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Everything posted by ricoboxing

  1. in the winter i see people ice fishing for pike there
  2. nice job in the yak!
  3. dont walk by the railway tracks, i got a trespassing ticket many years ago for doing that.
  4. NOooo., thats a black mamba! you are lucky to be alive!!
  5. i cant believe you just admitted that you watched that movie! lol
  6. Going camping with the family on August 2. Definitely gonna take the kayak. Has anyone ever fished this lake? any tips or pointers would be appreciated. Thanks for your help!
  7. on a regular day at 3:30pm to get from pickering to oshawa takes 20 mins. on a friday in the summer it takes about 60 mins on a friday before the long weekend in the summer it takes 90 mins. And I still make the drive every day!
  8. must be from holding all dem scugog hawgs!
  9. but very expensive
  10. well since i don't post many reports these days, heres a few steelies that i caught in the eastern tribs mid June. They took my pink worms really early in the morning as the sun rose, but as soon as the sun was bright enough for them to see me or any movement, they would stop biting. took this little guy home for a meal no more tribs fishing for me, its kayak/canoe fishing time now!
  11. if you let little things like that offend you, youre gonna be in for a shock someday. who cares, youre not breaking the law so just nodd your head and do your thing.
  12. nice report, fishing in a kayak rules. Don't think I could fish for 4.5 hours in a yak though. after about 2, my butt starts to hurt!
  13. that deer would be an excellent meal for a pike
  14. i landed a few musky in my kayak last season, most of them i didnt even have to take outta the water. after the fish gets tired, lift its head out of the water, remove the hooks with pliers, revive then release. but thats also why i don't have any pics of my muskies.
  15. nice job! with those winds, I stayed in the creek and caught a skunk!
  16. i think emerald shiners
  17. dawg those dubs are ill!
  18. i went to a trib on Sat looking for some res. trout, and I found pool after pool of steelies. The water was kinda low and crystal clear, so they were spooked by anything I threw at them. I decided to come back the next day b4 sunrise, and managed to catch 1 steelie and 2 res. bows just as the sun was coming up. as soon as it got a bit brighter, they wouldnt touch anything. so whats the best way to catch these guys? am i gonna have to crawl up the bank on my hands and knees so they dont see me? i caught 2 on pink worms and one on a real worm.
  19. yeah, but what if you end up carpooling with a p3ta treehugger? maybe just kick em outta the moving car!
  20. love the report. gotta get her a yak for next year. i can't wait to take my boy fishing.
  21. nice report. i went to holland 9 years ago to visit my grandma, wish i went fishing while i was there.
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