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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. LOL now that's funny
  2. That's awesome Frankie you and the Wife are kickin butt with the pledges!!! I'm only around $200 so far but todays payday at work so I'm gonna hit every one up again LOL this is gonna be a big year I think I can't wait to find out the totals .
  3. Man Gov that story choked me up ,so sorry for your loss I had to put down my 5 year old pitbull a few years ago and having to hold your best freind while they slip away is 1 of the hardest things I have ever done. it gets better with time the little things won't hurt so bad, I really hope you find a new puppy life just isn't the same without a dog around.
  4. The rapala scales are usually not real accurate but seem to be close I'd say yours is weighing a bit light nice smallies.
  5. I can honestly say I've never caught 1 that size
  6. Well if ya ask really nicely I might let ya hold the hawg I'm gonna catch LOL.
  7. we did that last week
  8. Hey Mike I went through 3 in 3 seasons kept getting a bad cell in them until I got a onboard charger and stopped moving them in and out of the boat then I had no problems with them.
  9. Personal Best and thats a nice PB gator just a big thick fish.
  10. LOL Dan I don't touch the engines I'm on my way in now were always the last to hear but I do know a tonne of corola and matrix owners and most love there cars these were all built before the new standards and quality measures were put in place.
  11. Were are you getting this from I just did a google search and found nothing about a new recall and have heard nothing about it from work. For the ford,chevy comment do a quick search and you will see they have more recalls annually than most other manufacturers every single year not just one bad year it is part of mass production it will happen to all of them.
  12. The energizer DC from wally world are pretty good for the price prolly get 6-8 hours on a charge if the wind isn't howling lasts all day with my 45lb on a canoe there around $110 or so.
  13. here's the prize pack Joslyn at Angling Outfitters has donated for us particapants . and here's some stuff I had kickin around that I don't use so I threw it in also .
  14. Ya gotta love youtube hero's dude calmed down and seemed like a decent guy we talked for a bit off the comment page I think he took my first comment the wrong way LOL
  15. hey gang Like yhe description says I want to fish this tourny and I am looking for a boater prefferably someone that has some knowledge of Simcoe because I have never fished it I will pay entire entry fee If your thinking about fishing it and need a partner shoot me a PM the tourny is on Oct 23 2010 my regular tourny partner is to busy with work to fish the event.
  16. Leadcore would be a lot easier wouldn't it ?
  17. It sure is a lot of fun the first time I can't wait to get my own.
  18. Sweet I never win contests thanks for the cool contest can't wait to get the tee.
  19. OK fish-a-thoners my brother Brian will be coming and I am gonna use his pond crawler so I have my 16' sportspal availible if some one needs a canoe my bro bought a 14' tinner so he's using that let me know if anyone wants to use it bring your own trolling motor or paddles though shoot me a PM if you need it I don't think we will need any rentals from the responce
  20. X2 even for steelheading but I don't think I would trust it for musky or pike
  21. Tb4me I think that's how we did it last year but it was a tough day of fishing I think we should go by inches and everyone bring a tape measure and camera so if any big hawgs get caught they don't get stressed out and can be released right away some of those big bass are really old and it would be a shame to lose 1. Hey Ryan cindy and dean Franklin from the TBBA have commited to donating some stuff for prizes that I will pick up next sunday also angling outfitters in woodstock has also commited to a prize pack I will let ya know what exactly both are next monday at the latest still waiting on a couple other places to get back to me this week I will keep ya updated.
  22. Thanks Ryan I still had 1 saved from last year.I may have a source for rental canoes and kayaks at a discounted price I would need to know for sure how many guy/gals need a boat in the next few days because he has a big group going out labour day and needs to know how many boats he would need for the sat as he would have to get them all cleaned and ready to go for the monday for his big group .
  23. were do we get the pledge forms or will last years work?
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