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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. COUNT ME IN !
  2. Thanks Sam for the update,Dont be shy and keep them comming.A couple of us will be up this weekend to give it a shot.If We can find the time we will try to make out to see you and if its not this weekend it will be for sure the GTG weekend. Lookig forward to seeing you again. Dan
  3. My humminbird not only tells you the species but the direction they are swimming as well
  4. Garmin Nuvi 360 or the 780.
  5. Around this time of year and as you get later into the fall it might be advisable to get your self a floater suit. Dan
  6. Way to go Bud.Nice eye for sure .Soryy I couldn't make it Saturday.But I am glad you made out o.k. Dan
  7. I only wish I had a garage .I sit in mine in the pouring rain.But that is a great offer.
  8. You can add Slowpoke to our cabin.
  9. Way to go guys some nice looking fish there.I think we are going to give it a shot out of Bronte tomorrow. Dan
  10. Just wondering who is bringing there boat.I know i am taking mine and MTP is taking his and I believe kenny is bring his .so thats 3 boats for our cottage. Dan
  11. Glen if you come up I will save a seat in my boat for you.Heck I wil even put you up for the weekend.Or was that put up with you for the weekend.
  12. Welcome to the board Beernuts7.Its nice to see some of the younger generation joining us here. Now we will wait to see your first fishing report.Remember we like pictures. Dan
  13. I asked the same question and ended up with the Huminbird 917c.It has a 7 inch colour screen and came with gps puck and dual cone transducer for $990.00. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&id=0044062
  14. I say go for the p-line as well.I run 12lbs p-line with a 20lbs 15ft floro leader and seams to work well for me.Some in line boards have problems running braid.I run the Church walleye boards and if you want to run braid these boards work well.They even have an adjustable keel wieght for different diving lures to keep the board running true. Make sure to run an inline swivel about 2ft from your lure so if the board slides down the line it wont knock off your trophy fish. Dan
  15. Count me in on this one. Dan
  16. Well Wayne we will keep are eyes out for you.But I dont think you will be to hard to miss.Thats got to be the biggest Lund on the bay. Dan
  17. Well that makes 15 .Anybody else?There should still be lots of room left at Perfect Vue.
  18. Count looks to be 11 so far. Come on guys get booked and lets get some fishis.
  19. Well its to bad you guys cant make it.It wont be the same.But at least I wont have to power wash my boat out afterwards.
  20. Nice used Lund in the classifieds that does not leak a drop I am told.At a good price as well.
  21. I am in with Fishindevil in my boat.And we will be staying at Perfect Vue with Mtp,Glenk,Kenny,and one more.
  22. Where is BITME and Pointed?Are you guys going or what? We should do a role call just for Perfect Vue and lets see how many of us will be there.
  23. Glad to hear Shawn.
  24. TPH were are you launching tomorrow.Due you have a vhf on board maybe we can chat in the morning
  25. I wonder if my Garmin gps comes loaded with all the boat ramps?
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