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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Raf

    4.7 Engine

    Propably due to the extra size and weight of the GC. Motor has to work harder. I have the 4.0 I6 in my regular Cherokee and while it's no econobox, the mileage is OK.
  2. I'll cut & paste and PM him that.
  3. Well great, now JR cannot read your response.
  4. Remember Rick, those are daytime highs. Lots more night-time this time of year. I think Nip Ice will be ok mid-january.
  5. We're booked for the 19th. Fingers are crossed!!
  6. Sweet. I'll try to make it down as well. Crystal Ball tells me I have a JBs gift cert in my stocking.
  7. Raf


    what a bunchofgrinches in here. bring on the cold and ice.
  8. june to december it's pretty much just muskies but the other months are spent fishing for the other species.
  9. It's a GPS and if it can mark waypoints, routes, tracks it's good. For me, the thing that sets these units apart is their mapping software and this is where in my mind: GARMIN GARMIN GARMIN is the name you want. They have the most coverage for Canada, more than Magellan & Lowrance.
  10. a new battery should cure what ails your car. (i think)
  11. You know you want one.
  12. Yes. It will set ya back at least $80 CDN. Make sure your rod, reel, terminal tackle are up to the task and that you have something that will cut through the 8/0 trebles.
  13. The baits are definately diggers Tom.
  14. 14" (plus lip) of shoal pounding beauty.
  15. if you are at work, chances are your corporate firewall blocks it.
  16. Congrats on the new rig Roger.
  17. Congratulations Peter. Wish you well. Water frontage on the Trent is very nice. Well done.
  18. I use photoshop but have used paint shop pro as well. As mentioned, they have free trials for PSP. Either will do the job, I prefer photoshop though.
  19. I think you guys have gone too far with this latest Ad campaign
  20. Try this site Sandy: http://www.myccr.com/SectionForums/index.php It's a ontario canoeing site, I believe they have a winter camping section in their forum. You should be able to get answers to your questions there.
  21. Great job guys, put a smile on me face this morning!
  22. crappie
  23. If you mean like the stains in yer underpants, then yes. bad.
  24. fishingguy, you have to do it yourself by going into 'my controls' at the top of the page. I've resized the pic for you though. Mike, you need the original pic (resized to 640x480 or 800x600) and you need to upload it to somewhere on the internet (ie. www.imageshack.us ) I could blow up your avatar but it would look like poooop.
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