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Everything posted by Lunatic

  1. i saw the covenant tour when it came around back in the day. blessed are the sick is still one of my fav. death metal albums,these days tho ive gone back to a mostly thrash metal diet
  2. ive always been a huge fan of shimano.
  3. not that this is any excuse,but today i caught a 4lb oos bass and quickly released it. but i saw loads of LM bass everywhere i paddled,it was insane, and i saw many very very young bass as well. i think due to the heat we've been having they have spawned early this year, so im expecting a strong turn out for bass this year because they spawned early and dont need to worry so much about poachers keeping them or disrupting their beds. but then again,im no expert.
  4. ive tresspassed more than once in my day. sometimes if you aint cheatin you aint tryin
  5. i wouldnt feel too bad cheating the goverment, i know they dont feel bad when they cheat you over and over and over again.
  6. ok NOW im pissed.
  7. I dont ice fish and i dont keep fish. ive been to mountsberg for some shore fishing twice last week and got skunked. i noticed the sign was missing,wasnt sure what happened to it. next time you see ice fishing huts,call police.
  8. what about people who are renting boats? do they need to have the license? i remember talks about it in the past but not sure if renters need one or not.
  9. i love the trough of meat. i think health and hygiene would be an issue with buckets of ribs open in the middle of the floor and i think they will eat anything.
  10. Thanks guys. i had no idea waterford ponds had pike. thought it was mostly bass and crappie. but i think i might get the raft out and get off the shore. i'll give waterford a shot.
  11. hmm, interesting. thanks for stepping up
  12. thats just great,i guess no bonfire for me when i go outside of espanola this august. oh well,what can ya do.
  13. I'll be the first to admit that my early spring pike/walleye fishing was never the greatest,and i always long for summer time bass fishing. so fishing from shore the past two days we've been skunked. ive heard that pike spawn in the grindstone creek marshes,im not exactly sure where that is, i know grindstone creek and ive walked the trail at the RBC and those "ponds" are wicked shallow. tried 'berg twice and nothing. tried pier 4 - nothing also tried the window by the bay or whatever its called in burlington near golf club and lasalle park. ive been using inline spinners,husky jerks,slashbaits- all the ususal suspects. the places i used to fish in the spring have all dried up and have been over fished, so this is why im on a quest for new spots. i know no one wants to offer their honey holes,nor am i expecting you to,but if someone could put me on the right path id be greatfull next week im going to hit the grand river, although i ever had much luck there.
  14. Im in love with BPS so i do all my major shopping there,but its a long drive so its usually only twice a year i go there and its usually in late winter early spring when im re-stocking. but when i need things here n there,i go to local shops,the closest one to me is fishing world, the older guys there are usually good,but the younger ones dont know their from their elbow. asking questions about whats in stock,when its coming whats new is like pulling teeth with them. i now go elsewhere.
  15. I probably hate thieves more than anything in this world. having owned and built a few high 10 and low 12 2nd gen camaros i can almost garuntee it wasnt stolen for a stereo or scrap metal. no one steals these type of cars for this reason,maybe after they have stripped it naked it will end up a cube somewhere. but like anytime a friends car of this nature was ever stolen,everyone bought auto-traders and especially the tri-ad buy n sell mags for months waiting for the parts to appear. also,feilds and yes indian reserves are the first places we always look. especially in the hamilton/brantford area. sometimes its natives who take them and dump them at the res or others do it and dump it at the res so the natives take the heat. i know this first hand,and more then once. a friend of mine had her Iroc stolen from a church parking lot of all places,and when the car was located 2 weeks later it was found at the res stripped and run into a tree, also 4 other camaros were found right next to it. fathers lousy saturn was stolen a few years ago and found weeks later in the res. i do have 1 question tho.....how does one not hear a 12 second car being stolen?? i know getting into that firebird was childs play,but most 12 sec. cars when started shake the foundations. i install kill switches on everything now. if anyone remembers the car alarm in the movie robocop, this is what i think needs to be sold to the public. strapped in,doors lock and fried.
  16. Somebody actually read all of that??? i read the first paragraph,and feel dirty about it. I never understood why people post longggg winded rants about websites.
  17. i hear ya. i had only 2 or 3 good holes within hamilton for bass (excluding lake ontario) and both are now gone due to highways and housing. still lookin tho!
  18. i find it funny if its the pond between hutches/barangas and the highway because there have been a few times where i was going to ask here if anyone had ever fished in it. looks like a good place for bass to hold up. but now with that croc in there,maybe ill try elsewhere lol
  19. Crosby blocks shots and back checks, something ovie never does. mtl is in trouble. lapierre sells another Bull call, i hate that cross-eyed idiot. i hope the refs review the tape on that and call him for every dive he even thinks about doing.
  20. ovie is no crosby and varlomov (sp?) is no halak
  21. absolute madness. congrats halak, you just got yourself a 7mil a yr contract soon.
  22. if thats what it takes for montreal to win (halak standing on his head every game) then i feel bad for him. taking a pounding every night just to end up on the golf course because of the oompa-loompas playing in front of him.
  23. Its funny ive always considered the habs being one of the teams that took dives more then any other,starting back when ribero was on the habs. i see lapierre has taken that crown from him, what a joke he is. the more i watch these games the more i truely am convinced bettman is phoning in penilties. ive never seen so many one sided calls in my life. not just this series but in others as well. the canadiens are getting penilties for almost nothing at times, its a shame the NHL thinks the refs should take the spotlight from the intensity that is the play-offs i love how the announcer had to announce to the fans (twice i might add) that they had 4 american players on their team in hopes they do not continue to boo the american national anthem. classless fans...they boo anyways. have to talk to them like 2 year olds. props to caps fans who applauded the canadian anthem.
  24. hahaha, i love it! but they did put on a helluva show, was a great series to watch. all we need is the habs to get out,and then i can go on not caring about who wins the cup. but im still routing for the pens or even the hawks would be nice.
  25. dont forget to check out mom and pop tackle shops, youd be suprised at some of the deals. and probably a better selection too.
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