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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. i've seen a few of those shows, i find them very ineteresting, i saw one where they raised pigs for food, and another where they raised turkeys for food, they were raised in his back yard, by his entire family, young children included, and he made sure the kids knew they were raising them for food, anyways i thought it was interesting they also showed the butchering process of the animals after, the turkeys were very interesting, they stick something like a cattle prod down they're throat and zap them, they die instantly (apparently) i took it as a learning experience, but it could have been a shock to some i guess what they say is true for some, "out sight, out of mind"
  2. i like trucks
  3. very cool!!! especially pic #2, with the snow flying in all different directions
  4. zamboni driver
  5. nice haul, ur "buddy Tadd with the slab" looks like Bam Margera
  6. Uptade on my condition... feelin a little woozy right now, but surviving, the lack of food in my system is makin me find the wierdest things appetizing but i'm able to resist, i have a feeling "the man" is going to try and stand his ground but so am I, I'm in it for the long haul, "the man" might act tough but i have a feeling he has a kind side and will not want me to suffer much longer, POWER TO THE RECIPELESS PEOPLE now if u'll excuse me i'm gonna go stick my head in the oven......no not to end my life but just to smell the aroma of past meals
  7. i've seen this happen a few times, but they were smaller ducks, ducklings actually the food chain in action
  8. interesting read, thanks for that, it seems like he's going thru alot of crap because of a few individuals but the laws seem to be there, as lousy as they may be, now i'm not taking sides but from what i've read mr mackie and his business are in violation, he seems to be doing some good, mostly, if he had a different neighbor maybe none of this would of ever came up, but it did, it's a bummer
  9. ya TJ but he's gonna have to revise his lyrics "we'll think no more of VALE Inco......"
  10. not what i was picturing but still VERY ugly
  11. awesome, congrats to ur bro, the arm bar is sweet, first pic is hilarious though
  12. come on, tell us, please....please...please...please...please....please...please...please...please....please...please...please...please....please...please...please...please....please...please...please...please....please...please...please...please....please...please...please...please....please...please...please... that's it im going on a hunger strike till u tell us
  13. phew! just slipped into gen. X by about 20 days LOL
  14. couldn't agree more, 3rd parties have too many hoops to go thru to be valid, when u need it they deny you coverage, read the fine print of everything that's expected of you,
  15. my bros got a hut on nighthawk, they've been drivin trucks out there since mid-december, i think ur safe now LOL
  16. my ma makes something that looks almost like that and is very secretive in her recipe also, are u guys in cahoots?
  17. sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, be afraid to see what the "monkey goby" looks like
  18. with a title like that i was wondering how it could be fishing news, but there it is, the dang lamprey
  19. our future shops sux @$$, so now i order anything i want from them thru futureshop.ca
  20. lol, that's crazy
  21. my mommy bought me the rapala for christmas, 1/2 price @ ctc just before christmas, only thing i've used it on so far was a ham
  22. sorry toh ear about ur bad luck, some ppl just dont care, should try a sporting goods store for skates, most have used skates at great prices, kids grow like crazy n you'll probably need a new pair next year anyway then you can trade in the old ones over n over n over, (if she's just using them on occasion that is)
  23. heard some interesting new words today, can only think of one though to obamarize...... when obama summarizes
  24. watched a bit of it tonight, interesting but long, kept an eye on the markets today, thought they'd go up but nope
  25. so what's the lucky ticket for winter, so far i've tried chubs on tip us, jigging with chubs, jiggin with rubbers, spoons, and a few other lures but all i can seem to catch this year is dang slimey pike, i bought some shiners today and will give them a try tomorrow i didn't vote cause..... well i havent caught anything so it's hard to prefer somethin
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