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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. And I'm not gonna wait to call my fishing partner when he's late .I won't get a second shot this year between tournies ,family vacation and a trip out to the promised land for perch I won't get out on the bay till well after all the SMB's are gone to the outer but I will chase them down then .
  2. What I didn't hear any snoring I had a great time chatting have to do it again next year wish the fishin would have been better for me but I knew the smallies would have moved out deeper but didn't go after them
  3. Yeah I hear people complaining about them leaking all the time but have never had a problem and then I realized it was because I left the foam/foil stuff attached and only peeled it back half way seals the lid completly I have a tub of 5" jerk shads that have been bouncing around in the boat for a couple years without leaking a drop I only use them for a trailer on buck tails for pike when the bite slows down so I don't go through very many but it's getting low so I have bought some packages and tossed them in the sauce so now I have a assorted bucket can't wait to toss some leeches to the smallies on LPB next weekend.
  4. I put one on my 18.6 starcraft because of porpoising and it solved my problem completely with no ill effects actually gained 1-2mph and no bow rise and on my smoker craft 14 tinny it was a great improvement and it gain 4mph in top speed .
  5. I just had to warranty a rod last year sent it to Canadian address can't remember off hand cost $75 shipped to my door no ??? 's asked
  6. that happened a few years ago I got stuck with a broken $695 float rod that they stopped honouring the warranty on I was ticked
  7. LOOMIS rods are great but they are pricey that's why I only have 1 for bass fishing and 1 for steelheading the rest of my bass gear is all LTW shimano or quantum what ever was on sale at the time of purchase not being picky has saved me a lot of $$$
  8. I wouldn't say they are the same boat they may be built in the same plant but so is a corolla and a lexus RX 350. Starcraft are much nicer fit and finish than the other 2 from what I have seen but all 3 are nice boats for the money.
  9. LOL To the OP nice musky you did the best you could with what you had hopefully the fish survived and you now know you were a bit under prepared for the beast and won't do it next time I am scared to go for ski's cause I will prolly be hooked after the first 1 I have only ever had 1 on and didn't land it while pike fishing I'm sure this won't be your last musky post.
  10. The anchor will do more than 2 paddles ever will in a strong wind (if its the right anchor) my brother got caught in a wind storm on long point fishing the marsh along the causeway and his tolling motor died trying to get back to Pt Rowan he threw his anchor and called for help he was half way to EC-10 when the guys got there to tow him in. he now has A LOT more respect for the water and for the weather he was heading for the outer bay with a anchor down with 50' of rope out in 8 FOW .It's better to have to much than not enough .
  11. Tell daryll from tillsonburg Shawn says Hi LOL I was just told about that job yesterday it sounds like a awesome place have fun and don't "work" to hard LOL.
  12. I have caught everything from less than a pound to 5+lbs on them I only use black and buy about 10 packs every winter to stock up its my favorite bait for flipping into open water weed puffs.
  13. Here's a couple perch from last week and a pike from today.
  14. When I can see bottom in 2-3FOW it is "clear" I'm used to fishing a river that is always brown from sediment so when you guys think its murky it looks crystal clear to me LOL the spot by the dam in paris was very clear and with my polarized glasses could see quite far into the water my home river is still brown.
  15. The grand in paris was crystal clear today never fished just checked it out.
  16. it's the second sunday in july be carefull out there lots of maniacs and cops always fun out there but I'm fishing a tourny that day so I'm gonna miss it.
  17. Yeah a net would be your best bet there a pain when river fishing but well worth it I carry my rubberized net with me steelheading all the time really helps in landing,handling and releasing fish especially pike .
  18. bet that drum fought like crazy for a few seconds LOL they fight hard at first and just die off we have caught a couple 10+lb sheepies in LPB on big tubes also 1 was in a tourny thought we had bigfish for sure and then we see a sheephead .nice smallies 2 less than a month to go I can't wait till opener.
  19. CT will check it out for free in hopes you will replace it there but thats up to you.
  20. http://forums.iboats.com/ has a lot of manuals to DL I think it's under the adults only sticky and its only titled that way to get your attention its a FAQ section great site lots of helpful people http://forums.iboats.com/showthread.php?t=301361 I think this is were the rude manuals are.
  21. LOL I remember that didn't take long for him to disappear
  22. He said Dave M was in the tourney not that Dave said NYS stocks bass so I am not sure why your taking a shot at him for trying to get a sponsor which he was not doing, mabye a little jelous ? I personally would love to see more bass sanctuaries like on long point bay the bay gets absolutely raped bass opener and still has a amazing bass fishery there is always going to be poachers no matter what we do some people just won't follow the rules all we can do as responsible anglers is not fall into there ways and lead by example and educate as many fairweather fishermen as you can when ever you can
  23. Just wait for my bass opener report from Long point bay 1-2000 boats in a small bay maybe 3-4k's across all converged on one area in the middle. you can almost walk across and people are whipping around in speedboats ,jet ski's and trolling right through groups of anchored boats. theirs a guy that insists on getting out his scarab with twin 502ci big blocks and flying up the north channel were 75% of the boats are fishing and then he will stand on the bow like its a bass boat and fish for smallies .It's a absolute zoo and I can't wait for it LOL.
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