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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I'd love to see a picture too Lew... with my daughter and I catching a 44.5 x 17 this summer, I'd like to see it to compare colours, girth, etc! Ours was 23 lbs, we know that cause it's dead!
  2. Wait 'till you get 20 years older Sinc... and it will be self explainatory!
  3. Tried to revive for almost 2 hours and we have NUMEROUS pictures showing me laying out the back of the sportspal doing so... but to no avail. I really didn't want to stuff it in a float access hole, but was given no choice!
  4. I'm just ticked it died on us....
  5. An old thread... but the first thing that came up when my youngest daughter, Kristal, googled looking for a local taxidermist the other day! We dropped our 44.5" x 17" girth Northern off this morning at Brain's Taxidermy. I say "our" because we both caught the same fish 20 minutes apart on a back lake in June. Was a good thing we took it in this week, as he was going to shut his dehydrator/dryer machine down this weekend as he says it costs him $500/m to keep it running and it's time to get into deer/moose hides. So now his machine will be on for another 2 weeks with our big Northern in it. Using same... gets us our skin mount back by mid November vs the many months it would take to dry out without this "oven". There is some AMAZING work in Jeff Brain's shop I'll tell you that. Not cheap, but I'm quite positive we'll be really happy with our $1000 (tax in) skin mount. For those that are always wondering... $20/inch + tax + any special mounting instructions. Smaller fish are not necessarily priced this way...he had a 5 inch rock bass on the counter that was done for a little girl.. $250.
  6. Knew someone had to capitilize on it sooner or later! Although they should learn how to debur a hole before doing a video. Cost of their product.. If you want it fixed correctly my shop rate is only $60/hr, sealer is $10 for an entire tube and rivets are about 50 cents each for blinds and less for solids. Mark the leakers and bring me your boat.
  7. Had a buddy of mine, from Surrey BC, leave my dock at 7am... waited out a thunderstorm in Thunder Bay and still had supper with his sister in Winnipeg that evening!
  8. A long long time considering the current weather forecast and I'm never sleeping on the Marathon Airport floor again for a night, let alone what looks like would be a week!
  9. Glad to see you out enjoying life Connie!!! Would be great if you had a fishing partner to keep an eye on you though.... no standing up to pee !
  10. I thought the same thing early this summer with Lakers full of eggs (since they spawn in late October)... but I guess considering wimmin have eggs all year long and just wait to "spawn"... maybe it's similar in fish!
  11. One of those "pay me know or pay me later" senarios! That said.. if he wants a gallon cheap, I have one here.. 25w40 synthetic blend... that I no longer use in my Verado now that it's using a special mix 25W50. Lists at about $48 a gallon.. if he's in the area (Penetang) he can have the one I have for $25 cash.
  12. As I mentioned.. circa 2004 the warden had to kick out 18 or 19 seasonals in Fushimi. There are only 42 or 43 sites if memory serves me correctly (might be 47, my maps here somewhere). We went there yearly and sometimes twice a year and we could always get a site. So no more than 20 transients where camping at any given time.
  13. Found in Frenchmans bay with out vital signs.
  14. Sorry to hear that bigbuck... hopefully me sharing Jen's fight has given some insperation for yours that's to come. What hosptial are you working with?.. maybe we can get together to chat.
  15. Exactly what the Toronto Sun had in it today Roy. Stated picnics and hiking only.. with no washroom or camping facilites. Then they failed to list the parks involved...
  16. Sucks... Fushimi has always been my favourite park, but the last time we were there in 2004 the warden was worried they would close it. They made him kick out the majority of the "seasonal" campers to follow the park guidelines of no more than 10% seasonals in a PPark... which only equalled 4 seasonals for him. He had to throw out about 18 or 19 to meet the demand of his superiors and he was afraid at that time the next step would be closure since it wasn't bringing in enough revenue now. My favourite site... At least good to see that, so far, this summers rumour of Finlayson in Temagami closing is unfounded.
  17. http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b71/mrbeeeeMrbeee/?action=view&current=PICT0006.mp4 ..Dang.. Terry made this album private, so link won't work for the video! Here's a picture..
  18. Thanks B... 5 Days of chemo in the books, back again to do it again on Oct 15th. Full weeks, every time, this time. We're all headed home so Jen can be monitored as no idea how next week will go with this round being a totally different chemotherapy regime.
  19. Thanks for setting (more than) a few days of your life aside for the cause Sandy!!!! We're "donating" daily to the PMH / Mt Sinai Parking lot (which unfortunately is owned by Ontario Power Generation) while trying to beat this beast ourselves. I'll see what I have left when I get home to my own computer. Wayne
  20. Thanks folks and much appreciated G-Man 2 Days of chemo in the books.. and a new portacath installed yesterday afternoon as well. Told at this point that she'll be doing a minimum of 6 full week sessions of chemo (every 3 weeks again) and we'll see where she's at and what to do at that point.
  21. Dang Phil... gonna buy me lunch on Wednesday? LOL
  22. Did you pull the prop and look for any line sticking out of the shaft seal?
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