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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. One day we'll make it work... still have the coords and lake location from google earth in my flight bag. Maybe next summer... when Jen gets her latest hurdle behind her.
  2. Only thing missing in that report Mike is a float plane on the other side of the dock!!
  3. http://www.trentsevern.com/newsite/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=216&Itemid=157
  4. LMAO.. you talking Lloyd's sweetheart at Gus's!
  5. You are going to Port Severn and you want to go fish Simcoe?
  6. You sure it was the lures and not that Keith guy.... he's a friggin fish magnet! LOL Great stuff lads and yes Mike makes some great baits. Have a handfull of them myself that I need to get using.
  7. Get a couple of the 3x or 4x ziplock bags from Walmart for the charts.
  8. Keep in mind that GPS is generally off by about a 25 foot position error... when trolling 5 mph and zigging and zagging(it's come along way since it originally was 500). Location awareness is key on Georgian Bay at ALL times. Being off by 5 feet can make the difference between the perfect structure troll-by or the perfect strucTURAL impact. I've been boating GBay since 1981 and can still find rocks. Andy's on it about 3 times a week all season long, and for as many years, running the same 40+ mile trolling runs and even he sacrificed a lower unit on his 225 to the cause 2 years ago. I run Navionics on the Lowrance 112C AND have the paper chart book turned to the correct page at all times. There are also unmarked / uncharted single rocks in the middle of wide open areas of otherwise perfect water, so don't get cocky and just think you can motor on plane to get somewhere when you're out of the marked channel. Read the charts.. highlight or keep a mental note of questionable areas and proceed with caution at all time. Most of all have fun... and have a back up plan to get in if needed.
  9. Man... I can hear the lockmast at Bobcaygeon now over the loud speaker.. "HOUSEBOAT ALERT... HOUSEBOAT ALERT.. everyone out of the lock NOW.. I'll bring you back in after he crashes into the lock end!"
  10. Still haven't found the time to do anything but quickly look at the pictures. I've taken great time on the aircraft shots.. the brookie shots.. but Bill.. why Bill.. can he cook?? LOL Maybe I'll find time to read the story line tomorrow..
  11. Not a huge offer... everyone else tresspasses and camps there! Decades of people assuming it was Crown land...
  12. Thanks Guys.. and Paul I have your phone number too ! LOL Gonna be a hell of a fight, with a reoccurring primary Sarcoma this soon... but she'll kick it in the !
  13. LOL.. depends what his wife looks like Brian! Seriously, if we are up there next summer and can make things work it wouldn't be the first person I took for a charter around the lake either. My vacant land is only a mile from our camp.
  14. I'll second Temagami and I'll even let you camp on my 26 acre parcel of land on the lake, that's really close to good fishing spots (lakers and pickeral)! It's also close enough that you can run the wife to the ppark to sneak a free shower!
  15. Thanks for the well wishes folks! Extremely long day for everyone today with Oncol running 5 hours behind.... They are trying to get a new portacath (IV port for the chemo) into her chest by next Wednesday latest (they removed the old one about a month ago as it wasn't gonna be needed anymore! ).. then chemo will start again on the 24th of Sept if all goes according to plan. Monday to Friday again.. every three weeks, but this time as an outpatient each day instead of spending the nights in the hospital (we forgot to ask how many sessions.. or were afraid to, the days been a blur). Good and bad to it.. good is she has her own apartment 20 minutes from the hospital and her own bed's a better place, bad is we used it to crash last time while she was in all week long and it wasn't a big deal with all 3 of us crammed in for the one night before chemo. It's only a bachelor pad, so we may have to find a small apartment for ourselves or blow $600 to $700 each week on a hotel + the same in meals out. The apartment for a full month vs just a week of hotel would be about equal. More crap to figure out....and yes I'm considering the numerous offers of accoms from members and friends. Logistics of location, driving time and parking just add to the "figuring" part!
  16. Well it's Ewing's again. Leah pulled the boat home Saturday and I was finally able to get out in good weather this morning after winterizing camp. Oncologist appointment Wednesday morning and we go from there. Thanks for all the thoughts guys!
  17. Look really quaint from 2500 feet AGL this morning!!
  18. Wasn't me... Leah made that seperator for me!
  19. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LMXdjFnfsuI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6eRd6Bh57V8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  20. It's hard to see it in the tank... but if you can position the tank with a corner down and see that area it could be done, but remember the hose and priming bulb is gonna have a watery mix in it still...so you need to flush the line. If you look at the end of the hose where it attaches to the motor.. you'll see the shiny ball I"m referring to. If the motor has a filter/seperator it needs to be flushed as well... as does the carb bowl needs to be drained if applicable.
  21. Running better with choke pulled, which restricts the air the engine is getting, is a good sign of water in the fuel. Less air... to go with the "less" gasoline that is in the mix = a correct fuel/air mixture. It will run like that until the carb is completely full of water and then die completely. Fixed 3 of those this summer for neighbours (and Leah's 25 Honda as well)! Push the check ball in and squeeze some fuel out into a jar... I bet it has water in it. BTW... a 60 ouncer makes a good fuel water seperator to get your valuable fuel back. Funnel it in... let it sit for a couple minutes and then pour out slowly.. the water will get left behind in the shoulder of the bottle.
  22. BTW Joey, Leah says it was bad enough that I was taking pictures of her and posting them here.... but you doing it now has her scared!
  23. You're father told you it would make you go blind... Good day out lads!
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