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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. they look nice but I hate 2 peice rods and most are 2 if they start making more 1 peice I will try one out for sure.
  2. 6.7lbs on a 7" power worm
  3. LOL thats why I added the info of not the 4 legged kind so all the hunters don't get to excited
  4. Just shoot me a text if ya want to head out on a weekend I Can usually get out for a early morning fish but its busy on the weekends.
  5. I don't usually post steelhead reports but nailed a nice lake Erie piggy this morning and thought I would share . Bad pic I hate fishing solo.
  6. Nice chromers
  7. Oh NO dont start that one LOL
  8. It's been 3 years in January for me I also used champix but seeing my Dad go through and pass away from lung cancer and finding out the wife was prego was a big incentive also .I gained 40lbs and have lost 20 of it but still need to loose 40 more would love to be back to 180-5ish again .
  9. Didn't see your other post but if ya had problems im pretty sure the from the first pic could have whipped some if needed LOL nice fish dinner will be delicious.
  10. My brother was told by the instructer from his back on track program (for DUI) that all you have to do is go get the form from the Police station fill it all out and send it in with the fee enclosed which is very cheap I think he said $35 and wait it takes alot longer than paying some one to fast track it (which is all the private comp's do ) and they approve anyone that doesn't have violent offences I am going to try this method first (also was a dumbazz when I was younger ) can't hurt to try .
  11. I do believe thats chartreuse LOL good job Leechman
  12. He's adorable great costume
  13. SMART LOL he definately got both of our best traits he's a little flirt to when we are out he's always smiling at all the pretty ladies I don't know were he gets that from :whistling:and his favorite toy is his john deere fishin rod
  14. Wow what a cool experience thanks for sharing it!!!
  15. Well I was on the WFN ambassador site and saw your blog there and thought I would do a google search and wouldn't ya know it I was led to a OFC post from 2008 which asked the same ??? do hooks dissolve in a fish and Musky or specks replied with a quote from the minnesota DNR which I thought was interesting there is also a few articles that do suggest that they do in fact dissolve in a fish it's hard to say though without some real scientific studies to go by here's Musky or specks reply from the other post. From Minnisota DNR page Ask the DNR Q. In its statements on catch-and-release, the DNR says it's better to leave a deeply im-bedded hook in a fish's mouth and cut the line than to rip the hook out. The hook will supposedly dissolve. But how do biologists know this? en A. There is no existing scientific research on the topic, but DNR fisheries biologists have observed fish surviving with hooks in various stages of "being dissolved" in their bodies. And many anglers have caught fish with a partially dissolved hook in its gut. Many variables determine how fast the hook will dissolve, and if the fish will survive at all. These include hook location (throat, stomach, mouth, etc.), hook size, fish size, temperature (most reactions occur faster at higher temperatures, so a hook would probably dissolve faster in the summer than in the winter). A hook in the mouth may dissolve, but it could also work loose and fall out. A hook in the mouth might hamper feeding behavior, but only temporarily. A hook in the gill, however, will almost always prove fatal because it interrupts the respiratory process before it gets a chance to dissolve. Hooks in the stomach will nearly always dissolve, if internal organs have not received life-threatening damage from the hook (such as during a fight between fish and angler). How long does it take for a hook to dissolve? Again there are lots of variables, such as hook size and fish size. DNR fisheries biologists estimate that it would take roughly two to three weeks for an ?average? hook to be dissolved by the ?average? fish?without too much indigestion. I often will kill a fish because it is gut hooked and bleeding. Stainless steel hooks of coarse will not rust out. Of coarse any fish deep hooked that is kept has no chance for survival.
  16. thats good to hear
  17. That sucks hope it works out for ya
  18. caught this little monster a couple years ago I'm wearing my hip waders and fishing vest and carrying a big downrigger rod when we go trick or treating he was trying to eat us after we told him sharks eat lots of fish LOL
  19. yeah the soft plastic that moves on it's own LOL .
  20. I brought this up before and looked at they ask a CO site and they said if the fish is OOS or in a slot you will be charged if it's in your posession .I beleive it is to stop poachers from keeping what ever they want by just saying they were deep hooked and would have died .I thought the same thing but I was wrong and can admit it
  21. That is awesome a member of this board place 5th with a 27lb+ sack good Job Magicfingers that 8lb toad is amazing.
  22. The whirlpool keeps you from getting there by boat or actually the 10' wall of water at the top of the whirlpool rapid. Italo does a show right there every couple of years I think with permision you can go down the maid of the mist parking and access the river that way .
  23. Your a lucky man nice report!!!
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