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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Achray on the east side of the park is a truly beautiful campground and very close to the Barron Canyon which is pretty spectacular. But there's no electricty. Personally I would never camp at any of the busy campgrounds along the hwy 60 corridor, no way you're going to have a true Algonquin experience. You'd be better off finding another park that's perhaps a little quieter if electricity is that important. I'd recommend Restoulle as a great option with electricity. http://www.ontarioparks.com/park/restoule
  2. Hey I thought you were on a no carb diet! Looks awesome though, save me some.
  3. Chris you've got to be kidding! Sure hope you find the guy.
  4. Hey Dave, Tony says hi!
  5. I've known Gazoo for a long time Lew, way before he even started making lures. When we were younger I dragged him into the interior of Pukaskwa Park paddling and portaging to fish for brook trout. Also spent many days camping in the Bad River delta mostly walleye fishing. Back in the day he was more of a steelheader than anything else but times have sure changed. Considering what he's been through in the last few years it does my heart good to see him doing so well. And yeah his lures are pretty good.
  6. I fully enjoyed the show yesterday! My buddy Tony Gallucci from Beaver Lures was there and I spent some time at his booth. It was right next to the Handlebarz booth so I finally got to meet Mr. Parker too. Was a pleasure Mike! Met young ChrisK as well, (nice meeting you!) and talked to numerous outfitters and lodges. All in all a great time! For what it's worth - and this is an unbiased opinion from someone who went to both - the Toronto Sportsman's Show last week was much better. It's still a fun way to kill an afternoon on a cold winter day though.
  7. WTG bud, was wondering what became of you!
  8. YES fishing is bad! Stop immediately!
  9. ssshhh... Don't tell anyone!
  10. 1.Ryabaga camp on the Ponoi River in Russia for Atlantic Salmon. 2.Ungava region of Quebec, flying into a different river every day via helicopter for arctic char and brook trout on rivers that almost never get fished. #1 may be difficult to swing. On the plus side it looks as though #2 is going to happen in July 2016. Just the getting the final logistics pinned down as we speak.
  11. A muffler and break pads?
  12. I would suggest you look elsewhere.
  13. A new muffler and break pads LOL!
  14. Price for a July-Sept trip week long trip to Quantz is $1095. That price would include food, drink, gas, motel, etc... You're right though that still seems high.
  15. Seen it already but it's nice to see again. As you well know I'm fishing Quantz myself this August, really looking forward to it!
  16. White twister on a jig head for me as well, in 3, 4, 6 and 8" sizes. Would catch everything. A jig in general is the most versatile bait possible, so it's an easy choice when you can only pick one.
  17. You guys are grossing me out.
  18. Good luck with the reel. I was a huge fan of the Patriarch's the first two years I owned them then they began to wear out. Grinding gears, wobbly, broken bail springs and just generally crappy. Would never buy one again.
  19. As far as reels go personally I'd use a round baitcaster. Lots of good ones on the market but if you can afford one I'd say a 300 size Daiwa Luna. They're a step up from the Calcutta B series imo and would be perfect for your needs. If not the Daiwa Luna then an ABU Record. No idea about lure suggestions I've never done it.
  20. 8' one piece Loomis GL2 Backbounce rod, model # BBR 966 C GL2 8' The difference between this rod and a light musky rod is the slightly moderate action of the tip. Perfect imo for the application you described.
  21. I spent half an hour just shooting the breeze with Dale, great guy.
  22. Interesting. Was at the Toronto show all day on Thursday. Talked to a lot of great people and even met a few people from the OFC board. Was a great day and a pretty good show as well. In fact I might head back there again on Sunday. Will also be at the Spring Fishing show next week too.
  23. I sincerely hope you're right and the temps will be warmer in early April. Otherwise I foresee little fishing and plenty of rum consumption.
  24. Lots of kind words in this thread, I'm flattered. Anyhow, I can help no doubt about it. PM sent.
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