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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. I wouldn't go even if all their crappy merchandise was free.
  2. Since when do you fish Quinte? Are in southern ON now? I'm curious whether I still have to fly to Winnipeg to fish with you.
  3. PM sent Looking at other options that are more reasonably priced I've heard great things about Woods Cabins on Oba Lake. It's accessed via train (assuming the ACR is still running!) and is kind of like a fly in but without the huge cost. http://woodscabins.com/
  4. Windermere is a great choice within your driving range and very reasonably priced as well. For a bit more money the outpost camp on Wenebegon Lake is a gem. They take you in with ATV's for that one: http://www.fivemilelake.com/chapleau-outpost-camps.htm Beyond that if you want to bump your budget up a little I can get you a great deal on a fly in trip in the same region.
  5. My heart goes out to both of you. There isn't a single person on this board who can even come close to understanding what you've been through. As far you alienating people I honestly doubt it. Sometimes life has a way of separating people - things happen. As far as Bruce's post goes I think everyone can relate to what he said. It's a part of being human.
  6. Looks like an episode of Jackass.
  7. Adam has been a big help to me as well, I'm not surprised.
  8. The rest of you fans of the No Fun League enjoy your Sunday. Not a fan, but I'll say this, that Seattle/Green Bay game was one of the most amazing games I've ever seen. Personally I think Seattle will win and by a lot. I'll find out myself Monday morning. Food wise, it has nothing to do with the game but I just grabbed a mammoth prime rib roast from Costco for Sunday. Will give it a good rubdown with my secret blend of spices then cook it on the grill over indirect heat for a couple hours.
  9. Already been thinking about a drone and fishing the Alagnak, so this video was really interesting! Thanks for posting.
  10. Agreed! BTW Rick, what exactly is that a picture of in your avatar? LOL!
  11. You've said it all, no need to repeat.
  12. It's currently in a state of flux. The old boy sadly passed away last fall and now the camp has fallen into his sons hands. There has been some talk that he'll spend some money and refurbish the place (it's BADLY run down!). At the moment he's opening the camp to some long time friends/customers next spring because he feels he owes it to them. Beyond that everything's up in the air. I do agree it's a fantastic location and has tremendous potential. Would love to see it return to it's former glory!
  13. Love it, great report!
  14. I would just be speculating here, but yes I think you could only be charged with trespassing in the scenario you outlined. Unless of course you flew in with a plane. Regardless why would anyone bother? There's very few lakes where the entire shoreline is private and access is restricted. Fishing one without permission would be like poking a stick into a hornets nest.
  15. Sometimes 12 cartons of smokes and a new fillet knife eh Billy?
  16. It's not a private lake. The public can still access it and use it by any means they wish - except for the boat launch at Happy Day. If anyone disagrees I'm sure the MNR will be happy to explain their reasoning. In the meantime guests of the lodge benefit greatly.
  17. Can't answer your question about Lady Evelyn, however I can offer another suggestion that has great smallmouth fishing along with walleye and pike. Happy Day Lodge on Windermere Lake in the Chapleau region. Windermere is a huge lake, with excellent walleye and pike fishing. The lodge is located at the south end of the lake and their boat launch is the only means of accessing it. The MNR restricted access to lodge guests only meaning the only people you will see on this lake are guests of Happy Day. They operate a VERY nice water access outpost as well at the north end of the lake that I highly recommend! Great camp in what’s probably the best part of the lake for fishing. These guys are excellent outfitters and are constantly booked (for good reason). It may be impossible to find an opening at this late date. http://www.happydaylodge.com/chapleauoutpostcamps.htm
  18. Funny mullet story. We were on our way back from Nakina driving through the night and we pulled into the Timmies in New Liskeard at 1 in the morning. We grabbed coffee and were standing around the truck in the deserted parking lot when an old black Chevy pick up came tearing into the lot. It was jacked up with flaming lightning bolts painted down the sides and Van Halen just BOOMING on the stereo. We turned in unison and stared and Dougie (skud on the board) says "10-1 that guy has a mullet". The door opens and this skinny weasly looking guy hops out. Acid washed jeans, muscle shirt and the cheesiest looking mullet I've ever seen in my life LOL! All four of us burst out laughing and mullet guy actually looks behind him thinking there was maybe something else we were laughing at. He looked really pissed.
  19. Maybe, maybe not. I'm not a typical shopper in that I don't really care what the price is if a store has what I want. I've always been a huge fan of the Cabela's branded products which imo is what sets them apart. Now if I went into the Barrie store and they didn't have what I was looking for, then yeah I'd be disappointed. I do enjoy a good deal though, no denying that. Closer to home I've scored some wicked deals at the store in Buffalo scouring the online bargain bin and using free store to store shipping. Last week I picked up a $240 insulated gore tex parka for $40.
  20. I would shop there in a heart beat if it wasn't in Barrie. Fortunately the one in Buffalo isn't too far.
  21. What they need to do is put one in the GTA!!!
  22. Watching the video one of them bought a bottle pop using what appeared to be a debit or credit card. Could it be a future episode of world's dumbest criminals?
  23. Maybe ice scream?
  24. Here's some music to go with that face.
  25. Trade This For This
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