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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. Here check this out .Just another option. http://www.lundboats.com/wc16_14_12_07.html http://www.portcolbornemarine.com/html/boa...ts&view=330
  2. Great event,Great cause,And just a Great day.Cant wait until next year. Dan
  3. Congrats on the great prizes.You guys had a great plan that turned into a great day.Way to go. Dan
  4. Well it nice to see you guys made out alright.It was also nice talking with you and cant wait to give those baits a try. Dan
  5. Count on myself and BITEME.
  6. So very sorry to hear about your loss.I know how hard it is.I lost my very best friend about 5 years ago and still think about her to this day.Again sorry to hear. Dan
  7. Good morning to all.
  8. Nice rig.And dont you worry about those Mercs they rock.
  9. For sure it was my Dad.But he was cut down in his prime at the age of fifty from a bad heart.But he left my brother and I with lots of fond memeries of fishing and the great outdoors wich he loved .He is still sadly missed to this day.But now My Brother and I are each others mentors.Teaching each other what the other doesnt know.We often spend many hours on the water each year trying to out do each other.But at the end of the day we both come out winners. Dan
  10. Here is a good deal on a great Brand of boat with real sweet price tag. http://www.portcolbornemarine.com/html/boa...ts&view=277
  11. Yup its a 2 stroke single stage blower.And its probably cheaper to fix what you have than replace the motor. Here is a link to the owners manual. http://publications.ariens.com/manuals/00447600_fra.pdf
  12. Its not my fault Mike so stop telling the wife that.Congrats you will love it. Dan
  13. Yup Sam ROCKS!
  14. Bill I dont thknk you will miss us,We are the guys that take every thing but the kitchen sink.But we take it all home when we leave. Dan
  15. Way to go Bill I new you could do it .
  16. Good luck with your search Kevin.I hope you find a good deal.Just take your time and dont be in a hurry there is still lots of time untill the soft water season. Dan
  17. http://www.mohawkbaypark.com/ Just follow the link
  18. Nice rig.And welcome to the brotherhood of Lund owners. Dan
  19. Way to go.Glad to hear you had a great day.And a nice looking eye there.Its alawys a fun when the fishing is good. Dan
  20. I dont understand it sounds like your saying its the victims fault.And it does not matter if your doors are locked or not they will get in if they want.
  21. Bill I am sorry to hear about what happened.Your right there is a alot of loser around.Their just to dam lazy to find work and just find it easier to steal from those who do actually work for a living.I have no use at all for people like that.Just dont worry buddy the old saying what goes round comes round is true.People like that always get theirs one way or the other.Just dont let it be you that gives it to them.Because people like that are not worth it. Dan
  22. When I put mine together it took about 2-2 1/2 hours.Just follow the instructions step by step and every thing should be fine.All the parts and screws should be numbered and like Terry said dont pull the back too tight when putting in the screws on the moulding. Best of luck and enjoy your new hut Dan
  23. I bought a 50 lcd rear projection Sony hd.It has been trouble free for well over a year(KNOCK ON WOOD). It was bought at future shop and when we bought it I declined their extended warranty.All in all I like Sony products and in all the years I have owned Sony I have NEVER had a problem with them.
  24. Glad to hear someone had a good day on Cooks Bay.Way to go .
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