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Everything posted by ricoboxing

  1. i called up the MNR office in aurora asking them the same thing. The guy on the phone says "Uh I'm not sure, you have to check the regulations book." I'll continue to target muskie with my conservation license, but maybe I'll rip out a page of the regulations book and carry it with me. I would just buy a sport fishing license, but I have the 3 year conservation one.
  2. yesterday i took the kayak to the pigeon river just north of emily provincial park. lots of dead carp. couldnt paddle 50 yards without seeing a floater. Now i know why no one was swimming at the beach!
  3. what's the fastest wind on a lake that you can fish safely on? (assuming your on open water) when it get's over 20km/hr, i go to a river or protected bay. What's your limit, what do u do?
  4. 11 lbs! i get the prize
  5. that was me who caught it. best of all i was in my kayak. sorry no pics, and released boat side.
  6. nah cant be u guys, i never see anyone catching anything!
  7. most of the boats that see me slow down so there is not much of a wake, but you get some asses that dont care and whiz right by you. then i get tossed around a bit. \\when i see a boat coming, i just try to paddle as far away from their path. I was using a spinnerbait so yes a single hook.
  8. i see people fishing for carp and catfish by the whitby harbour and the lynde shores conservation area.
  9. i know people are gonna say "why the hell would you wanna go to michigan?", but i really wanna go to Cabelas in Dundee, and maybe going up to Saginaw and checking out the shopping there. Other than that, anyone know anywhere else I could go? We'll probably spend a night in Saginaw, and another closer to Dundee (possibly Ann Arbor). Is there anywhere else you guys can recommend?
  10. okay, u get a free pass this time
  11. i was using a white spinnerbait. maybe i'll go buy a mepps musky killer and catch me some bass!
  12. nice fish, but next time be a man and lip those bass!
  13. took the yak out for a couple hours on saturday, and went 0-2 and had one follow. A small musky jumped outta the air and spit the hook, and a bigger one spit the hook at the yak. Now I can't wait to get out again next weekend. I was targeting bass, but I guess the musky gods are calling me. Next weekend I'm gonna answer that call! I just gotta figure out how to do that figure 8 thing outta a kayak.
  14. trout ponds are great for kids. one of my first fishing experiences was at a trout pond and i still remember it to this day. when i little guy gets bigger I'll probably take him there too.
  15. no bass, muskies probably ate them all! i counted about 8 dead carp too! smelt nasty!
  16. i bought a paluski ripple that someone had on sale. it has a rod holder installed already, and was painted a custom green color. a bit more expensive than the crappie tire or costco ones, but i plan on using it for duck hunting too, so this was the perfect one for me.
  17. just got back from sturgeon lake. i bought a kayak on saturday, and took it out today for some bass. caught a small muskie about 30", then a pretty big one (for my standards) about 36". After hooking the larger one, I just held on and this thing took me for a ride. Kept both of them for dinner! just joking, got out the pliers and released both of them boat side. now i still gotta setup a camera mount so that next time ya'll will believe me. both were caught using a white spinner bait. can't wait to get out next weekend.
  18. i wuz there on sunday afternoon for a couple hours. i got skunked, but had a missed hit on a buzzbait. the weeds up there are starting to get really thick, so you definitely have to go weedless. never caught anything huge there, but i've seen some really big bass in there. good luck.
  19. planning on taking the canoe out to scugog for bass opener, but not if theres gonna be floating carp everywhere. anyone know what the situations like up there? I even heard them talking about it on the news, so if it made the news, it must be really bad.
  20. i guess no bass opener 4 you! lol congrats
  21. feed them till the fall. then they will feed you.
  22. when im with the family, i can't wait to get away and be on the water. when im on the water, i can't wait to get home and be with the family. man im gettin soft!
  23. im telling P3TA!! lol
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