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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Now to really screw you guys up. I bought an oilless fryer a while back, best turkey ever! 10X better than deep fried and 1000X easier. These were on sale at Home Depot last month for $69 http://www.homedepot.ca/product/char-broil-the-big-easy/992280
  2. I figured it was from the private cabin. With some serious sweat and a bunch of people you could pull that thing in on the trail. No way they flew it in, way too expensive.
  3. Looking at the photos again, is that a pontoon boat there at the landing? LOL! The cowling was off the motor in that pic, did you guys have problems?
  4. Was wondering how you made out, looks like you guys did okay! I was north of Armstrong the same week and also had snow. (Not to mention a different wind almost every single day) Interesting how some of those pike almost look emaciated and others are thick and fat. They're usually all pretty girthy in the fall.
  5. One of those two teams was a mirage and will be hard pressed to make the playoffs this year. Guess which one.
  6. Maybe I have to watch it again, but in the right mood. I'll pour a cup of herbal tea and snuggle up on the couch with my favourite blanket and box of bonbons. Nah, that ain't gonna happen, it's lame.
  7. Thanks for the plug Chris. As far as you not being a steelheader we'll have to change that this fall. Now that I have some time I'm going to start writing something on our trip north of Armstrong last month. I think I have 500 photos and about an hour and a half of video to sift through. Should be epic. For those that don't know we fished Whitewater Lake on the Ogoki River system and had one hell of a trip. Lots of walleye and some truly goliath pike.
  8. As an impartial Leaf fan: -Karlsson is a stud, I think Ottawa made the right choice for captain (would much rather have him as captain than Phaneuf) -Crazy contract for Ryan, no way would I have signed him to that. But then I never would have traded for him. That contract will be an albatross in two years. -Kozun has been great, hope he makes the team! -Percy has been solid too, can we please trade Franson now? -Overall I think our D is pretty scary. They're an injury or two away from complete disaster. No depth. As always I remain optimistic. GO LEAFS!
  9. Dude, she's local and right in your wheelhouse, GO FOR IT!!
  10. Way to go boys!!
  11. Beautiful Mike! I especially enjoyed the video, that was very cool.
  12. Doesn't take much when you're backed into a corner like a rat with the spotlight shining on you and the media sticking a microphone in your face. Of course he's going to publicly apologize. That was about as real as a 3 dollar bill. I can't, it was totally lame.
  13. The only reason I wasn't wearing mine was because I left it at the end of the portage. I think that was the most scared I've ever been in a canoe.
  14. Very sorry to hear Matt. Celebrate his life and honour his memory.
  15. If this didn't prompt you to wear a life jacket nothing would. You sound happy.
  16. How about the ultimate geekmobile? Darth Vaders Shaggin' Wagon. (LOOK! It's a geek from another dimension! )
  17. I'm kind of surprised some of you are choosing Sunday. Obviously fish when you can, but if that forecast is accurate Saturday would be my choice. More cloud and winds from the north. Clear skies and east winds on Sunday doesn't sound quite as appealing.
  18. How about this sweet ride?
  19. Well done Miro! Were you trolling with a 3-way rig with a heavy bell sinker on the dropper?
  20. Yes it is. I grew up there.It was great trout fishing back then, not sure about now. It's quite a while since I've fished it. And fwiw it's Lowville if you're looking for it on a map. And yes Bronte flows through both Carlisle and Lowville. There is access although the better stretches are private. If you knock on a door and ask you'll most likely get permission though.
  21. Another great recap. My personal opinion is you should be selling your photos, great work as usual.
  22. Albert had no clue what the freezer hole was last week on the Sutton. He's been calling it the breakfast hole for the last 30 years apparently. The man has a sense of humour. As he left us on our own he told us to be careful because the polar bears prefer white meat.
  23. Awesome, your boy is pretty cute.
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