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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Definitely... Midland's store is fairly well stocked.
  2. I'll have to fly up and show you how to split the stones. I'll do one and then leave you to it while I go fish your lake!
  3. Thanks for taking the time to share the summer Tyler!! Great to see some reports coming in...
  4. Beautiful boats Mike!! LOL.. sorry I couldn't resist! (what am I missing though that half the pics are in a Crestliner?) What a GREAT trip... none stop 'eyes and great company. Can't beat that and a Beaver ride to boot!
  5. Leah and Tybo Roy, Leah and Roy's wife J. Daplumma.. aka Joe! Aplumma.. aka Art, just after molesting hugging Leah. Leah and Roy's son Phil. Joe with supper! Roy's keeping my sister's Jimmy in MINT condition. So nice to see that it found a great home! The one and only Roy! Joey and Leah hamming it up.. Joe and Leah as we slip into "nighttime". If you like the movie Air America.. you'd understand that! Thank God we only went to Lakair for ONE night! LOL Beaver every morning never gets old! Off to try another lake this time. Kristal and the canoe first. Dropped her and the boat and headed back to get her boyfriend. BF's first ever flight in an airplane. Paddling out to meet us. Both out.. and I'm gone. Double round robin for pick up scheduled for 6 hours later. That'll buff right out.... This guy was lucky... I did a 10 minute detour coming back with Kristal on the pick up and about 7 minutes shy of my dock and shut down I picked up a weak radio call "we've crashed in the bush.. East side of Kokoko Lake". They would have spent the night at minimum in the bush if I hadn't picked up that call, but thanks to Kristal and I texting/flying and a lot of horseshoes aligning, we had Lakelands Beaver in the air and myself refueled and back in the air within 15 minutes. Total time in the bush for 3 soles was 34 minutes!! Trenton SnR thanked us for the quickest recovery in their history, and they didn't even need to fire up a bird! A new species in the boat... leave it to the chief fisherperson in the family! And what we were really after... well Pickeral really, but this thing tugged! 1000 Gallons US thru the Verado. A milestone that I'm on one hand glad about.. but the wallet not so much! Old man winter keeps trying to wreck my dock cribs. Amazing what you can get done for a few gummy bears! Finally got him to lip a bass! Another one on the way... Leah and her sister. Tell me these guys (our nephews) aren't having fun! Jen diagnosed with a Ewing's Sarcoma tumour on her skull and we get this out of the fridge the same day. Hoping it was the $40,000 trip for four. No such luck.. a lousy T shirt. Oh well, better than nothing. Home from the lake at least a month early to get Jen into specialists and get her next battle going. Was a GREAT summer while it lasted with only 6 days that didn't make it to 20C. Most were 27 or above... with the fireban making it all the way to the August long weekend.
  6. 107 miles West of Temagami... NW of Sudbury at Leah's cousins camp. Leah's cousin's kid. His first ever time leaving the ground ! This is going to be my new business card background "Gone fishing... try calling again tomorrow!" Cousin's husband.. same deal, never in an airplane. We fished for two days over Sudbury way. Gorgeous spot and gave thoughts to moving West ourselves. Only 12 camps on a 12 mile long lake! We caught some dink pike and a few little lakers. Leah lost a beast of a pike in a back bay, but she was afraid it was going to snap her new Spiel special so broke the line with her finger against it and the reel seat. Back on Temagami... Carol with a nice little Laker. Her first ever! A day trip to Temagami's version of Wasaga Beach (without the T shirt shops and bars). Some more rare Temagami Mermaids. These one's learned you sink when you reach up to the dock edge for your drink! If you're bringing food... you'd better bring your own fridge! (stocked in anticipation of Jen, Steph, my brother and his wifes arrival for the fire tower challenge climb) Jen, and her physiotherapist, officially opening her staircase! As far as we know, and according to her surgeon, Jen is the first person in the world to walk, without a mechanical aid, after "limb salvage surgery". <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qhktf25ukqY?list=UUX20ioQYlHVcFj7Y40AGLIQ&hl=en_US" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> You'll have a hard time believing that she has absolutely no mechanical connection to her right leg. Her Right pelvic bone and everything associated with same is gone. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3iCptLzhiSk?list=UUX20ioQYlHVcFj7Y40AGLIQ&hl=en_US" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Not just any bottle of Champagne.. that was the last "Airbus" bottle of champagne. The last of 7 that my brother was presented for picking up brand new Airbus A320's and A330's in France during his time as crew captain for Skyservice. That last bottle was supposed to be for his son's wedding.. but oh well some things are more important! OH.. and YES.. we know we broke the law before someone points that out. We don't care... Jen and my brother Murray. He had challenged her to climb the tower POST surgery and she did so a year and a week later! Back in her element. Jen was on the varsity rowing team at Ryerson. She'd be hard to beat in a skull now.. with a LOT more upper body strength after a full year on crutches and 9 months of strength building at physio. After Jen's July 17th oncologist check up... we were lucky enough to get a sneak peek at the new Maple Leaf Gardens... before that Stephen Harper dude even! (Jen's the rec administrator at Ryerson) Seems really odd to be standing on cement at the same level that we use to sit in Dupont Plastics private booth.. that was way up in the rafters! This is the 4th floor of the Gardens now. The last 12 seats from a row of reds is still mounted to the wall across from Jen's office on the SECOND floor! Brother and wife, with brothers best friends Sarah and John from England. John was my brothers Hercules navigator during the Gulf War. John and I for a flight. His first in a small airplane as well. A lot of firsts this year. G-man ! Spincast and his daughter. B with a nice little Laker. G-man with a nice eater ! G-man modelling his new hat! (hoping it will grow into a boat!) My niece and newest great niece arrive for 4 days. An imaginary airplane ride for the girls. We were in Florida one minute and Sault St Marie the next! Great niece learning to drive the boat. NEVER too young! 275 about describes these little ones. Hard for an old guy to keep up with I'll tell ya! Spincast and his family were going by, so I waved them in for a drink before they headed home the next day. I had found Rick a nice place to rent about 3 islands up the lake from us. Our 30th Anniversary! How many here would get away with a simple fishing trip to fill the day?? !! It's not the size of the fish... it's the company you keep on the trip! I think she's smiling because I made supper... either that or the Champagne! Would you hurry up and cook me a hamburger!! I'm getting hungry here.... The one and only Joey!! Leah and I slipped down to Lakair on, I believe, the 6th of August.
  7. You take the low road.. and I'll take the high road.. and I'll (hopefully) get to camp long before you!! May 17th heading for the lake. Me in the air.. Leah pulling the boat. Taxiing in behind the camp. Wind was too strong to turn towards the dock, so I had to go all the way around the island. I got tied up.. opened camp.. got the power on, started on the water, got the steel boat drained / cleaned / battery in / in the water and running. Played with the water for many more hours and finally had Leah there SEVEN hours after leaving home. She ran into every idiot she could doing 1/2 the speed limit. Water line.. someone appears to have cracked a fitting in the winter.. Visitors from Timmins the next morning. Two brothers, with one coming to pick up a windshield for his airplane. I brought it up in the back of my airplane to save him some travel / freight. Saturday morning of the May 24 weekend. Flew into Kokoko Lake to meet up with Johnnyb, Bert and Brian. Arrived just in time for deep fried Laker breakfast and maple syrup! Left in a hurry after seeing the pink tongs! LMAO Leah sent them a piece of tail to share! (Chocolate bunny rabbit). Just doesn't look right! My older brother in an airplane with me for the first time since 1992! Amazing how two brothers, both pilots could manage that... Sister in law's first flight with me. Riggin shallow for Lakers in late May. My stone work hasn't fallen off the wall yet! My new fishing boat! Jen was afraid she wouldn't be able to get into a boat. Our only fear was she wouldn't be safe going up the old "rustic" stairs. SO off to town with the barge for 12 x 12'long x 8" x 8" timbers to make 23 - 6' steps out of. Nothing keeps this one from fishing! Kristal and I off to try out a new back lake on the topo map. Spoiled.. and she knows it. $750 for a day trip on this lake with the local outfitter! Cost us about $36 in Avgas. True cost based on my flight hours this year for insurance/wear and tear/fuel... about $150. Tranquility... The beast from the depths. 44.5" x 17 girth. Caught on a Fuji Film green spoon from Dave Mercer! I caught it again about 25 minutes later on a bright orange Swim Wizz. Then spent an hour and 45 minutes laying out the back of the Sportspal trying to revive it, but with no success. We hit it over the head with a large rock and had lunch! "Earl" .. ready for the taxidermist! Next day we did some downrigging and picked up a few small Lakers. The day after that... she wanted to hit another back lake. Another 5 gallons of fuel in a wing tank and we were hunting Lakers and catching bass... but I did get a couple of Lakers before heading home. Nope, that's not bass! Nice tasty Laker! Yah.. I know.. enough pictures of the stairs already. Almost every day I worked on these it went beyond 30C. It took a day a step when it came right down to it. Start to completion.. 23 days. Stopped in to see a customer, now good friend, down the South end of the Lake. Made use of his new boat lift... .. he has a great view of Wingfoot Island, what use to be Goodyear Canada's executive retreat. Three weeks of steady work finally finish the stairs. I think we're owed a back lake outing after lugging over 80 x 5 gallon buckets of stone from a local quarry. Fill and load into the truck.. then out of the truck and into the boat.. out of the boat and up the hill ! My favourite lake. It's like an aquarium. Canada Day.
  8. Send Mercman a PM Ron... from what I've heard nobody can beat his prices or service.
  9. Maybe it was that Axe body spray....
  10. Hasn't changed much I see... why I stopped doing the stream thing over 27 years ago.
  11. Some great shots there Nick... of the hunting as well. Little lad is growing like a weed. Here's all we killed this weekend...
  12. Hunters will be happy.. they can follow the tracks! Brett on the other hand... unless you're brooming the snow of that Dehaviland!!
  13. That would be my main concern having lost one of my uncles from Gooderham, who was cutting a 45 gallon glycol barrel in half to make burn barrels for his neighbour. Bet most never thought of car antifreeze as being explosive.
  14. Isn't that a kick in the nuts.... all psych'd up to start and they pull the plug. Same thing happened with Jen in round one. Good luck tomorrow and you keep your chin up as well! We start Monday again... 8am
  15. Well this has been a miserable week....Jen even missed her girlfriends stagget on Saturday night, that she was so looking forward to. Just knew she didn't have the energy to get to the city, let alone attend. Been a long week of trying to get her to eat.. trying to keep her off the can... and trying to get her to do some walking around. All things that didn't happen.... and Wed/Thur/Friday/Saturday all days of fever watch bouncing back and forth over the "magic" 38.2C that means a trip to the hospital if she stays there for more than an hour. That has finally stopped, thank God, and she finally ate a fair portion tonight. Hopefully the rest of this week goes a lot better... so she can get some strength back to start another full week of chemo on the 15th. The good part, her head has stopped hurting... and she's fairly certain the tumour has shrunk.
  16. The main part of the story is "engine trouble". Most any boat can be transom swamped (or rolled) in swells without power to keep it moving forward. Kudos to the eye in the sky that got him picked up.
  17. Good music or bad Richard... just GREAT to see you getting out there and enjoying life!
  18. You've got one thing going for you... the water level has dropped almost 2' in 2 weeks! Like someone pulled the plug out of a bath tub! Many of the rocks that just lurked below the surface or now proudly showing themselves!
  19. No, we had her in the canoe both times. No choice, unfortunately in a 12' canoe. As it was we did good to grab it and release it both times, but I spent about an hour and 45 minutes laying flat out the stern of the canoe trying to revive while daughter rowed us to shore against a 20k wind. Then another 15 minutes with the canoe pulled up on shore and then I hit it over the head with a rock and we had lunch! As for intros... the whole thing is over rated IMHO !
  20. Bass and Pike lake only.. back lake, air access only. Figure she was about 22 feet down when the daughter caught her the first time on a "fuji film" green "Dave Mercer" spoon jigging bottom. Was about 6 down when I caught her 20 minutes later on a small bright orange swim wizz. Too much for the old gal and almost 2 hours of revival attempt was for not... this would be a fish over 20 years old.
  21. Looking good Hun.. and all them fish pictures ain't bad either! Glad to see you guys out having fun...and I'm not gonna comment on the T-Shirt!
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