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Everything posted by Lunatic

  1. I use palomar on everything now,no slips or breaks at the knot to date
  2. I e-mailed them and they want to make it right, even tho I said in the e-mail I wasn't interested in an exchange,just wanted to know what's up, but I'm gonna send it back.they tell me it's probably a bad batch.
  3. while i was at bass pro i picked up 2 kvd squarebill 1.5 silent crankbaits.while i opened up all my goodies i noticed one of the KVD cranks was rudely put together. the one i purchased in bluegill was made in china and the quality and finish looks great.but the other in sexy shad (made in costa rice) looks like it was put together by my 2 year old. the square bill has glue all over it,there is a glue blob on the top rear that was painted over and the paint itself feels like sandpaper.also lots of over spray when putting on the dot and lines. i usually dont complain about things like this because ive had the odd baits from time to time look less than great,but this one is night and day,it really looks like a cheap knock off,of the china model (lol never thought id ever say that something from china was higher standard!) anyone else experience this? beware the costa rica models!
  4. I just got back from there.was kinda disappointed this year. didnt seem to have much on sale,or at least much that i wanted or needed.not as many rods on sale,and of course i left my trade in rod at home,so when i got there a loud "d'oh" could be heard in the parking lot.test drove the new tundra on there little off road course they have in the parking lot. hope next years spring sale is better.
  5. Wouldnt call myself a noob,but I wouldn't call myself a vet either. I usually get out on a boat via friend or rental a few times a year.so I'm not the idiot anchored down in a laneway lol
  6. Thanks guys.
  7. Couple if questions, I see Canadian tire has pre-paid boaters exam card 10.00 off, is the online test a one shot deal? Or can I keep doing it untill I pass? Also is there a place I can study for the test or do I have to buy the "official book"? 15.99 for a book that used to be free once upon a time.
  8. Give it time. Devils coach retires, new coach new system fails after half a year , old coach come back and it still took them weeks before they started winning again. This year is done. Coach players and system should be in sync
  9. ya they should go for the pick at this point. they should also send frattin and gardiner down to the mariles for their play-off run.
  10. spro frog,hula popper,pink senko
  11. We're coming for montreals draft pick
  12. Put it on kijiji as is, probably make more than double then what scrapers will give you.
  13. Thanks for all the input , I ended up ordering the garmin echo 150, the reviews I read were all good and should do fine. Best buy had it for 99.98 , who knew best buy had fish finders lol
  14. 100,000 barely broken in. do the exhaust work and sell it,if you dont want it.
  15. ive been reading up on as many as i can in my range,including ones listed on kijiji,and i think the garmin echo 150 appears to be the best bang for the buck. the larger humminbird 560 is a single beam,whereas the echo is dual,fromwhat im reading dual is good for shallow waters?
  16. they can change their attitude all they want,it wont bring me back. ive had a good experience once or twice there,but all the other times have been poor or even rude. and having heard stories from friends and other people on here and in other places about how they act,its enough for me. somethings wrong when you have the bigger store with better selection and people drive by you and go further to a smaller and less stocked place.customer service is important,i dont need bi-polar people serving me.
  17. going to use on my tinny.so most of my fishing wont be deep lakes.
  18. I think kadri needs a fresh start somewhere else , I think all of Wilsons negativity and tossing kadri under the bus ruined his confidence, also don't think you can judge a player by watching one game.
  19. Ive been flirting with the idea of getting a fish finder,but i dont know anything about them,nor have i ever used one before.if i were to get one i would want my first one to be in the 100.00 range. i know this will seriously limit me to low end,but being on a wicked tight budget and wanting to get used to using one and gain knowledge before upgrading in a few years. so ive read a lot of mixed reviews and thought id ask you guys,since im sure most of you probably own or have owned one. 2 that stand out for me right now are the garmin echo 150 and the humminbird 560. what do you think? thanks.
  20. I have my day picked out and I'm going nuts waiting. But I agree that they dont seem to have much on sale, at least for me.really wish more rods were on sale.
  21. funny,i wont go there again because of those very reasons.i too live 5 min from there,and i once worked next to the place.but everytime i went in there,i came out with a sour experience.it was like i was bothering them by wanting to cash out.happen enough times i decided to stick to bills up the mountain.last year all i needed was a license and decided what the hell i'll just go to fishing world since its right there,bad move. i stood infront of the till for 5 min before someone asked if i needed anything,when i told them i needed a license that said oh ok,and that was it, the other dude just started serving people around me and after about 10 min of standing there i just walked out. ended up at bills and was in and out. when i mention fishing world to friends they scoff and tell me things like, "its like im bothering them if i need something" yeah,so i dont think ill be in for any of their sales lol. bps and bills for me.
  22. I think you confused grabo for Connelly
  23. what? his 2 way play is probably one of the best on that team.
  24. i think its a bit rich for him,would have thought 4.5 with a 5 year term would have made more sense. but keep in mind that GMs have been overpaying on players lately driving up with prices.if you compare grabos new contract with players who have equal or less points than him ,then his right in the mix. worst example would be gomez and his 7.5 million dollar goal. or anyone buffalo has signed in the last year.
  25. There was also one person a few years ago who sued mcdonalds because when they took a bite of their hamburger a hot pickle fell out onto his chin burning it, not sure if he who his Case or not.
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