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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Great stuff fella !! Next time Dad's will be smaller than yours!!
  2. I was pretty certain we were gonna need a big excavator to extract her... ...and you're right Terry, you weren't there. Did you happen to drive by or something ! All that work to have continuous wire runs, but what can ya do...
  3. Great day on the water with 1/2 the family Mike !!
  4. Well today wasn't quite as fun, although we did add a generation to the Thanksgiving "festivities" with Leah's father lending a hand. My plan was to be up early and get the trench filled with enough time to get in a quick flight and then get the boat/gear ready for Leah and I to head North in the am to close up camp. Well that all went out the window about 11:15 as I slide into the soup in the low area of the trench that was water filled. Amazed my little 350 kept running on this angle.. but I couldn't get anywhere with the left track bound into the side of the trench. Luckily the $8000 length of 25KVA primary cable was on the right side of the trench so the track never got to it. I did bugger the 3 runs of phone and 2 runs of cable coax though, as the track gaps caught it. The following operation only took us about 3 hours Just wish we had of thought to grab the contractors yard lift first before trying anything else or there wouldn't be the need for 40 cable splices to be made as we had to dig up behind the machine and find good line.. cut.. cut ahead and add pieces in. 36 phone wires and 4 cable coax splices (all pulled above ground in Big O so the splices aren't buries). BTW a Kubota key fits a John Deer yard lift for anyone finding them self in a similar situation.. Not the nicest thing to do to my skidder winch...but what can ya do! That little dozer weights 6800 lbs! Shortly after this shot... one of those sling cables broke, but the other held enough to toss some logs under the track. And then we lifted again, and more logs. And then we pulled and nobody told #1 son my dozer stalled and he kept going and broke that 5/8 cable ! Notice I'm ready for something of that sort and my head is DOWN! Uni - Uni or Square ?? 3 generations knot tying ! Only one smart guy with gloves... At 70 Leah's father doesn't really seem to care.. This time we're out. Then got the pleasure of a 1/2 hour of digging the mud out of the track mechanism with a crow bar and 4 hours of riding the thing to finish. Guess we'll be a day later getting North, but the son has no more excuses left that Hydro can't hook him up yet!
  5. Great stuff Simon!! Nothing like a pickeral Thanksgiving supper ..
  6. I should add.. and Kristal also happy to see that the house, that #1 son suckered her into designing and drawing for him, is actually being framed successfully.
  7. Not exactly what I had planned for this weekend of beautiful weather, but what can you do other than enjoy the moments that come with it...and be thankful for what you have around you, exhausted or not! Yesterday we pulled a 1000 foot length of 25KVA primary from the closest concession rd with a power line to the cement transformer vault on my son's new house build and backfilled the trench a foot or more with sand. Previously we had buried two sections of BIG O about 100 feet long each at the road end (as town wouldn't allow an open trench to be left on the road allowance) and two lengths about 250 feet long from the laneway crossing over to the house, with one going in/out of the transformer vault (as the contractors/cement trucks and such needed to get in the yard and safety regs needed the footings backfilled before framing started). Primary in and sand on top This morning started out with us spooling off 2 x 350 foot lengths of Direct Bural 14-2 low voltage wire I have on a 7000' spool in the hangar. Then we thought we'd get creative to respool it onto a smaller spool. Redneck's are us... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Z3xTy2e3QpA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Today we put down over 7000 feet of "misc" wire. 3 x 1000 foot runs of phone line, 2 x 1000 foot runs of RG-11 cable all the way to the concession road. 3 x 4pair-24awg, 2 x 14-2, 2 x RG6 cable about 350 feet long to the laneway with 100 feet extra for security cameras and power for same or laneway lights. All of these needing to be pulled thru that 250 feet of Big O from laneway to house. So in all 12 cables/wires thru the duct. That one took Son and youngest daughter pulling while I feed all of the wires smoothly thru from the trench end. Leah showed up with lunch for everyone (after getting the turkey in the oven), just in time to be put to work pulling 180 feet of secondary 3 x 4/0 from the vault to the house. That took Leah, daughter and I all pulling with everything we had to the point of exhaustion, while son fed the spool in at the vault. With that all done, then they stuck me on the bulldozer with what was left of daylight, backfilling the trench. Figure that I have about 6 hours more to get it done tomorrow. Like I said, nowhere near what I had planned for myself this weekend... but selfishness aside, it was a great family day today with a lot of laughs. Jennifer happily back in her Toronto apartment, thankful to be back there and trying to get back to as normal a life as she can. Me happy I have our son one step closer to getting his house done (and out of mine ). Youngest daughter enjoying her day in between working on a major architecture project that's due on Tuesday am. And thankful for Leah that ties us all together and makes life just that much more enjoyable. Now be careful whom you give the white hat to and don't leave the keys in the tractor. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/h7gKqK7aNR8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Hopefully he'll be in by winter and learn what a heating bill is first hand!!
  8. Great stuff guys! Always fun making the world seem just a little bit smaller !
  9. Call the P3TA hotline and be done with it...
  10. Can't beat a day like that guys! I see one of Dan's boys takes right after the old man...
  11. Hey... that's not just any sink... that's Thorp's sink!
  12. Yah.. dat Roy guy makes some pretty neat wood baits.
  13. Tyler... is that all you caught ? Thanks for the porn !!
  14. Last time I was requested to appear it was the jury selection for the Milton Mob bosses kid that "allegedly" murdered his wife in ~ 1983. I almost ended up in jail myself getting out of that one... Leah's been picked for duty twice. One for a very serious assult charge. Sequestered night after night trying to get all of the jury on the same side of the vote, only to find the guy not guilty in then end and watch the couple walk out of the court hand in hand. What a waste of tax payers money. Second time it was a murder trial and I didn't see her for weeks, turning me into Mr. Mom with three little kids to chase... there is enough rolling around in your mind you don't need to add the details of one of those to keep you up at night. She now has a blanket Doctors note that she can't appear... As for renumeration... is absolutely minimal and won't even start to cover your daily expenses, unless as Tom noted your employer is union contracted to pay you (which shouldn't be their responsibility).
  15. Cut one open sometime and reassure yourself of that... Some do.. some don't.. and what most think is a check valve is actually a BYPASS valve.. just in case the filter ever clogs solid. Upright mounted filters on Mercs, or at least the ones I've worked on, do not and they are designed to drain (and why Merc manuals tell you to let the motor sit for one hour before removing filter). Have you ever cut a filter open... stretched all them pleats out and run your fingers thru it?? ... if not you're missing the most important part of the oil change! Also if warming the oil up would "pick up sludge and sediment".. there wouldn't be sludge and sediment as it would already be in the filter from normal engine running.
  16. It should work just fine in an engine though Tybo !!
  17. Well Paul... I'd be out there pullin one of these, or similar, but that's just me !
  18. WHAT .. a full moon rise and you're going for Smallies?? That's just food for what you should be chasin... ..just sayin !
  19. Some great fish there fella! As for the counter... it only updates over a specific time period.. not at actual views.
  20. This one's always fun to pop the rod out of the holder and tell the new guy in the boat to reel it in at 6mph !
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