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Everything posted by Raf

  1. man that's cool. how much flight time out of a charge?
  2. saw that on FB too. unfortunate, only positive i can think of is that channel can be a zoo sometimes with lots of boat traffic. i imagine this will reduce that.
  3. Dart guy to quit smoking!
  4. The 1ft contours are not available for every body of water nor are they terribly accurate on some of them they are avaliable for
  5. Ok, I've not given up yet.. I've found the restriction text here: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/070347#BK34 specifically: however, the same link above states: Power boats 31. (1) No person shall operate a power boat in a provincial park. O. Reg. 347/07, s. 31 (1). (2) Despite subsection (1), a person may operate a power boat, ( a ) in a provincial park named in Column 2 of Schedule 1 in waters named in Column 3 of that Schedule if the conditions set out in that Column are met; ( b ) in waters that are partially but not entirely included within the regulated boundary of a provincial park; ( c ) in a wilderness class park in accordance with Ontario Regulation 346/07 (Mechanized Travel in Wilderness Parks) made under the Act. O. Reg. 347/07, s. 31 (2). my understanding is that stormy / clear are only partly in the park so I don't see how they can enforce the restriction. now the launch IS in the park so maybe an alternate boat launch is the key here.
  6. fish hold in spots where trolling is ineffective and fish hold in spots where casting is ineffective pick the method for the spot. it's hard to beat the amount of water you can cover trolling. it's hard to beat how well you can pick apart a spot casting
  7. if doing it yourself, it helps to have a helper. have them put the spool on a screwdriver, put work gloves on and apply pressure (not so much that you can't reel it in) to the spool while you point the rod at the person and fill the reel.
  8. ya, up here on the upper grand levels peaked sunday and have begun dropping. should be fine for everyone downstream unless they release a ton of water out of shand dam.. which i doubt cause belwood was silly low all winter.
  9. how did we go from Severn Sound to open waters of Gbay? Yeah Severn Sound can blow up but if there's 10'ers, hell even 6'ers out there you're at home tying down your lawn ornaments.
  10. if you have money to burn, go straight braid otherwise fill the reel up with cheap mono and put a couple of cast lenghts of braid over top.
  11. do you know what another name for a calm, stable weather day perfect for fishn is? monday.
  12. I'm no insurance agent, but these days I think they look more at how likely they'll have to pay out for parts to fix YOU not the vehicle in the event of an accident. You're less likely to get hurt (or worse) in the RAM than in the Avenger. Used to be the crappy little 4 bangers were cheapest to insure, not anymore.
  13. Check your sump pumps for sure. Ground is already saturated with more to come
  14. luhr jensen
  15. cerka in milton http://www.cerka.ca/
  16. sneaky but you'll never win the adblock battle.

  17. i can't believe you hooked your then bride-to-be in the head with a rapala.
  18. i always thought it was like snow, a north of 9 thing.
  19. if it gets you on the water it's worth it you didnt give us a boat model number.
  20. i think sylvan is no longer a boat brand but a pontoon boat division of smoker craft. ie. your boat is a smoker craft and i'm sure it will be a solid rig. enjoy.
  21. he's dart guy cause he's got a dart in his mouth
  22. i donno who that guy is, but it ain't Dart Guy.
  23. i tell ya hwat, that was one determined performance by the leafs tonight. got the feeling they were not going to accept a loss.
  24. max hp for that boat is 75.
  25. "they" say it costs more to produce the summer blend than the winter blend. oddly enough, i don't recall seeing a drop in price when "they" switch to winter blend.
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