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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. I say Terry has it bang on.
  2. Way to go Rich awsesome gifts.But more important is spending the Holidays with an awsesome family.Congrats on both. Dan
  3. Shawn the unit on the dash is a 917c and the one on the bow is a 727.The 727 is the same as the 767 with out the mapping.But I have to say you have to luv the Bird. Awesome units.
  4. Agree Mr.Buddy.
  5. Happy birthday Mike .
  6. As a fairy new person to baitcasters I would stick with the mono.Once you start pitching like a pro then move to braid.Why cut all that money onto the floor every time you get a major whoops.
  7. First of all I want to say it was a pleasure to finally meet you Lew and all the other fellow brave souls who ventured out for the gathering.Here is a couple of pic's from the day. First the launching of the biggest Lund on the planet. My brother from a differnt mother Peter. And another of Waynes HUGE Lund. =Dan=
  8. On the behalf of BITEME and myself we would really like to send a specail thanks to JWL ,Lew,Rizzo and all the other great guy's that were there early to make sure the ramp was free of ice and safe for everyone to use. Thanks guys you did a great job.And see you again next year. =Dan=
  9. You mean real men.Not a wimmpy guy who put his boat away when it was still in the + temps.
  10. Well it sure wasn't us!
  11. Well the boats loaded and ready to roll.BITEME and I will be there around 7:30.Looking forward to seeing you guys again.And meeting the guys I haven't met before.We packed a pile of wood and a gallon of gas to do the shore lunch.Thats if we manage to catch anything. Dan
  12. Save your money the Mag 2000 rocks.I have an 8" model and it eats ice. -Dan-
  13. You can't compare fixed mount sonars to portable flashers they are two totally different units..Compare the Bird in price to the top of the line Vex or Marcrum and you will see they are not over priced. -Dan-.
  14. Yes I bought the Ice 55 and Brian will be on the ice to try it out.Right Bud?Can't wait it looks amazing! I really think it will be the king of the flashers.But only time will tell. Dan
  15. Thanks Sam.Keep them coming.
  16. Save your 100.00 and put it towards one of these new or used you will be glad you did.I bought the guide verson on sale at bps last year.And it was the best money spent when it came to ice fishing equipment. http://www.clamcorp.com/fishtrap_scout.html I think BPS might have them on sale now. Dan
  17. Well I met one of my goals this year that I thought would never have happen in my life time but it did.And that was winning the weekly grand prize in the Great Ontario Salmon Derby.And if it wasn't for some great coaching from my brother and great friends it might not have ever happened .So a great big THANKS. Dan
  18. Nice job.They would be nice to have out on simcoe this winter.Keep up the good work.
  19. Very nice work.The last few would make for some nice walleye rigs when tipped with a nice juicy crawler.
  20. I would have to say Perch.Hence the name PERCHER.Come summer I might have to change it to salmon slammer if we make the top ten again. Dan
  21. Happy Birthday Rob.Enjoy your day!!!!!!!!It's all yours.
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