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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. if you have a mouse with a scroll wheel u can use that instead of + or - while holding CTRL
  2. things can actually survive in the holland, ewwwww gross fished just down river from the treatment plant in espanola once, good fishing but disgusting water, everything was released do to the ewwww factor
  3. you've done it again, good job any measurement on ur PB wally?
  4. very nice fishes, love the sight of no snow down the highway
  5. dang this new board......lol so used to double clicking to get back its hard to break the habit
  6. good job, thx for the hard work, now go grab yourselves a beer, oh and a shower
  7. pretty cool watching the minnow trying to swim away from the pickeral
  8. pliers
  9. love the videos, about how deep is this video taken at? what kind of camera do you use? how far ahead is the camera from the flasher thx
  10. can't wait for the pics, gonna have to head that way one of these years
  11. by far my favorite is when im with my brother and we meet someone who asks us if we caught anything or if they're biting, with straight faes my brother always shakes his head and says "caught a few" while at the same time i nod my head and say "nothin" and we go on our way
  12. very nice i wish we could catch perch like that at the hut, all we get are 6-8 inchers
  13. GO HABS GO scary when gorges got the puck in the back of the head, especially from a guy like green, price has to stop giving in the countless 5 hole goals, it's getting ridicoulous
  14. i know on the ocoa website names are named once found guilty, nothing new has been posted recently, i've been checked twice in 3 weeks at my ice hut, first time 1 mnr officer on a sled, 2nd time 4 mnr sleds and a regional flew by us, 1/2 hour later another mnr and a regional stopped
  15. thanks a bunch folks, this is exactly what i was looking for, the gun store is gonna have to be on the list, when else will i get to fire off a fully automatic gun, i think hoover dam is gonna have to wait another time, i would gladly take a punch in the face from mike tyson, just so long he doesnt bite my ear off, the stratosphere is a BIG NO NO for me, that type of thing scares the crap out of me, my brother did all the rides last year and thoroughly enjoyed them, i've heard good things about the freemont area, i'm sure i'll be spending time there not sure yet about shows i may want to see, unfortunately AC/DC and Metallica are both within a week of our trip but not while we're there i dont think i can "afford" the bunny ranch i wish the wedding was as simple as a wedding chapel, instead it's in the desert, so a good chunk of saturday will go to that
  16. WOW! that is very impressive
  17. will be going to vegas for my first time april 1-5, for a wedding, will be staying at the mgm grand, looking for advice from those who have been before on things that you thought were worth doing/seeing, and what was not. i'm not much of a gambler but i'm sure i'll spend a little on the floor, i'm very easy going and am more of an "i'll do whatever you guys want to do" type of person, any thoughts/advice/comments/shared experiences will be appreciated thx
  18. i'm a lefty on all counts, but can manage righty if needed
  19. thiking of trying it for pickeral, maybe lakers too
  20. chowder, bbq, oven, even microwave, many, many ways to cook fish a favorite dip of mine is smoked fish and cream cheese, same way as you do the ranch
  21. hunt n fish, wouldn't be able to just do one
  22. that is the question, when ice fishing a jigging rap. or similar lure do you tip it with a minnow? whole or piece/head? onto the middle hook (treble)? i always tip spoons and such, but not sure about this one bought one last year and never used it, found it in the bottom of my box figured i'll have to give it a try, thx
  23. got mine today, but there's some ugly mugg on the back of it, HAHA thx a bunch guys
  24. everyday is seniors day
  25. hard to tell from the pic, but lay some brush or branches on the sides of ur tunnel so the bunny is less likely to go around the new obstruction bunny, can of bravo, mushrooms, celery, oninons cooked slow and long (preferably slow cooker) over spaghetti, mmmmmmm good
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