Thanks Sam for the update,Dont be shy and keep them comming.A couple of us will be up this weekend to give it a shot.If We can find the time we will try to make out to see you and if its not this weekend it will be for sure the GTG weekend.
Lookig forward to seeing you again.
Just wondering who is bringing there boat.I know i am taking mine and MTP is taking his and I believe kenny is bring his .so thats 3 boats for our cottage.
Welcome to the board Beernuts7.Its nice to see some of the younger generation joining us here.
Now we will wait to see your first fishing report.Remember we like pictures.
I asked the same question and ended up with the Huminbird 917c.It has a 7 inch colour screen and came with gps puck and dual cone transducer for $990.00.
I say go for the p-line as well.I run 12lbs p-line with a 20lbs 15ft floro leader and seams to work well for me.Some in line boards have problems running braid.I run the Church walleye boards and if you want to run braid these boards work well.They even have an adjustable keel wieght for different diving lures to keep the board running true. Make sure to run an inline swivel about 2ft from your lure so if the board slides down the line it wont knock off your trophy fish.