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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. how do you like my moustache, oui oui.... great job again TJ
  2. disgusting, especially all the diapers ya know what i learnt today....aparently there are penguins in brazil, i would have never guessed
  3. great news when hunting opportunities are given back instead of taken away, rarely heard of now that we see it can be done.........hint, spring bear hunt....hint
  4. congrats, looks like he's gonna be in need of a hair cut all ready LOL
  5. i'd be in for a couple, at a reasonable price that is
  6. excellent set up, i have one myself (store bought though) and love it, don't take it up gravel pits though LOL
  7. ditto, i'm sure it's just a minor glitch and our team will have us back to normal in no time......... right
  8. thanks alot guys, that's what i was hoping to hear, a road trip is definately in order
  9. i dont have the arms big enough to fish with those things LOL, i see those baits in tackle stores and am still amazed that fish actually try and eat those things
  10. that's cool, i remember when i was a kid my dad had 2 exactly like that rod, not the reel (as far as i can remeber), we used it for deep water lakers, great times and memories, thx.
  11. better than nothing,their "sweetheart package" i'm sure is something we all wish we had and would fight not to lose it, someone sounds bitter and lookin for a witch hunt(his name starts with G and ends with reg) looks like i got an opinion in on this one BEFORE it gets locked down. And it'll be my last, so rip me all u want
  12. My lease is due beginning of april, so im in the market for a "new to me "vehicle. Been lokin around home for awhile and the few i find are in rough shape for the asking price (in my opinion) so i'm hoping someone in central or southern ontario would have an idea what these trucks are goin for in ur area and if there are enough around for a road trip. Any help would be appreciated. Lookin for a 2006 (would take an 05-07 for right conditions)ford supercrew (4 doors) 4x4 with the 5.4 litre. NO LEATHER. Under 80K kms. with a tow package, Excellent condition. Any other bells and whistles are not that important to me, (if they have them fine but not a deal maker) Not sure if anybody who reads this works at a dealership/car lot, or if anyone who spots one on a lot and has a little spare time would mind finding out a price for me. It would truly be appreciated, i have a couple of days off next week and thinkin of making a road trip. I've spent countless hours surfing the net for southern dealers but it seems very few of them actually keep their inventory up to date. Thanks
  13. ahhhhhaaaaaa, a little search on THIS very site has turned up some results, entered
  14. whitewater is barely more than a muddy hole, and vermillion, well lots of pike but the nice ones are hard to find, i have a hut out there and caught about 50 pike this winter between 2-4lbs, stinky slimy buggers good luck woth the tour
  15. good ol' red X, dirty trick
  16. leaks?, i think if the dings are near welds or rivets, popping them out can create some leaks if there arent any already, when u say u plan to "flip" it, do u mean sell? just curious and good luck, look forward to before and after pics.
  17. sorry for pulling u into this, it was GCD, more importantly SORRY for mistaking the 2 of you, it'll never happen again, (now it'll go to his head) i fixed it, maybe he didnt see....shhhhhhhh
  18. WOW, u lucky lucky man, must be quite a feeling to do that, looked like a great day, btw, keep ur eyes on the sky will ya, ur freakin me out
  19. well, pretty much what was expected for mtl. they couldn't buy and trades are hard to come by, thankfully tanguay should be back in the next couple games, price is gettin killed since recovering from his injury, 'nother crapload tonight, i think the leafs did a fine job, bruins and flames rocked the deadline, bruins knew they have a great chance so they took the steps needed for a little extra push, flames weren't quite the cream of the crop and did what they needed to do to get there,sens were a team going nowhere fast and got a great goalie in preperation for next year, good for them since my habs SHOULD make it to the post season but most likely lose in the first round, i'm pickin the bruins and flames (hopefully det. and s.j. will lose a key player to injury LOL) GO HABS GO go flames go
  20. great reply Terry, on report threads, i for one, have a high percentage of posts of the "few words" kind, like GCD said, to acknowledge i read/enjoyed the thread and the time it took to make it, i used to make many reports with pictures when i first started here and usually got one or two replies to it, i figured because at the time i cant remeber any members from sudbury or timmins (other then Pam and Dan the man....whatever happen to him) which were the areas i fish, and figured the low reply count was because nobody was interested in those areas, got to the point where i didn't think it was worth the effort, 99% percent of the reports made i've never been to those lakes or areas or fished for those species, but i still enjoy them, maybe i'll give it a go again anyhow great community, thx for having me
  21. some stocked lakes around here are originally good speck lakes that were over fished, they were stocked because they were classic habitat lakes for them, which means there are probably some natural fish still in them,(not sure if ur lake is such) clipped fins aren't necessarily an indicator of a stocked fish
  22. lol, ur right.... for now, hoping for some moves before the deadline
  23. hey drifter, is the antler carving on the top shelf from a real antler or fake, looks cool,
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