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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Welcome back Clive!!! I see one thing has changed in your personal "portfolio". Hope all is well and I see the fishing spirit is still alive and well !
  2. Point was.. if he's heading out for the first time on the BOQ for 'eyes.. there's no need to go out and buy new equipment to see if he likes trolling for wet socks. There's no real issue counting 10 or 12 wraps letting the line out for 9 to 11 feet per wrap. We did it down there for the first couple of years. More accurate than most counters anyhow... I realized fairly quickly when down rigging for lakers, at 100 feet or so, that none of the line counters are accurate.. no where near accurate as matter of fact with almost 60%PLUS errors with 100 feet reading 160' or more at times.
  3. Thanks Jon...we have to do what we do... when we need to do it! lol .. it's about as simple as that. Hopefully we get Jen's current battle behind us by spring, so we can do it all again next summer.
  4. A glass, bottle and mix.... for the overnight. As for fishing. Any "bait casting" reel will work. Pull the line off the one you have and measure how many feet it takes to complete one spool width. Then it's just a matter of counting wraps x length for distance out... just like Muskie fishing.
  5. Pending date and time... you never know. Not a long haul from Jen's but it was the last time we did the firehall all the way from home!
  6. I'm sure I could get you squeezed in for a day or two...
  7. The family I've given permission to.. to hunt our property has had no issues tagging bucks this fall. Wife got an 8 pointer the first day of bow and there'll be more with at least 13 distinct bucks now caught on trail cams.
  8. Thanks Pete, Rob and Juli ! Day three in the books.. .. two to go for this session.
  9. Thanks Mike!! Did Danna tell you our cancer auction winner was a no show... not even a text to say she wasn't coming and she picked the date!
  10. Why you running riggers?? That's still some warm water for fall... 5.5mph or so..
  11. Thanks Folks! A long river to paddle yet, but she's getting there. It will be well into February before chemo is, hopefully, done and then she's probably looking at the neuro surgeon removing a portion of skull bone + plastic surgery.
  12. Water is still warm Jon.... troll FAST.
  13. Blood work good... tumour has already shrunk (from the last round of chemo) and the best news of the day, it's NOT in her bone marrow. 4 more days of chemo and we go home for 2 weeks again. Still at least 4 full weeks of chemo to go after this weeks.
  14. Tagged Muskie on GBay... interesting! Great fish Moemoe !!!
  15. Fairly certain it would have been to close the door before the capsule decended.
  16. There's cheaper ways to die Dave !
  17. Do they have cable out along the highway Drew? If so... pick someone with line of sight from your back road and go knock on their door and ask if you can pay for their internet. A couple hundred bucks for two antennas and associated gear.... and Bob's your uncle. We're shooting 7800 feet (almost a mile and a half) for ours. Is there nobody out there Drew offering point to point? Seem to recall a LOT of flat panel antennas driving through CP area.
  18. Had one as a kid that my brother built. Keep in mine.. when you stop suddenly.. they transom swamp and sink!
  19. We're good bud.. it didn't cost me anything but a day of screwing around... and may very well have been caused by pulling the line out of the lake in the fall.
  20. No need to wait... come launch for free before our current "great" council gets the idea to start charging for launch/parking or access to the lake in general. I'm only 4 islands out from the highway.. always keen to be a guide or point you in the right direction. Thanks Shaun! Thanks JDS Thanks Will... the pike living would have saved me a 1000 bucks tooooo ! Amazing what family death and illness can do to an otherwise separated family Phil. Like I keep saying.. life has an expiry date, don't lose site of that. We, as a family, spent too many years doing our own thing. A shame that at this point of life we've realized that was a huge mistake. Thanks Hun!! Glad you enjoyed the pics since you have a greater idea of what we changed more than most here... since you've faught them steps yourself! lol LOL Rich.. I'll shoot for 200 pics next summer. I actually had about 900 pictures from this summmer... but 300 were of the stairs!! Yah.. they do look great Lex... don't you be chipping away at them with the shovel this winter!
  21. Probably a coincidence Drew.. same joiner I changed last year.. right where you loaded your sled! I needed to fix it better anyhow! Thanks MoS ! No need to be Jealous TH.. when it comes right down to it we're not there by choice each summer, but it's become a great retreat. The bass.. yes smallies... run in packs on this lake and you can see them coming for over 100 feet when it's calm. You can see down over 40 feet when anchored in the canoe. Hard part is getting your jig or spoon thru the 45 foot mark without getting one of these green carp.. before getting to the Lakers at 80 feet! Glad things worked out somewhat for us Rick. Was rushed with my Niece showing up short notice, but we got each of your kids a Laker and you learned enough of the lake to enjoy your holiday. Your families Anniversary gift to us and the T shirt for Jen where above and beyond! Just the way it is at the lake Brian.. just the way it is! Well RC.. you can see in the group pic at the top it did the same to me! THANKS! Steps where no fun.. but I think I did them right. They're not going anywhere. Would have been nice to be able to start at the bottom vs the top.. but I had to make sure the last step was level with the bottom of the steps to the deck. As for airplanes falling out of the sky.. Engine failure and if he had of missed the big tree he might have made the lake. Luckily for him he only caught it with the right wing... it turned the airplane around and they went backwards into the bush. So they were all forced back INTO their seats. Not a scratch on all three..
  22. ...and I just found this very thread about same.. http://forums.iboats.com/showthread.php?t=417336
  23. Dang larger Yamahas and that exposed shaft. Andy's 225 does the same thing from time to time.. anything splashes up on the shaft and it squeels for a bit.
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