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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. I think, and it's just my opinion that they came in a bit earlier than normal this year so they are getting colored up earlier as well I know I caught my first steely 3-4 weeks earlier than last year.
  2. There's your answer right there. People don't wanna listen to the "boot","flossing" comments every time they post a pic of a salmon.
  3. congrats Buddy ,good luck on the vehicle search .
  4. Hasn't happened in Erie yet still lots of huge smallies and a bazillion gobies time will tell though.
  5. No knickers in a knot here I just was reading the smart comments in the fisher12 thread and read this after and saw no humor in it, just a smart azz comment. it's bad enough the greif we as sportsman/women get from the tree huggers we don't need to treat each other badly on our own discussion boards. if your gonna be a joker than put a bunch of emoticons in to make it clear that your joking to many guys are jumping on these threads that ask ?'s and it's really as simple as just don't answer if you don't want to. this is what the board is for to learn about fishing and give reports/advice about fishing .Everyone likes a good laugh but lets not discurage our members that are new to fishing from asking ?'s and learning more about our sport. I am quite certain that was not your intent but I'm sure I'm not the only one that thought it was rude not knowing it was meant as a joke .
  6. Wow nice replies guys if you remember FGP hasn't been fishing very long and his ? are valid and don't deserve the flame jobs everytime he posts I guess you guys were born experts and never had to ask a ? about fishing before if you don't want to help just don't bother replying it's that simple keep your useless comments to yourself. FGP I wouldn't suggest using sucker minnows unless you are using a quick strike rig (google it I can't explain it well enough) I would suggest large jigs like the hollow belly swimbaits from berkley on a large jig head or some 5" fluke type baits on jigs pike tend to be deep this time of year but don't be scared to try shallower with spinnerbaits and bucktails on warm sunny days I would also put the title of this thread into a google search prolly a tonne of articles about this subject out there.
  7. Hi Fisher12 here's a blog I wrote about pike lures I wrote it based on Long point bay but these lures will work anywere . http://www.wfn.tv/ambassador/admin/content/preview.php?content=404270 as for a rod/reel for pike I would suggest you get a 7' medium heavy so you can use it for other species also and a good 3000 size reel you don't need a really exspensive set up to start with but the $20 combo's from wallmart are not gonna last very long if your targeting pike .You live real close to some really good spring pike fishing and hopefully some of the other members here will help you out with some spots (I have never fished TO pike ) to get you started in the spring just keep reading and researching all winter and you will get into some pike this spring .I don't target walters so I can't help ya there . Good luck .
  8. I call log jams rainbow recliners the love just haning out under the wood I usually just trot my bait under the leading edge of the wood.
  9. Nice report man !!! Wish it wasn't so far away I love catching steel on the pin in big water.
  10. Hey Rizzo print this thread off and leave it in his mail box he is totally wrong and the fisherman could have had him charged if they called the police .
  11. Well I went with the Fuji Like I said earlier and I'm happy so far I definately need to learn more about it's settings and stuff because I have got a few washed out pics but most pics have been good tried the underwater release shot but water was to dirty and the fish was still ready to go (didn't P around just horsed the little shaker in ) so the pic didn't turn out very good anyways here's the pic 1 underwater and a nice little buck.
  12. LOL at 90km/h why is that bird in your vehicle
  13. Nice chromer
  14. Man I wish I lived closer to that lake. Nice job.
  15. Here's few shots from getting ready for mondays steelhead fishing thought they were kinda cool and pretty good quality I think .
  16. Thanks Cudz I did buy the fuji been taking some shots and have a couple really cool shots of the hatchery roe I'm tying up right now the macro setting works great I will put up a full reveiw hopefully with some chromer pics to go with it can't wait to get a under water shot to see how it works.
  17. Thanks Louis I have a canon powershot sd1400 for regular stuff family and things this will strictly be my fishing cam so I stop killing the regular cams carrying them around in my hip bag.
  18. Well I went with the fuji and a 8gb card can't wait to get a underwater shot of a steelhead.
  19. Thanks again guys going tonight to look haven't made up my mind yet but it's olympus,fuji,casio right now they all seem to be simalar in pic quality and $$$ so it will depend on ease of use now I will let you guys know what I get.
  20. Thanks guys fishnsled thanks for takin the time to put that together. Scugog I'm looking for a tough WP to toss in my fishing bag and not have to worry about it as long as it takes decent pics than I will be happy I'm just tired of killing a digital every year and I have a pretty good cannon point and click for everything else
  21. Like the title says I'm thinking about getting a WP digital just wondering what you guys/gals use and if anyone has had any issues with either cam both are on sale for $160 for fuji and $170 for the olympus heres the links but the olympus is on sale at shoppers drugmart not BB. Fuji http://www.bestbuy.ca/en-CA/product/fuji-fujifilm-finepix-xp10-waterproof-digital-camera-blue-xp10/10141898.aspx?path=4e58c3dd557c78b1087e7699bbcc67e6en02 Olympus http://www.bestbuy.ca/en-CA/product/olympus-olympus-stylus-tough-3000-12mp-waterproof-digital-camera-blue-227615/10139334.aspx?path=853c3aab809f4d1d53d405b68c7068dden02 Thanks for the imput hope to have some cool underwater shots soon
  22. Hey Mike I have been using 20lb braid this year for SB's with good succes on the same type set up you said you want curado 101/clarus M/H fast action with out any breakage other than when I flipped way back into a fallen tree and the line broke from rubbing on the tree I was to lazy to grab my heavier set up big mistake cause it was a nice LMB I lost .
  23. Thanks Phil it's been on for awhile now (I have the sports HD pack that it comes in) pic quality is was better and the best part is Mariko in HD
  24. Done cool vid
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