's a tinny tied under each wing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      Shoulda put his floats on I guess, thought he'd get in one last flight. Has owned that citabria since 1976!


    3. Joey


      Lucky is right!


    4. irishfield


      Just a good thing Don knows how to swim and that he could get a door open!


  2. Anyone have an 18 Volt x 1.5 to 2.0 Ah charger lying around collectiing dust because their drill packed it in? Done fixing my charger, this time transformer gone.... need another. Send me a PM

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. irishfield


      Yah.. basically Terry and Davey.. have one on the way from Strik.. thanks for asking!

    3. Terry


      well I have a dewalt charger if needed

    4. irishfield


      Ok.. if Striks won't work for me.. you're on deck! I'm just going to wire the new one into my battery charge shoe as it's different than any other I can find.

  3. Jennifer back home in her own apartment.. to get back to some sort of normality at both ends! Just in time for her and her friends Super Bowl party tomorrow!

  4. Well at least I know why cty rd 6 is closed between the 12th and 13th... Son needs a new car! Some lady was nice enough to stop in the middle of the road and leave her WHITE car there!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. irishfield
    3. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      They should be facing fraud charges if they offer $500 for a $3,500 vehicle.

    4. irishfield


      A tiring game for sure John... but we all know the insurance industry is just legalized fraud to start with!

  5. Might snow..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. misfish
    3. irishfield


      Better than anywhere else I've ever set up my ice hut!

    4. Tdel


      Might snow......look out the window Wayne. :o(

  6. If you want to fish in Beaverton tomorrow... just start in Bradford and pop your hut up.. but hold on tight!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Terry


      not much better today, hut was flapping like a humming bird

    3. irishfield


      A good part of why you weren't dropped in upon...


    4. Terry


      yeah that wouldn't be a pretty landing

  7. Good to see Livinisfishin today.. you guys get that chimney all sealed up at #1 sons?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      Been sunny all day.. maybe I'll go down and see how much water is dripping on the fireplace! ;)


    3. irishfield


      Don't see any puddles on top of the fireplace.. of course no snow left above the chimney either.. time will tell but sure it's golden!

    4. livinisfishin


      Thats good to hear!

  8. Anyone have an easy source for 8 epoxy on undermount sink attach clips? Easy to find state side.. striking out here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      Aholes that just installed our 2k vanity top state we glued it (I don't know with what was ice fishing).. if your plumber doesn't mechanically secure it it's not our fault! Sad considering the HDepot top downstairs came with clips!


    3. misfish
    4. irishfield


      Thanks B.. realized with the sink overall width the same as the cabinet I could just wood block it so I did!

  9. Watched them raise the gas prices 8 cents / liter at 2pm. Must have been a refinery fire or something as surely it has nothing to do with the Friday before Christmas...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. misfish


      At the end of the day,does it really matter,when you only have to drive a few KM to fish? LOL

    3. irishfield


      200 each way yesterday..

    4. Acountdeleted


      gas is 99.9 in Edmonton. Want me to send you some for Christmas?

  10. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Headhunter today !!! ;)

  11. God Speed to the 5 in Red Lake. The 29 year old male survivor is a friend of our youngest daughter.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. grt1


      the whole community is in shock, we certainly feel the pain up here as the local folks that died were active in the community .

    3. Whopper


      That is the third mishap that I have heard in that area this year. Flew in and out of there in June. Feel sorry for the ones that perished?

    4. irishfield


      Any unfortunate night grt... not sure what happened on final, but it went to hell in a handbasket quickly. The 29 year old is a good lad.. called for help and at the same time pulled a lady to safety.


  12. Anyone else hitting the ACC tomorrow?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RDR


      LMAO..I decided to sell my pair for the Eagles and buy another reel...LOL I hope they put on a good show!

    3. kickingfrog


      It's been a long time since I paid $8 for a beer there.

    4. irishfield


      $61 for four beers was about 8% of the cost of the night.. so not a big deal in the grand scheme of things



  14. Livewells and power washer winterized and capped.. ready for late season Musky hunting, if I can make it happen.

    1. Whopper
    2. irishfield


      Thanks Phil... Not sure I'll find a window of opportunity with all that's going on, but it's ready to go if I do!


    3. BillM


      Hopefully to be out on GBay soon as well Wayne for some 'skis.

  15. 48 hours without the internet.. almost had to get out the underwriter just to keep my typing speed in tact!

  16. Jennifer being interviewed on 104.1 the Dock at 8:30 or so this morning for the Hope Lives Here book release.

    1. Tdel


      Jenn is on right now.

  17. Another full week of 24/7 gin pole in the books for Jennifer! Back again on the 28th to hopefully continue pending what the 8am CT says..

    1. misfish


      Make the best of the thanks giving weekend my friend. Stay strong Jen.;0)

    2. Jen


      I will add Jen to my thoughts and prayers. Hope you can enjoy atleast some of the beauty this weekend is suppose to bring!

    3. irishfield


      Thanks B and B !


  18. If you want a fall charter on the Bay of Quinte for 'eyes... book now as Lloyd's dates are filling up fast. PM Fishhunter!

    1. Terry


      I'm booked for late nov

    2. misfish


      Is my name on the list? Need a date.

    3. irishfield


      "On the list".. did you email or call him to book a trip?

  19. Can't believe people are threatening people in a hockey post... DANG... almost as serious as Musky Charter fellas! LMAO

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Just some fun ,I think Some guys are very loyal to there teams.No harm done in my opinion.

    3. irishfield


      Oh I didn't see any harm in it either Dave.. Muskymatt is still welcome in my boat, I just might to take bids for him being left out there.. lol


    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Now that you mention it,where is he tonight lol.

  20. What a great day.. no wind = bottom of boat able to be sprayed with Starbrite to get 4 months of grunge cleaned off it and an hour in the air to boot!

  21. Two full days of chemo in the books.. gets out Friday vs Saturday at least as they took a day off the treatment regime in the 2.5 years since having it last!

  22. 3 years less a month and "ground hog day" starts itself all over again. Back to inpatient full week chemo for Jen.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigugli


      and the dance goes on.... Sorry to hear.

    3. spincast


      well that's a turn I'd hoped you didn't have to make. We're pullin' for Jena d the family. Kick it again Jen!

    4. misfish


      You know our prayers are always with you and your family Wayne.

      Jen,kick ass girl.

  23. Off to see the Wizard... back in a week.. hopefully!

  24. Why are toilet bolts always 3/4" too long to get the fancy caps snapped in place?

    1. Terry


      and here I thought I was the only one that happens to

    2. dhickey


      Better than to short. Cut them file them a little bit of oil and its good to go.

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