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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. Is it worth getting this thread pinned mayby?
  2. I am sure we can talk them into at least one fire ring for the whole group.
  3. It's o.k Mike I always thought I would be a tiller man until this showed up in my driveway.If it hadn't I would never had swiched either.But now there is no going back only forward 1850 Tyee here we come
  4. Hey Mike have a typo?
  5. I thought this was a lead core thread not one of Mike and his tiller.
  6. When I was at BPS today I heard the guy say to someone that they were on sale with a $100.00 off.I dont know what the regular price was and you could all ways get a $400.00 gift card. Dan http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...00_false_25___2
  7. I will trade you fishn lessons for typing lessons
  8. Can FISHNDRVEL,SLOWPOKE and myself fish in your boat as well ?Dont worry I allready have your cell phone #.
  9. Looking forward to see you again Sam.We may even stop in on Thursday morning on are way by. Dan
  10. Bump to the top.It wont be long now.
  11. Try either one of these .Different strokes for different folks I personally prefer the second ones.These links should give almost all that you will need for Quinte Walleye. Dan http://www.walleyecentral.com/offshore/index.htm http://www.lakemichiganangler.com/store/Ch...aner_Boards.htm
  12. Well Shawn I hope your back is holding out.It was a pretty nasty day.Sorry Dude.Well on the brighter side you got fish and I lost a whole box of tackle.Anyways it was a blast cant wait only 10 more days and we can do it all over again.Except the back and the tackle thing.Oh by the way it was a pleasure meeting you Jeff I hope your girlfriend enjoyed that walleye dinner. Dan
  13. Holy carp you scared the daylights out of me.
  14. To bad MTP and I didn't run into you guys last weekend.But at least you toughed it out and caught some REAL nice looking walleye's.Looks like the weather this weekend might be a little more kind to the fisher folk's.Might have to head down again and giv'r another crack.Keep up the good work and keep the reports coming. Dan
  15. Nice eye.Glad to see that all your hard work finaly paid off for you.It's something about orange and copper spoons that really work well on riggers.It worked great for me last year. Dan
  16. Hey Mike good post.Thanks
  17. Buddy you and I must have the same eye for tackle because I went to BPS on Thursday and bought all the exact same lures.Those new tdd11 by Rapala are awesome looking cranks.The new colours are unreal. Dan
  18. Too bad you lucked out on the Musky Cliff.But you and Bly got out and got to experince LSC with Brian. A bad day on the lake is always better than a good day on the couch wishing you were on the lake. Brian you are a good man for getting them out there and a Musky would have been a bonus but you cant always have everything. Dan
  19. Well the weather wasn't really all that bad .The winds were about 35khm but the rain would not stop.By the end of the day we were soaked to the skin.We ended going from Picton to the gap.After about 4 or 5 hours of trolling back using the kicker to push us and the bow mount to keep us going in the right direction Mike ended up with 9-10 lbe'r.At times the rain was so hard it was blinding.Put it all paid off in the long run.Mike will post some pictures of his catch later .At the end of the day we ended up meeting up with Memart Terry and Loyd and I believe it was john .It was nice seeing you guys and I am sure we will all meet up again in 3 weeks. Dan
  20. Do you guys have a VHF.If so I will be on channel 69. Dan
  21. Just wondering if any other OFC'RS are heading down to Quinte to brave the wind and rain for some walleye fishing.MTP and myself will be at the Sportsmen motel tonight and launchng in picton bright and early in the morning so if yo see us come over and say hi.We will be in a black Lund Explorer towed by a white Explorer. Good luck fishing this weekend everyone and be safe. Dan
  22. Very well said.And I agree 100%.I will not spend another cent there again.There is more to my story than others but I wont go into it. Dan
  23. Mike how many vacancy's are still left just in case some more guys want to book there.The more the merrier.I am going to launch at the ferry every day .It gives you more fishing time and if it starts to get to rough you dont have far to go to reach saftey. Dan
  24. First don't fog an injected 4 stroke.And mixing oil with gas to run through the motor first of all won't lube the crank and bearings because they are in the oil sump.Also running pre mix through the injecors is not a good thing either.I had a Merc EFI 4 stroke for a few years and what I used to do was fill the fuel tank to the top and add fuel stabilzer.Run the motor on the lake or with a pair of muffs until the conditioned fuel is all the way up the fuel line.Then remove the fuel line fron the engine and let it run until it is out of fuel.Then remove the plugs and spray a small amount of engine fogging into each cylinder and replace the plugs.Drain and refill lower unit with factory gear oil and replace .50 cent washer on both plugs.If the engine has power trim make sure to put the engine as far don as possible for winter storage.It makes sure that all water has drained and removes pressure off of the hydrolics.Before you start all this you may want to change the oil and filter as well.Then come spring just add battery and a lake and you are good to go. But thats just what I do and I thought I would just add my personal opinion. Dan
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