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Everything posted by Raf

  1. 0.051 will be fine. Some guys prefer the thinner diameter like 0.040, more vibrations?? also, I am not sure if 0.051+ wire will fit in a bender if you are currently using one. Pliers do the trick.
  2. I too have the Eagle Fishmark 320 and am happy with it. I have had it on canoes and boats works great. The 480 will propably fall under 300 as well these days and it has better resolution but the 320 is fine.
  3. i donno it looks like one of dem der carnivorous man-eaters.
  4. LOL Terry. I am the same way cash talks Bull walks. Funny thing I noticed at Ikea the other day; their "express" checkout was credit card / debit card only? I thought that was weird.
  5. Try using the "Track this Topic" feature. It's found in the top-right by clicking option on your topic.
  6. You will need video editing software. I use Adobe Premiere however it is a commercial product and not cheap. There are some free or inexpensive options, neither of which do I know anything about. Editing the video is fairly simple and you can insert stills, music, transition effects (fades), etc. Most digital cameras these days have a limited video mode. You copy the video from camera to PC and edit away. Much like the old OFC picture gallery, sites like youtube.com, zippyvideos.com, etc allow you to upload and host your videos on the interweb. Here's a video I put together a while back that should give ya an idea of what you can do.
  7. Whaat is this bad weather you speak of? It's late june; unless there's lightning, no such thing. Get out there and fish.
  8. see ya there fisherman.. we'll be next door w/a different outfitter but if Mr. Hyatt's good to go I suspect we will be as well.
  9. I hope this is finally true but I'll believe it when it's on the store shelves. It was "next month" 2 years ago.
  10. awesome shots how did you not hydrolock that motor during that river crossing? i dont think i'd even attempt that one. thanks for posting.
  11. Friday night I think it was, price was 69.9 in Mistersauga. Had to do a double-take (and U-turn to get gas just cuz.)
  12. It's not so bad?? Not sure what all the hoopla is about? I'm not that old and this was par for the course when I was a kid. It's winter in Canada afterall. This is minor.
  13. It's being bumped each time someone votes. It's an admin option Lew. Rick or one of the other admins can disable 'bumping' by vote in polls.
  14. Funny, we call it Cold Alaskan air.
  15. <-- french river 'ski Cranes has a barge they use to pick you and your stuff up. They're in a great spot with lots of good fishing nearby. If you're are bringing your own boat it's about a 10-15 min ride at 25mph from the launch at then end of Wolseley Bay. I can't believe I am helping a sens fan. Rich C. , last week of Sept is a great time to go there searching for a muskie. I would take it over June every year.
  16. steve, a 4runner or pathfinder with proper tires and 4x4 should have no issues. they are thirsty for a 6cyl particularly when towing though (shouldn't use OD thus your RPMs are higher). i use my jeep cherokee and have launched on some icy/crappy launches as well. flip it into 4x4 and no problems. biggest boat so far has been a 17ft lund side console w/90 4stroke. i have no doubt that it could pull a bigger boat, the issue with the cherokee are the crappy stock brakes. a surge brake on the trailer would certainly help with that.
  17. JB Weld & ductape?? lol
  18. How much is rent?
  19. linky no worky
  20. that'll buff right out
  21. Raf

    Abu D5

    I can't comment on the D5. If you're lookin for a small, muskie capable baitcaster look at the Quantum Cabo CBC30PTS (or 31 if lefty). It's a low-profile baitcaster on some serious steroids. It's actually marketed to the light-med saltwater crowd. I use it for muskie fishing.
  22. This part of the river is more like a lake. There are deep sections in excess of 110' . Depending on water levels (controlled by two dams upstream) there may be hazards lurking beneath the surface. Outside of Wolseley Bat it is mostly unmarked and as you propably know it is not charted either. If not sure, take it easy. Muskies? Yes.
  23. I've not heard good reviews on these reels and I like my Abus. Plus, the handle is on the 'wrong' side.
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