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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. And to boot I have a 42" Great lakes salmon to add to team catch22.
  2. Thanks again every body I will post the picture later today or tommorrow that will be in the Tuesdays Sun of my winning fish.She is a brute. And again thaks for all your well wishes. A very happy OFNer Dan
  3. Thanks Guys its been a tough week.Nail biteing and no sleep now its over HEE HAW! http://www.sportsmensshows.com/cgi-bin/sal...amp;page=report
  4. Thanks guys and girls.I hope it holds.Cross my fingers and toes . Dan
  5. TRy Burns in Burlington.He has a 2 pack limit.
  6. It was a pleasure as usual having you guys out.Maybe next time we can hit some bigger fish. Dan
  7. It must have been a tough day out there if Shawn only managed one fish.If there is any body that knows salmon its him.At least you got out on the big pond to experince what rigging is all about.I hope you took alot of notes.Maybe next time you will hook into a real reel burner. Dan
  8. I know of a place in Ontario were the lodging is free the food is free the parking and boat ramp are free and even the boat and tackle are supplied.And the Salmon fishing is great.So what are you waiting for come on down. Dan
  9. Welcome to the Clan Ryan.Great intro.Looking forward to some of your reports. Dan
  10. got my 3 still at 7
  11. It was really nice having all you guys up.We will have to do it again next year.And a special congrats to my little Buddy Ryan for his personal best and out fishing his Dad A G A I N!!!! Now Ryan keep all those little secrets safe under your lucky hat. Thanks again all, it was a blast. Dan
  12. Way to go Kevin.You got your self some nice looking bass there.Keep up the good work.Hope to see more of your posts. Dan
  13. Have a Great trip Bill.When you get back we will get out and do some fishing! Dan
  14. We will have to let Quinte prove you wrong.
  15. I had the same operation on my right thumb about 6 years ago.It was quick and quite painless.The whole thing took about 20 minutes or so.The part I hated was the shot of quartazone the doctor gave me to tied me over until my operation.Now that hurt.Have no fear it will be all over before you know it and in about two weeks you will be good to go. Dan
  16. Happy Birthday Buddy.I know its on The 28th but I thought I would get a little head start. Best wishes to you on your Birthday and may you have many more. So now get out there and do some Salmon fishing. Dan
  17. Cliff you could try the Metal Super Market. Dan
  18. That was totaly awesome Cliff.Well done. Dan
  19. Nice work Glen.Now just tie them all together and make one of those fancy zibiki rigs. Dan
  20. No way I leave work AT work.
  21. Hey Mike at least my filleting knife gets used.And my livewell always smells like fish.
  22. Quinte here we come!!!!!
  23. Very well written Pete.I remember it like it was only yesterday.And I do agree Pete has a big herat and will go out of his way to help anyone espescialy family and close friends.And I am very proud to be one of Peters close friends.Way to go brother. Dan
  24. Way to go Bill.Next time take BITEME with you and give him a couple tips .
  25. Happy birthday Buddy.All the best to you on your birthday.Now lets get out fishing. Dan
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