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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. It's sad to hear.I enjoyed many of Gary's post and advise. My Condolences go out to Gary's family and Friends. Dan
  2. I always keep my motor in the vertical posistion when sitting in the driveway.It keeps the water drained and the oil where it should be(it's a 4 stroke).I only use the transom saver when in transit. Dan
  3. Way to go Cliff 6,000 totaly enjoyable post.Keepem comming . Dan
  4. The last part almost brought tears to my eyes.Those 10 commandments are words to live by.And big hora for Brutus he is an awseome dog and deserves more than a medal. Dan
  5. Thats one cute wooffie!!!
  6. I dont think so.
  7. Yup in 2 weeks my Lund package will be up for sale.
  8. I never go by the weather man .I just try and use my best judgement its not always right either. The Great lakes can be very dangerous at times with or without notice. I am just glad you and your crew are all safe and sound. Dan
  9. I have a 767 and love it.It has a ton of power.And like Uncle Buck says they are upgradeable.And I would also go with the external gps.Best Bang for your buck.
  10. Chase it down with the boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Sorry to hear of your loss.Our prayers go out to you and your family. Dan and Family
  12. Way to go ! Those are some pretty hefty fish.Gotta love the salmon battle. Dan
  13. If it has a red wire and a black wire just cut the plug off.When you install them make sure you use at least 12 or 16 guage wire with a 20amp inline fuse.If you want mount a plug so you can unplug them to remove them any automotive store should carry a male and female pig tail harness. Dan
  14. Great report.I am glad to see shawn hooking into some nice size fish.Way to go guys. Dan
  15. Great report Joey.Next time you guys are coming this way send me a p.m and maybe we could hook up out of Bronte.It wont be long and the monsters will be in. Dan
  16. Looks like you guys had an fantastic holiday.It looks like the kids had a blast. Thanks for the report and the pic,s. Dan
  17. Have great fun and safe trip.Cant wait to see all the pic's when you get back. Dan
  18. The sad part is its true.All but the fishing tips.
  19. I actually read that on the bathroom wall at the boat ramp in Bronte one day.
  20. Try 90-120 ft of water.Also try running your spin doctor and fly about 15-20 ft from the ball.
  21. Thanks Joey for taking the time to post that for me.I have about 5 laminated copies to hang onto.Because I am as good at losing things as i am at tieing knots.And I will take you up on your offer of tieing up my new boat for me at Quinte this fall.I might even sign up with the local Boy Scouts for a knot tieing course. Thanks Again Dan
  22. Those fish must be pre cooked at those temps.
  23. You have a p.m
  24. Here are a couple pics of the BRUTE Here is a head shot Some BIG teeth one more head shot And my contribution to team CATCH22 at 42 " a GREAT lakes Salmon Now come on Sept 13 for the big fish off and to pick up my sweet new ride. But it will also be a sad day because I wont need two boats and my 2005 Lund Classic wil have to go. I hope she ends up with a good home because it has been a great boat with alot of great memories. I will miss it.And again thanks to the Great OFC family for pulling for me. And a special thanks to my family for giving me the time to do what I love to do the most fish. And my Brother Brent for helping me to learn to cath these big brutes.
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