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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Some great shots and some good fishing, well done!
  2. You weren't kidding when you said you got some nice fish, wow!
  3. All is right in the world for one day at least.
  4. Last nights game was lost before it even started. The Leafs played 3 games in 4 nights leading up to it, frankly I'm surprised they weren't outshot even worse. They hung around like week old thanksgiving leftovers last night and managed to pull off a miracle. Thank you Reimer, we'll take it. The real test will be Saturday night, looking forward to that one.
  5. My favourite breed, but the puppy stage can be tough. IMO it was more difficult than raising a child LOL! Daily excercise is key so it's a big commitment in time. Just a beautiful pup!
  6. Great stuff Trev! I'll assume some of those pic's are from your new place? Looks like you're figuring things out pretty well. Love the new dog! Speaking from experience I'll bet he's a bundle of energy. (Glad to see you put the powerful mojo attached to that rain suit to good use )
  7. Very cool! When I was a kid a story by Ernest Schwiebert about hunting for a new world record brook trout in Argentina touched a nerve with me. Seems it maybe did with these guys as well. I'm looking into getting a drone myself for aerial shots, would be interested in hearing more about how it worked. Great season btw!
  8. Nanofil is useless in the cold. Fireline Crystal may be a good option.
  9. I would have no qualms whatsoever keeping a world record fish of any species.
  10. Never had a flu shot in my life and have never had the flu.
  11. Nice bunch of fish Tyler, glad to see you had a good season. The lakers on the fly in the middle of summer is very cool!
  12. Love the old photos guys, great memories! My dad holding me and my sister My sister and I selling lemonade on our street circa 1973 Shortly after I started dating my wife Joanne. This pic was taken at a bar and I was slightly buzzed LOL!
  13. Stupid kids. And yeah watching the video it did appear the Sen's fan started things along with his chirpy girlfriend. Pathetic display by both sides.
  14. Great report my friend, loved it!! This is hilarious. Kind of reminded me of these two guys.
  15. Good stuff Dave! Wish the silvers had been in that thick when I was there! Your buddy Ed looks like a grizzly bear with a fly rod.
  16. Loomis travel rods are the best but very pricey. Still, if you travel enough (and I suspect you do ) you may want to have a look. http://www.gloomis.com/publish/content/gloomis_2010/us/en/conventional/rods/travel_rods/escape_series.html http://www.gloomis.com/publish/content/gloomis_2010/us/en/conventional/rods/travel_rods/escape_glx_series.html
  17. That's a lot of worry to be shouldering. All the best to you and yours Cliff.
  18. Great news Lew, very glad to hear!
  19. Ultra expensive, but these are the best foldover mitts on the market. http://www.simmsfishing.com/shop/socks-gloves/exstream-foldover-mitt.html
  20. Well done! Fishing at night can be very productive as you know. Great way to beat the crowds as well! Regarding the fish my guess would be steelhead.
  21. Unless it's the one open river in zone 15 then it's not open all year, and nobodies jumping on anyone. Take a look at the 2nd pic. Exactly!
  22. The kid was fishing in a river. There's not "lots" of year round rivers in zone 15, in fact there is only one. If the OP was fishing in that one very specific river then he has my apologies. Like someone said earlier no one wants to see him get in trouble!
  23. Great minds think alike.
  24. Well done, nice fish!
  25. Goes without saying that a shorter shank live bait jig head is what you want. Will often run a stinger especially in the fall when I'm using larger minnows. VMC hammerhead jigs are nice, but there's lots of great ones on the market. If you can find a live bait jig with a small Colorado spinner underneath, similar to a Road Runner jig USE THEM! I have a bunch of jigs like these and the added flash of the small spinner makes a huge difference at times. Was just searching online for a photo of one but couldn't find any. Also can't remember the brand I use...(getting old sucks LOL!)
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