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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Excellent, so I'll be geared up nicely when I visit in April.
  2. Congrat's Mike, your display at the show looked fantastic! There's no doubt in my mind your company will be a success.
  3. Not really a winter destination. Lots of nice trout streams though if you go in May.
  4. Hey John, if you're thinking of a trip to Sudbury soon, consider Elliot Lake instead. Nice little town, very scenic, lots of great lodges that are open year round and great ice fishing. Elevation after a quick check is within 20 metres of Sudbury's. I stayed at Wilderness Lodge on Mount Lake a few years ago ice fishing and it was great. Dunlop Lake Lodge is also a nice place from what I've heard. Beyond those two I'm sure there's other options if you dig a little bit.
  5. Not sure what your motives are dredging up this post after a month and making the comments you did. I strongly disagree with your statement and I'll leave it at that.
  6. Beautiful birds, they're very common a little further north in Ontario. Always have been.
  7. Interesting, thanks for posting. Looking at your data from last season it seems that there was 9 really dumb trout thrown into the mix. As far as the amount of damage, torn mouths, etc, I've seen that myself elsewhere. On the upper Kenai in Alaska pretty much every fish you catch has grossly mishapen mouths from having been caught numerous times. Kind of put a damper on the experience for me, but then the alternative - no trout left - is even less appealing. If I had any input in what's going on up there I'd stress the impoprtance of proper fish handling more than anything else and push single barbless hooks.
  8. Well if you had to lose a reel I guess that's as good a way as any.
  9. Craig everyone from our generation had one. Did you buy the paste they sold with it for bait? It molded a square block around your hook...smelled disgusting and caught nothing LOL!
  10. I had a pair of those too LOL! Haven't thought about them in 40 years. I remember wiping out a lot.
  11. As a very young kid I begged my parents for one of these things. Can still remember how excited I was when I got one for my birthday. Don't think I ever used it for anything LOL!
  12. Nice vid Will! Was especially nice to see some pic's of Wanzatika.
  13. Once again thanks for all the positive comments guys, very glad everyone enjoyed. It's a little different for me posting a trip report in the winter. It wasn't planned this way but it's not a bad idea I think. Helps ward off the winter blahs. You're the second person in this thread who's said that. I also know for a fact the weather turned nasty right after we left. If you believe in fish gods they were smiling on us this trip LOL!
  14. Looks like an interesting rig.
  15. Why? That's precisely what Carlisle said about James Reimer recently. The kid has a pretty sharp wit as far as I'm concerned.
  16. I think it's impossible to not blame the coach when the team leads the leaugue is shots against for how many years now? That boils down to system and coaching. I agree with you too though, their core players are deeply flawed. I'd trade them as well while they still have some value.
  17. Disagree, was some sloppy play by our boys. Moot point anyhow, they won.
  18. Great finish, very proud of our boys! The last few minutes of the second was starting to look like a typical collapse by the usual occupants of the Air Canada Centre. Very glad they gutted it out.
  19. Cliff, would love to fish with you again! A fly in would be great!
  20. Whoo-Hee! I smell a good old fashioned OFC barn raisin' in the makin' here!! Come one come all (especially if you're Mennonite or Amish!), let's git er done!!
  21. Going to do one next year for sure. I "almost" decided to run a contest to join me at the Kazan this year then had a change of heart. I'm going to bring my son on that one and really want it to be just the two of us. That kid has zero clue how lucky he is.
  22. Once again thanks guys, it's always nice to read positive comments! Gotcha. I can tell you Jim Watson is pretty proud of his aircraft and rightfully so. It might be the nicest float plane I've ever flown in. ONLY plane that "might" be nicer is Mattice Lake's otter that we flew in last September. The entire plane was refurbished inside and out last year. Watson's has a Cessna Caravan as well so there shouldn't be any issues with scheduling.
  23. Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed! Bruce it would be my honour. Gee thanks Rick, you're an interesting guy yourself especially with a cradle in your hands. Please practice before late August.
  24. I recently wrote a feature on the Sutton River which is now appearing in the January edition of OOD. Combined with that I pieced together a short video for the magazine and it's now live, check it out! Best brook trout fishing in the world.
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