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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. Two thumbs for Ryan on his first pike.Way to go Buddy.Its always nice to see you out fish old Tweety Bird.Now its time to get you hooked up with a big Quinte walleye through the ice. Your cuz Dan
  2. I have owned a few and the Strike Master gets my vote.My 7" Strike Master would cut ice like it was jello.I liked it so much that when it came time to buy a gas auger I went with a Strike Master.I have used Jiffys in the past but in my opinion the Strike master wins hands down. Just my 2 cents
  3. Rob dont let the snow stop you get out there and catch some fish.
  4. Fishindevil and myself will also be there.Also in a blue Clam.I think we need some OFC flags to fly on our huts so we can tell whos who.
  5. I agree with Brian on th Cardiff.It was my first bait caster and it is a great all around reell.Well worth the little extra. Dan
  6. Humminbird all the way.For the price they cant be beat.Humminbird has come along way .I have a 767 and it has 4000 watts of power and gps mapping.For 419.00 at Le baron.Add another 60.00 and you can get the same unit in colour.They also come with the gps puck and a dual beam transducer.To buy the same unit in a Lowrance you would pay almost double the price.So take a look you will be supprised at what you get for your money.Lowarance are no doubt good units but I think dollar for dollar Humminbird is a far better buy. Just my 2 cents. Dan
  7. Try Fishing World in Hamilton.Thats were I got the cover for my Guide and it was $10.00 cheaper than Bass Pro.
  8. it looks like us in the 5th picture as well.I cant believe it we were onl about 150 feet away and we didnt see you guys.And the sad part was I was looking for ya.
  9. Yes it was a grand day for sure.Thanks for the great company .I had a blast.Shawn in Joeys second picture is that not you standing on the ice .It sure looks like you and your back pack and pail.Maybe next time we should all meet up somewhere snd do a mini g2g.
  10. Fishindevil and myself will be heading out of Gilford Sunday morning maybe we will see you guys out there.
  11. Strike Master Lazor i
  12. Nice slabs for sure Glen.Seeing you on the water makes me wish it was summer again and to be out in the boat.Oh well I guess I will just have to get out and do some ice fishing.Keep up the good work and lets see some more of those Crappies.
  13. I second Fishindevils reply.When its early in the season and ice is not that great yet go with the guys that know the area.Hut operators are the best way to go for first timers.Like others have said give Sam at Carra a call. Be safe and be back to enjoy another time. Dan
  14. Like Wayne said dont park on the ice or this could happen to you.
  15. Santa rocked this year.So now all we need is ice.Quinte here we come.
  16. Merry Christmas Dave to you and your Family.All the best in the New Year.P.S keep up the good work on your show it's AWESOME. Best Regards Dan
  17. Merry Cristmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family Sam.All the best in the New Year. Dan
  18. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family Bill.And a Merry Christmas to all here at OFC. Bill we will have to get out on the ice this winter.So let me know when you are back and we will head out. Best Wishes Dan
  19. Yup Mike that was also mine.
  20. Wallmart has the Jiffy 30 9" for $419.00.Thats not a bad price for one of those.
  21. I second Simcoe perch for a first timer.Lots of action.
  22. Glad to hear you are feeling almost normal.It really sucks when you are hurting.Take care and get out fishing.
  23. Eelectric is the only way to go.Make sure you get one that will also plug into the wall outlet.All the brands seem to be very good .So look touch feel and you will know whats the right one for you.
  24. Sandbag was the first to send a p.m so its all yours.I sent you a p.m
  25. it folds down to about 14inc.Its 4 ft by 6 ft and its on skis. FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE
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