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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. I think for a secondary boat for some smaller lakes/no gas motor these would be ideal but as your only boat I would def look for a 14'tinner you will be able to fish alot more.
  2. Nice reel 3 on 3 off and set spool tension so the lure moves slowly to the water without any motion you will be able to cast medium weighted lures EI:spinner baits texas rigged worms etc) without any bad backlashes unless you make a mistake, properly set up you don't even need to "thumb" the spool. but it's not a good idea for a beginner to try enjoy your new reel you will love it.
  3. Thanks he is a clown always messin around ,your the second to mention the SS hawk only thing I could find that looked simalar was a merlin or a harrier regardless it was cool to see they went right into the water just scrappin till the kingfisher got loose and took off . Dan B for sure we should take them out perchin but Kalebs only good for a short trip.
  4. that first ski needs a chicken carcass LOL other 2 are nice!!
  5. sweeeet gator!!!!!
  6. Thanks merc. The bird was small about the size of a bluejay mabye a bit bigger.
  7. Took my son Kaleb out for a B-day fish yesterday afternoon he turned 2 we went down to the local creek and I thought we might get into some suckers and silver bass which hang out in the hole we were going to so we get there and start walkin down to the creek Kaleb had to carry the worms and his lightning mcqueen rod got to our spot set kaleb up in his frog chair with a worm on a dropshot rig and before I got my rod ready his almost went in the river I grab it and hand him the rod but he tried to reel the wrong way and a nice little 1-2lb bow flies out of the creek and spits the hook almost had his first bow in the stream on his second B-day that would have been a cool story for when he gets older he did manage to drag in a chub and a sucker and Dad caught a sucker to .we also got a bit of a nature show as we were fishing a small predatory bird was whooping a kingfishers butt not sure what kind of bird it was but it sat on a branch on the other side of the creek for awhile before it flew away anyone know what it is bad pic had to go to 16x digital zoom to get the pic . This post was inspired by the adventures of Ryan, Averie and Luc LOL
  8. dudes nutts
  9. I have a 4 year old stradic that at the time was right around $200 which I have had no problems with at all .I now have a 3000 sahara(under $100) which is by far a better reel than the older stradic, but I do plan on getting a new 3000 stradic this winter for my drop shot reel might even go with a 2500 but the only reason I plan on going with the new stradic over the sahara is if the sahara is that much better after only 3-4 years (I also have a 4 year old sahara )than the new stradic must also be that much better that the older one .
  10. Nice my boy loved his first boat ride To.
  11. Nice work can't wait for the rest !!!
  12. that smallies a donkey
  13. Not sure how old but judging from the tangled line on it I positive it was used by a close relative of yours possibly you as a child
  14. Nice bronzeback and congrats on the win !
  15. Hey Art have you ever seen picks from the catt river never been there myself but from the pics its like fishing a Lake O trib times a million LOL. I was gonna stay out of this 1 but can't resist LOL Afraz quick ? How do ya figure flossing can only be done under a float ? The real question involved in this debate is will a salmon hit a bait legitematly because its true they Do Not eat while in the river and even though a lot don't believe it the answer is absolutely they will HIT out of aggresion,instinct because they can I really don't know why they do but they do. Salmon fishing isn't for everyone heck I only go once or twice a year (not at all last year) I hate the crowds and after a couple nooks its boring to me but if for a second I thought what I was doing was unethecal I wouldn't do it. I'm heading out early monday to hit a lake O trib and if I foul hook a fish I shake it off or break the line if its in the mouth I haul it in for a pic and release it this topic will always be a touchy subject. BTW Afraz and Art I'm just being a PITA not tryin to start anything
  16. I wouldn't call the people doing the littering fisherman/gals they are just ignorant people, REAL ANGLERS would not do this good on ya for picking up the mess guys I do a clean up on my local trib evry spring and try to pick up when ever possible.
  17. Well hears my "trophy" bass from the day LOL also known as the WGSF and a few other shots from the day. Had a great time and caught a tonne of 1-2lb largies but didn't bother taking any pics can't wait till next year. Thank you very much to all sponsors and pledgers and Ryan and family for starting and providing a wonderful meal after a tough day on the water .also a big Thank you to Dan Bouck for helping so much and cutting his day of fishing short to organize all the prizes.Sorry for the late post haven't got on the comp much since
  18. I get stopped all the time, actually forgot my lisence in the car once and was quite a ways up stream, buddy met me back at the car to see it with no problem he prolly waited 20 mins for me to walk back. he had already called my info in so he knew who I was and saw my car at the parking area .only time I have every seen a CO get upset was when my buddy (unknown to me )hadn't got his lisence yet in january and pulled a tude with the CO and he told my buddy to pay his fine quickly and if his equipment wasn't so crappy he would take it to, I actually laughed when he said that my buddy didn't think it was funny, he has never forgot to get his lisence again. like most have said CO's are usually very nice and won't be rude unless you give them a reason to,but some will just be jerks because they have the authority, just have to be polite and do what they ask and if your within the law there's nothing they can do but be a
  19. Dude that almost brought a tear to my eye LOL she's such a little cutie and prolly the only girl Kaleb has every played with without being mean to LOL good job at starting her at fishing so young Kaleb doesn't have the attention span to fish for more than a half hour or so hope to get him out ice fishing or trout fishing this year
  20. There's still some around in norfolk but most tribs that they run are closed before they run, so I have been walking the creeks just for the nature show. if I find any this year I will take some vids and post for you guys saw a bunch a couple years ago and caught 1 while steelheading
  21. Hey Bdox were you get your punch skirts from I have been looking for them with no luck they look like a great addition to lots of plastics.
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