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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. Wife let me bring my fishing gear with me to try some spots in london before the santa clause parade on saturday and landed a nice fat river bass and man do they scrap here's a shot with my boy he wouldn't stop running around so we put him in the buggy for safety.
  2. Congrats buddy
  3. No they don't currently have a website (I think they are working on that) so you would have to drive down you will love the shop and Joslyn will talk your ear off prolly give ya a few new spots to try if ya ask .
  4. I just picked up a pair of streamside breathables from angling outfitters they are $240+taxes and have a 2 year over the counter warranty after 5-6 trips fishing for 6-7 hours a trip I'm happy with them and they look and feel comparable to the brands that were $1-200 more they are worth checking out .
  5. Erie still has a tonne of them lots in my home river in the spring to I catch them while steelheading.
  6. Sorry to hear I really hope they are wrong .sending thoughts and prayers your way hope your back on the river soon.
  7. My buddy swears by the banjo minnow he catches tonnes of bass on them I can't catch a cold with the stupid things .
  8. I also wanted to do this on my local pond/resivior for bass habitat and inquired to the consevation authority that takes care of it and they wanted GPS co-ord's for the DFO I am going to do it this spring with permission .MNR doesn't care to much but apparentally the DFO does .
  9. That horrible I hope it gets cleaned up .I still can't beleive people eat fish from Lake O
  10. This is gonna be old news for some but it was new to me so I thought it would be some that haven't heard it and would like it so enjoy and good job Cliff. http://m.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253DBIW590ZLv_Q&h=160a5&fbb=rc2b57c70&refid=0
  11. Very nice tribute Jim my grandfather was the same age and may have been over there with your dad. Let's not forget the men and women that are oversea's as we speak.
  12. Thanks guys just had my buddy look at it who is a mechanic and he says the same to check the wheel bearing and he is getting me parts cheap thanks guys for the help.
  13. yeah Irish the dealers around here are still around $90 and my buddy charges me $65 I think his regular rate is $75
  14. wow good thing I'm taking it to my buddies shop that doesn't charge anywhere near $100/hour labour we will se what the damage is tomorrow.
  15. unfortunately Skeeter I have been driveing it for a year like this should have called them on it when I first noticed it suprisinly other than the noisey ride there's no other damage tires aren't worn badly or anything CV axles look fine and tierods and struts all look good hope this isn't to expensive though don't want to take away any of my fishing gas $$$
  16. Thanks that's what I thought. Would this be able to pass a safety cause I bought it like this. Taking it in tomorrow I don't have time to many steelhead to catch right now LOL
  17. Hey guys any mechanics on here? can ya help me out my FWD drive ford escape has been really noisey while driving for awhile (thought it was the tires) and today I had a closer look and it looks to me like the lower control arm bushings are shot so here's a couple pics first is jacked up with tire off second is on the ground.Oh ya the noise quiets down if you turn 1 way any ways here's the pics. and ran into about 20 of these guys in 2 groups while I was checking out the creek couldn't believe they just strolled along off into the corn feild like we weren't even there
  18. Nice I always pack up the bass gear way to soon.
  19. Well I hope they do that when I send my curado 201 away for repair but then again I like the grey better than the green LOL thats why my reels are shimano always good service.
  20. Yes gulp is fine in the gulp alive package. They are not a mess in the boat at all you just have to keep the foam seal in the lid or it will leak some guys just cut a hole in the foam and it won't leak for them.
  21. Nice
  22. So sorry to hear your daughters bad news Wayne stay strong for her she will need her Dad right now .Thoughts and prayers for your whole family.
  23. My first newer car was a 2003 dodge 2.0sx and some drunken cyclist smashed right into the side of it in the middle of the night Dude left a perfect face print on the passenger side window and puked his guts out after the impact .
  24. Thanks for all the comments guys can't wait till the big girls start coming in next big rain should loader up most females this year have been 4-5lbs but lots of fun I love this time of year.
  25. Nice !!! Pink roe bags my fav bait
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