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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. I have a large shimano binder it works great
  2. Since a few have posted pics of their K-9 freinds that are no longer with us I thought I would add a pic of my pitbull Shylo with her little buddy Sheba as a puppy .Lots of people hate pitbulls but they were and still are my favorite breed of dog. I have owned four of them and they have all been huge sucks I miss my pitties.
  3. I had a spool of the firewire crystal that was horrible 65lb and a big husky jerk broke it off mid cast with no back lash also lost a bulldog and a big spinnerbait from breakage by far the most expensive spool of line I have ever used after losing all 3 lures. pretty sure it was just a bad spool but that was the only chance I was giving it .I have been using the cajun braid I have 2 rods spooled with 65 lb and 2 with 20lb and have no complaints so far and it was $23 for 2 spools of 200yrds I believe.
  4. I'm not a fan of small dogs usually (to yappy) but every shih-tzu I have ever met has had a cool personality they are the clowns of the K-9 world I used to have a ouple pitbulls and a freinds shih-tzu would pick at them all the time drve the pitties nuts but they loved the little bugger.
  5. Here's my beagle Sheba out at millionairres on LPB and swimming by bait island
  6. WOW that thing has the head of a 7lber looks like it's starving, imagine that fish in october after it puts on the feed bag! nice bucket I would go back lookin for that 1 again for sure .
  7. Is that a livewell on your yak ? if so thats cool!
  8. Yeah I think Mercer caught a huge one in it's natural habitat used to be a pic on his site or mabye the old intro to the show but I remember seeing him holding a huge pacu in a pic .
  9. Did you release the shovel they are a delicate species and need to be handled with care LOL I caught a black pacu that was released into a local pond I wish I had the pic still I think my aunt still has the newspaper clip I will see if I can get a copy and scan it really cool lookin fish like a huge pirahnna it was 5-6lbs 1 of the best fighting fish for it's size I have ever caught .
  10. Yeah dan but I'm a bass fisherman I want a casting deck LOL but I do stand on the bow of the starcraft it's pretty cool what you can see from up there.Maybe I will just fix it up nice and wait a few years longer and buy a bass boat and have the best of both worlds I just get bored to fast I think LOL but I told the wife she's buying me a HDS 8 for x-mas lol she batter start saving now thanks for the imput .SP it actually looks like it has had a impact right at the bow cleet for the winch there's a flat spot just below it so your prolly right it must of hit something hard to break that stringer .
  11. LOL I'm not really looking just came across this boat I actually had a guy from another site tell me it would be strong enough to hold but I think I might just fix my tinner up it's 18'6" and in decent shape just needs the interior done but I might repower it just to be safe won't be for awhile anyways just looking for options/ideas I might even trade it in on a new 1 I have no clue yet thanks for the reply BrianB
  12. hey guys, I know were to get a 19' starcraft I beleive its a 1900 profisher or something like that. its a side console with a open bow casting deck and TM the only prob is it's gutted I believe all the parts come with it and it has the left side stringer that runs the lenth of the boat is broken but theres enough room to overlap a peice of aluminium a good foot either way and my buddies a great tig welder and makes airtight tanks for water filtration. I am wondering if this would hold up if it was bolted in and welded would the stringer be strong enough to hold. I have to tear apart my current boat and do a resto anyways so doing the work is not a big deal I just don't want to go through all the trouble only to have it break again any thoughts would be appreciated this boat would be perfect for me and my family big and deep with a tonne of storage its just the broken stringer that has me worried .
  13. Know you can start backing off the mag and spool tensioner until you get some back lash or just slowly loosen the spool tension until the weight slowly falls to the ground about a foot per second mabye a bit slower and pitch till your arm falls off way easier to learn in the yard than on the water keep at it its worth the hassle.
  14. Can't wait to get out there on my holidays only 1 more week of work and then I'm fishin
  15. pretty sure I know were this happened
  16. That's been done for awhile now I got 15' of tomato stakes in the attic that used to be my favorit float rod.
  17. Hey spin I've been fishing LPB for a few years and I hit that sand bar this year followed my track on the GPS right into 1FOW I prolly would have made it but the wife was with me and I didn't want to scare the crap out of her LOL. TP is a bit more for launch fees but the time savings is worth it you will burn $10 driving around the bay int the truck and around pottahawk with the boat. Going through the bay following the north channel and going nice and wide around pottahawk is the safe way
  18. Hey smallie its only a 10-15min ride from TP at that speed mabye less takes me 20 from the PP at 25-30mph I would head straight to bluffs if I was going out friday the smallie fishing is getting good out there and that's were the big pike hide out good luck guys.
  19. Good point BTBM I hauled in a huge chunk of lumber because I couldn't break the 65lb braid I was using and I was shore fishing so I gey close and cut it I was cursing really loud LOL
  20. 30lb braid and 17lb flouro will not tie together very well 17lb flouro is a larger diam line than the braid I use 17lb flouro with 65lb braid with a back to back uni and that was failing once in awhile. I now use a small BB swivel to tie my leaders on and have never had a problem and I use it for pitching chiggercraws into heavy cover on a heavy action rod and set the hook hard and crank em into the boat. my flouro is trilene 100% in the gold pack I have it in 6,8,10 and 17lb it's really strong and not to bad for price like $23ish for 200yards I think. braid to flouro can work but the differance in diameter makes it hard to tie knots that are strong. I use a polomar knot with the braid on the swivel and a improved clinch on the flouro to the leader and bait.If your not fishing really clear water your not gonna notice that much diff than if your using a green braid tied right to the bait. I use flouro only in clear water situations and still catch a tonne of fish on straight braid but no ??? flouro has it's place keep trying stuff and you will figure out what works best for you.
  21. Its under the tongue to either side were the skin is the thinnest you will know what I mean when you see it as close to the thick cartilage of the jaw as possible. TC if I felt bad about poking a fishes mouth with a sharp object I wouldn't catch much LOL they say fish don't feel much inside there mouths because they eat bait fish with sharp fins all the time and could you imagine eating a live crayfish pinching your tongue as you swallow it
  22. Yep that's a nickel nice bucket
  23. I was told by another tourny angler that instead of putting the clips through the gillplate, to punch them through the skin in the lower jaw right beside the tongue. sounded kinda mean but I tried it and no reaction at all from the fish and it pierces the skin very easily.I think that a small hole in the lower jaw would be way less stressful or damaging than having there gills damaged we use a BPS set and a beam works good I will be looking at a good scale in the near future would hate to lose by a ounce or 2 and question your own culling at the end of the day. it is tough keeping track especially when your talking about 3-4 fish that weigh and look identical but like was said earlier culling is good and means your putting more weight in the well.
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