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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. I check my credit regularily and my bell debt has been with 3 different collection agencies and has never made it onto my report and it's going on 3 years now I just keep telling the agencies I won't pay it and they stop calling until it's sent to another short of taking you to small claims court there is nothing they can do (which rarely happens for less tham $1000) a utility company can't even report to equifax anymore like they used to.
  2. I'm in the same boat but it's from 08 and it will NEVER show up on your credit rating it's just a scare tactic there's pretty much nothing they can do and the same thing with me very long story why I won't ever give Bell another dime.
  3. Nice Bucket man!!! ya gotta love the cheering tourists I had the same thing at the credit quite a few years ago landed a 15ish nook and when I lifted it out of the water for a pic the crowd that had gathered started clapping and cheering and lots of them were snapping pics and I'm pretty sure one dude was video taping the whole thing LOL. I still think your gonna have a hard time topping that one in Ontario.
  4. And just because YOU say it's crap doesn't make it so
  5. When you put new flouro on your reel take off the spool and run it under hot water for a few mins I have never done it but my bass tourny partner does and it work great for him no explosions that I have seen using straight 10 trilene flouro give it a shot can't hurt nothing.He got the tip from a tackle wholesaler and bass pro.
  6. Thanks for the support
  7. They are talking about fly line tippet material like frogs hair, drennan and such I personally can't stand it but I use trilene flouro mainline as a leader it's $22 for 125yrds compared to $30 for 50yrds I even used rapala flouro with great success and it was $9.99 for 125yrds like I said different recipes for success.
  8. I guess all of the bass guys that fish smallies on zebra mussel infested Lake Erie don't have a clue what they are doing when they use flouro for it's superior abrasion resistance. I have tested 6lb mono against 6lb flouro and mono breaks WAY easier every time trilene against trilene. Like I said before stop buying the over priced "tippet" materiel and try trilene flouro it is stronger than any 6lb mono and I am certain of that! I have broken my 12lb trilene xl mainline trying to break off a snag(Obviously a fray in the line) .As for all the comments about getting a knick in the flouro and your done, I have used the trilene flouro all day with out re tying my leader and moved my bb shot all over the place without any problem and the line is frayed like crazy .I will say it again deferent people have diferent recipes for success and telling my recipe doesn't work is pretty arrogant or maybe I'm just not very abrasion resistant LOL
  9. I am talking about float fishing I horse fresh fish ALL the time it's the ONLY way to land big fish in my "Home" waters there's no "steering" the fish because there is wood every where you look .I can't coun't the amount of times I have though "I'm gonna lose this one)as I clamp down on the float reel and hold on ,I also don't use anything less than 6lb leader and have on many occasions out fished guys using lighter line than me .I think abrasion is very important for float fisherman rivers are full of abrasive crap.OH 1 more thing stop using tippets and use regular flouro line way cheaper and stronger but everyone has their own recipe for success.
  10. I agree with the no increase in hook ups, but don't you find that flouro will take abrasion way better than mono. thats why I use flouro, I find I can still horse a fish (sometimes) out of the wood with flouro which would never happen with mono, it basically snaps if it touches any wood or rocks and flouro will give you a chance to get out of the junk IMO it increases the amount of fish I land not hook ups. Might just be I have way more confidence in the flouro who Knows.
  11. Thanks for all the votes guys this contest is apparently a monthly contest so please keep voting I can still win a monthly prize .
  12. Travis Pastrana does that and hits a jump
  13. Nice 7+ will be hard to beat in Ontario
  14. Thanks VERY much SBK
  15. Your the man SBK and thanks to everyone that has voted .
  16. Thanks SBK and that is a good tune .
  17. I thought it was pretty cool brought a smile to my face thanks for posting.
  18. I don't know about the CRV but the escape would pull his ranger no problem I tow my 18.6 foot starcraft and it has waterlogged foam. mines FWD there's a guy that fishes the TBBA that pulls a 21 triton with a 225(also a FWD) on it and says it is fine. I have seen him pull the boat out of a ramp were full size pick ups were spinning there tires and he pulled right out with out so much as slip. mines great lots of power and plenty of room for 4 adults other than the wheel bearing I have had no issues, I have only had it less than 2 years .Now after saying all that if I was looking now I would go for a grand cherokee,nitro,explorer,durango more of a full size SUV with a V8 I'm actually thinking about trading in my Magnum for a RAM 4x4.I am not recomending that you tow on a regular basis with a escape maxed out like the guy with the triton but they are rated for 3500lbs and will handle 2000lbs with no problem.I would go a bit bigger than the liberty,escape or CRV I love car shopping for other people LOL
  19. This is my biggest for the year never broke 5lbs on LMB but this smally was 5.14lbs on a tourney scale
  20. Thanks JBZ keep the votes coming
  21. Hey guys and gals please keep voting for my video and Drifter's help keep us in the top 10
  22. Thanks guys I'm in the top 10 right behind another OFNer keep on voting for both of us and mabye we can both get on TV
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