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Everything posted by ricoboxing

  1. if ur talking bout those boats on craigslist, something seems fishy to me if it sounds too good to be tru, it probably is.
  2. when i was single i use to fish 3-4 times/week when i had a girlfriend i fished 1-2 times/week after i got married and bought a house i fished once/week now that we have a son i fish about once every 2 weeks i love spending time with my wife and son and have no regrets, but sometimes i think to myself "the grass always looks greener on the other side" only 36 more years till retirement so whats your story?
  3. one time at the omemee ponds i had to rescue an old couple in one of those things. they had a hole in it and it deflated. me, my wife and dog were in our canoe when they flagged us down. had to drop off the wife and dog, then bring them back to shore one by one.
  4. i took my canoe to scugog island on sat morning. tons of boats there. the winds picked up and had to call it a day after only 30 mins, cause i didnt feel like drowning. oh well, maybe next time!
  5. thanks dude!
  6. thanks, im just too lazy to go out at night and catch my own crawlers, and too cheap to buy them! i guess i'll try plastics then.
  7. just wondering if anyone here has ever had any success with walleyes using worm harnesess and artificial worms? Real worms fall off all the time, and they die, so I was thinking of rigging my worm harness with plastic ones. Just not sure how good they would work. Thanks.
  8. with the weather heating up though, in a couple of weeks it may be choked with weeds, and the pike may have moved to deeper waters. So bring some corn and worms too so if there are no pike, then you can fish for some carp.
  9. how can you find out where it was made?
  10. if it was around 1 pm, then yup it wuz me. (and my dog)
  11. i hear a man, took the canoe out to the tip of the island, went straight out into a few small bays and got nothing. I did see some carp spawning though. Started to get a bit windy so went back after about an hour. The road to the boat launch did seem real bad, but I've seen it a lot worst!
  12. at warden and steeles you can catch bass, bullheads, and even snakeheads. I think the place is called the T&T. check it out sometime.
  13. would be good to use them for target practice till duck hunting season comes along. doubt they'll have an open season on them though, dam tree huggers and P3TA lovers would throw a fit!
  14. thats fake!
  15. huntontario.com canadiangunnutz.com and of course my favorite (besides OFC) fightnews.com
  16. it all depends on the size of your canoe and how hyper your dog is. my dog don't like water, so shes pretty relaxed and lazy in the canoe. when i go fishing alone, i tie her up at the front of the canoe to use her weight to balance the canoe. ,y canoes extra wide though, and it would take alot to tip it.
  17. i always thought that dogs were natural swimmers? guess im wrong. my dog hates and is scared of the water, so one time i threw her in with me. she swam good but didnt enjoy being there.
  18. bernard the executioner hopkins george chuvalo if u don't know who these guys are, well then i don't wanna talk to you!!
  19. yeah , and John ur no different than those thieves who stole direct tv signals outta the sky. oh wait, that was me too.
  20. i called in this morning, and said my wifes not feeling well and i gotta take care of the boy. all while my 4 week old son was cryin in the background. fatherhood sure has its benefits!!
  21. no it means you should plan on not going to work (cause of dangerouse driving conditions) and go fishing instead!
  22. but the way rogan goes on and on, he tries to make you think he's an ex fighter or champion, but he's only the guy from fear factor.
  23. payin thru the ol'wallet means that they'll have to go and steal someone elses to pay!
  24. stone the sots!!
  25. it's my only choice if i still wanna be able to fish after 65. no fancy union job with a pension for me, so i have no choice but to contribute. Woohoo, only 36 more years till retirement! im counting down the days.
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