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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. I was going to say the same thing but the report I saw from a the power and sail squadron member was 1.5 million out of 8-10 million boaters had got it by sept 1/09 I won't be getting mine for a couple more weeks as I'm back to work monday after being off for 7 months and won't be using it till I start targeting fall pike and ski's in mid october they will prolly scrap the hole thing in a few years anyways .
  2. from what I've been hearing they are not even staging up yet I know in my neck of woods they are no were near staging with only the odd shaker coming in early morning and gone by mid morning lots of water though with the mouths of some creeks being twice as deep and wide as last year .I'm going fishing going to hit a little brown creek with the UL and some dewies before it closes for the year .
  3. The one I have works great gets up in half the time and increased my top speed by a few mph that being said my boats a 14 foot tinny with a 25HP so not sure it would help you all that much I would look into maxing out the boats HP rating if that's a option my buddy has the same size boat with a 75HP 4 stroke and has the same complaints don't know what yours is rated for but it should be 100 or so I would think she will get up and go with that pushing it.
  4. If it makes you feel any better I left my 06 magnum in reverse and walked back to pull the boat out and the car almost run me down by the time I got back in and stopped it I had water up to my feet above the gas pedal and the rear end was floating so I just had to sit there with it running while a guy unhooked his boat to pull me out. I don't rush at boat ramps any more thats for sure doesn't matter how many guys are behind me .I got mine all dried out and cleaned up with no damage at all but it took awhile to dry out completely like someone else said crap happens.
  5. Looks closer to 4 to me but always hard to tell from a pic nice bucket mouth for sure.
  6. mines my PB steelhead on the pin and a buddy added the SRT8 for me never weighed her but she was high teens wish i would have had someone with me to take a "hero pic" cause the pic does her no justice I highly doubt I will every top her but ya never know.
  7. Nice bucket splash and good deal on the new ride !!!
  8. That timmies is in tillsonburg and the lady that was in labor and delivered her little girl in the bath room with help from her husband is a friend of my wife and the little girl isn't so little anymore I think she's 5 now. T-burg has a ridiculous amount of OPP for the size of the town which is why so many responded to the call
  9. Well I would take your advice over my tackle shop any day JPD so I won't shy away from the us2 when I buy a new TM thanks man.
  10. Don't use the us2 they suck according to the place I bought my TM from and he's a fairly good bass tournament angler and all around fish head just use the origanal trans on it with a large hose clamp to attach it.
  11. High quality thin wall blanks will break fairly easily its the price you pay for light weight rods ask your local tackle shop how many rods they warranty a month I've destroyed 2 this year and 2 last year and they always seem to break on small fish for me and I use high end gear. Gloomis ,quantum and shimano and they all break but I have a $25 ugly stick that's been closed in a door that's still got the origanal tip on it but it weighs a tonne and has the feel of a willow branch.
  12. You did better than me my last trip to the bay one bass around 2lbs on my second cast and then nothing but Rockies after that going out this weekend to try and redeem myself the bays been tough this year just can't seem to find them in #s unless there 1lbers.
  13. have you ever had the prop off ? I would pull the whole bottom end off and clean the contacts and brushes with electrical contact cleaner and make sure theres no line wrapped around the prop shaft if that doesnt work find a dealer that repairs them it could be the pedal itself the older ones used to break down alot might need to replaced they are pretty easy to work on just make sure you put it back exactly the way it comes apart I found that out the hard way
  14. Nice nook 50 FOW you say they should be up the rivers in no time congrats on the 1st place for the week how does it place over all ?
  15. I just wipe mine clean with a soft cloth and blow it out once or twice a season with the compresor mine has packed bearings so it doesn't need to be greased grease actually slowed it down quite a bit before I asked at the store I bought it from good luck and enjoy your pin.
  16. I use 65lb courtland braid never had any problem other than blowing up the odd fishing rod on hookset Make sure your rod has a lifetime warranty because your bound to break 1 eventually I have broke a crucial and a PT tour edition so far and I'm sure they won't be the last.
  17. these are my best 2 but I only fish the inner bay in longpoint for pike the outter bay holds much bigger pike
  18. the fact that you and other anglers caught fish on a different body of water has nothing to do with his results. different lakes/ponds react differently to weather and the lake he was on could have just been shut down for one reason or the other. I was out on the 15th in absolutely perfect big bass conditions and only managed a hand full of small largies .you cant say that we smashed them on erie today so simcoe should have been on fire doesn't work that way ever.
  19. Nice bucket you got there Rich atleast one of us got a decent fish haven't seen deercreek fish that hard in along time . It was good to meet the guys from the board which prompted me to join the board to bad I couldn't live up to the "Local favorite" Ryan so genoruoslly labeled me with on my way out in the morning I spent my day trying for the Big bite and it cost me in numbers lost 2 good fish to line failure ( my crappy knots) so I am now looking forward to next year and got to get back to deercreek to get some redemption for a pitiful display of fishing on my part .great job to everyone who came out and raised a good chunk of change for a good cause .
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