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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Christ Roy... could you not have a least had a 50" Muskie in your hands while wearing that hat I gave you??
  2. Tell me they aren't having fun!
  3. Very reminding of my "laker lake" in Temagami with similar sea like colours! Thanks for the porn Dan !
  4. Not a sole on the team that will get their sweaty mitts on this one... the trophy either!!
  5. No need to ruin Rick's family vacation thread....
  6. THANKS Guys! Just can't understand why anyone would want to slow this gal down... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rO_EVnjdWpo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. They are called eaters Bob... we let the trophies go ! Have you missed my winter threads... with 4' lakers and such?.. or Walleyemasters sinks full of 'eyes for dinner? It can be a tough lake to crack... 3500 miles of shoreline and as many shoals to search, learn and TRY to conquer.
  8. Wish we hadn't been rushed Rick! I had the entire week book marked until my Niece wanted to come up with my two great nieces. At least I found two fish.... Also... the 30th anniversary gift for Leah and I was extremely over the top from your family and MUCH appreciated. I'll try to find some time over the weekend to add some of my pics I got of your gang!
  9. A win to me is being one of the few that have already stood at center ice in the NEW Maple Leaf Gardens... Ryerson's "Mattamy Centre at the Gardens"
  10. Well as the saying goes... all good things come to an end at some point! A year of extremely hard work, to reprogram her brain, leg and muscles to work together and do things that no Doctor has seen before, after a brutal 7 months of Chemo before surgery and now... Jen has a bone tumour on her skull approximately 7cm x 6 cm that's about 1cm deep. We are praying it isn't Ewing's again and that it's something new this round.. if you can believe that. Sounds odd... but we are praying that it's any other cancer than Ewing's Sarcoma... that way the tumour can be removed now, although her Oncologist is fairly certain that it is Ewing's based on the tumour configuration (but hopes like hell he's wrong) If it Ewing's it has to be killed with chemo before it's touched (the same as her pelvic bone tumour was) which will mean, most likely, another 10 sessions of full week long chemotherapy on a 3 week cycle. She saw a neuro surgeon again this morning and her biopsy is on Monday am to make room to get her in for a full body bone scan tomorrow at 8am ........ just to make sure this beast isn't anywhere else in her body. They'll performed the biopsy Monday and then we bite our nails and wait for the results for at least 10 days. Nothing really needs to be said... just looking for more positive thoughts all around to get her through another bump in the road! She's keeping her head up and even went straight from the neuro-surgeon appointment to work this morning, as "someone needs to get the new Maple Leaf Gardens Athletic department ready to go" ! Wayne
  11. Tower climb video edited and uploaded in time for me to share before leaving! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3iCptLzhiSk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. Walking for us at the lake, last Thursday morning. I think the hardest thing for her was keeping people quiet back home with computer access that knew she had walked the previous Friday afternoon! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qhktf25ukqY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Should have her tower climb video before we leave for the lake in the am...
  13. Summer is going well Glen... hope to be back by dark tomorrow, but considering the bill and mail pile on the kitchen counter it's looking like Thursday at this point. Leah says THANKS.. you know what for! Thanks Rob for the applause!
  14. Honest.. it's a chocolate bunny that Leah sent me with so they had some tail to share!
  15. I'm just glad I didnt' stick around too long after seeing those pink tongs !!! Sharing the "tail" didn't look right either.. so I bolted!!!
  16. Thanks for putting that link up Johnny and thanks for all the the comments folks. Jen had her one year, since surgery, check up today... blood work, Xray and CT scans still showing she is clear of Cancer. Her showing the Oncologist, Surgeon and all their interns that she could walk, and a few other "parlor tricks", had them standing there with their mouths hanging open. A couple interns ran to fight over the computer to look at her Xray in disbelief... that it could even be possible! Wish I had more time to upload some video I took today, but I hope to be back "on the dock" before dark tomorrow. And YES Terry she did climb the Temagami Fire Tower on Saturday morning... WITHOUT using even a cane or taking anyone's hand. Picture at the top says it all !
  17. Happy birthday young lad!!!!! I'll see you and the rest of the family in 10 or 12 days, give or take! We already have the boat "Laker slimed" and ready to chase some more with you on board! Lake is WARM and they are DEEP !
  18. .. also doesn't cover the eastern section.. down Madoc way, but at this rate with no rain and no real rain in the forecast he just jinxed himself!
  19. LOL.. yah confirm your cell number still ends in 44 !
  20. Same here Jason... always known as a bass lake and it will be assumed that's what you're after, unfortunately, even if there are Pike in there.
  21. Going into season 6 with my 275.. never a hickup !
  22. Okay.. interesting.. this map was presented today online by a news agency.. http://local2.ca/ssm/viewarticle.php?id=5884
  23. Lookin like a coleman lantern is gonna be the only mood lighting you boys have out there. Better bring a stove or you'll be eating sushi! ALL of Ontario, that lies North of Barrie, is now a TOTAL ban on open fires.
  24. This was what Randy pulled up ........... Fires in restricted fire zones 12. No person shall start a fire outdoors in a restricted fire zone, (a) except in accordance with a permit issued under the regulations; or b ) unless the fire is for the purpose of cooking or obtaining warmth and the fire is in a stove or installation of a kind prescribed by the regulations. 1999, c. 12, Sched. N, s. 3 (1). ........... Guess you need to find that "regulation". Would hope a firepit is legal... but I know one year you weren't even allowed cooking and warmth. To be absolutely sure... I'd make a call maybe?
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