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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. Well my Christmas present came a little early.The wife And I headed over to BPS to do some Christmas shopping.Well she ended up buying me an ice hut.Its the Clam Guide.Thanks to all the suggestions in the other post.They had a great deal on them reg $564.00 for $349.00.So now bring on the ice. But I have one small problem I still have my 2 man homemade hut to get rid of.Its in great shape and served us well.I really hate to see it go.But its got to go! So if any one needs a portable 2 man hut come and get it. I T S F R E E.
  2. I got tired of watching my wife shovel snow so I bought her a small snow blower.Now we have his and hers snowblowers.
  3. Must be nice to be out in a t-shirt.Must be nice to be out at all.Good work Dude.
  4. Thanks for all the input.Looks like the flip hut is the way to go!Since BassPro has them on sale for $349.00 the Clam Guide is what I will buy.Again thanks for the input and help.
  5. I think I am going to retire my home made ice hut and buy a new portable.But the problem is choices (there is to many).I was looking at the Clam Fish Trap Guide or a Fabrill trekker 2 or even one of the box style huts.What I need is one that will fit in the back of my Explorer ,easy to pull by hand ,seats two adults and sets up fairly quick.If anyone owns one of these style huts and wants to share their pros and cons that would be very helpfull.I am kind of leaning towards a flip style hut. This one has served its purpose now its time to move on. Any advise? Thanks
  6. Thats a great deal.I havent noticed yet but I am keeping my eyes peeled for a good deal on a Clam.
  7. Some beauty fish there Sam.Its nice to see a very busy guy like you could find the time to fish those big eyes.Can I ask what the lure of the day was?Might head up in a couple weekends if there is still a ramp open then.Keep those Quinte posts coming. Dan
  8. Thanks Blake thats a little closer.
  9. Glen there was at least one.
  10. I think I will head down Saturday and check it out .Christmas is coming and I have been a pretty good boy.
  11. Welcome to the board Nuf.This is the best place on the whole internet to talk fishing.
  12. Great job Cliff.Alot better than sitting it in a corner on the floor.
  13. Brother the feeling is mutual .Dont worry many more adventures and memory's to come. And thanks for the thanks.
  14. Nice one Cliff way to go.
  15. Any Time.
  16. Good report Wayne oh and by the way nice Yacht.We almost had you beat coming in .But we had to back off.
  17. Happy Birthday Lew and Best Wishes Dan
  18. Joey I just signed up for Boy Scouts so no more loose boats. As for baby Mercs I dont think so mines been fixed. And it was nice to see you and Steve(paul) agian.Maybe see you guys at fishing for Tyler.
  19. It was nice to meet you as well Mike.And for sure we will get out and catch a few.
  20. Well I arrived at Merlands around 9am in search of the dog.After looking around and a few phone calls later I decided to have a look around. After a little while the phone rang and with the help of a few OFNERS I found Glen. After about 10 minutes of chatting it was time to wet a line. It was slow fishing but it paid off in the long run.The first rod went off but it was a very short battle. then about 20 minutes later this guy took the bait. And that was it for are walleye. the rest are a few shots of the rest of the weekend. after a hard day fishing it was time to relax. It was a great weekend meeting new faces and some old faces.It was nice to talk with slowpoke and finding out that we both had lived in the same area and new all the same people.It was also nice to finaly meet Cliff and Carole and Fishing devil and all the other great people from OFC. So thanks guys and girls for making it a great weekend. And a special thanks to my new Bamy buddy GCD. Glen you were a great fishing partner and enjoyed every minute we were in the boat. I hope you had a good ride home and hope to see you in the future. Dan
  21. Thanks for all your help guys.I never thought of giving his truck a bump ,good idea. Power of the Internet is amazing.
  22. Great report Cliff.It was a real pleasure finally meeting you and Carole.Sorry I didn't stick around for the pot luck.But it was time to head home.Again Cliff and Carole it was a pleasure and I hope we can all get togetther again. Dan
  23. Good report Mike.I have a few pictures to tack on.I will post them when I get home.
  24. Great report Kevin.
  25. It was nice to see you again Sam.To bad you couldnt make it out on the water Sunday.But there is always next time.Take care and maybe we will see you when the ice hits. Best regards Dan
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