thanks a bunch folks, this is exactly what i was looking for,
the gun store is gonna have to be on the list, when else will i get to fire off a fully automatic gun, i think hoover dam is gonna have to wait another time, i would gladly take a punch in the face from mike tyson, just so long he doesnt bite my ear off,
the stratosphere is a BIG NO NO for me, that type of thing scares the crap out of me, my brother did all the rides last year and thoroughly enjoyed them,
i've heard good things about the freemont area, i'm sure i'll be spending time there
not sure yet about shows i may want to see, unfortunately AC/DC and Metallica are both within a week of our trip but not while we're there
i dont think i can "afford" the bunny ranch
i wish the wedding was as simple as a wedding chapel, instead it's in the desert, so a good chunk of saturday will go to that