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Everything posted by Lunatic

  1. "his staff plan to interview Mr. Chapple for further details on the incident to gather information on attacks for their database and to help decide whether the grizzly should be tracked down. Other hunters may be at risk from the animal, he said." this has to be one of the more stupid things ive heard all week. other hunters may be at risk from the animal??? i find it pathetic,so if the animal finds the hunter,before the hunter finds the animal, an investigation is held to see if they should send in a team of people to kill it so it dont harm other hunters what a world.
  2. I knew someone would point that out I have no excuse for the MGD, its just a good smooth beer. as for the coors light. it is not the same as the american coors light. it has more alcohol in it plus its brewed by molson i believe. ( the canadian coors light that is)
  3. Thats american beer. 1.Miller genuine draft 2.coors light 3. labbat blue 4.keiths 5.whatever i can afford
  4. There is no really good book on fishing. Once you learn the basics, the rest is all trial and error. best bets are you watch vids on youtube. see what they are using,how they are using it and where are they using it. they are still only guidelines. example: i was fishing a certain area and spot and pulled in 4 largemouth bass in 20 min. on the same bait, around lunch time. i return the next day ,same place,same time,same bait and fished the spot and area for 2 hours and not even a hit. i return a week later 5:30 am, fished 3 hours, got 1 hit but no takers. back again yesterday and pulled in 5 pike and had 2 jump off the hook as i was pulling it in,using 3 different baits and this was about 3 hours of fishing. fish are picky,they move around. they like green one day and red the next. my advice to you,would be to get to know your local tackle shops. they can be extremely valuable. they will point you in the right direction with the right baits and even some good areas to try. i dont see many people or books telling you where exactly to fish and what exactly they are going to bite on,or the area would have 1000 people showing up and killing it. good luck oh yeah,learn about the fish you want to catch, what do they eat?where can they be found?when are they there?
  5. i got tired of looking at the default pic. i should take pics of my spro frogs,since i lost another 2 of them today.
  6. im not even gonna say it.....too easy. :lol:
  7. this.
  8. whats good here is that everyone has decent opinions and at least make an effort to follow whats going on. I really hate those voters who dont follow anything and will always vote one way,just because of something that happened 40 years ago. i know for fact alot of voters,italians etc in my area only vote liberal because thats who let them into the country 30 yrs ago and have NO idea whats going on at all. i hate those type of voters. and they are always the first ones to have that giant liberal sign on there front lawn. and the GTA seem full of these types
  9. i'd be lying if i said i wasnt jealous. pitch n flip eh....think it'll work with a spinning set up LOL
  10. I had a green spro frog that was getting me a good 80% hook up rate untill a pike took it. because my local store no longer had the green one i bought a tropical,black and a yellow spro frog. i havent had much action on the yellow or the tropical,but just like Cudz said,my black one gets hit alot but i can never hook em. and just like him im in the 0 for 20 range with it. I was told about your frog and it was the price tag that scared me away. would love to hear future reports from you using this frog.....just to be sure the hook rate is still high for you before i invest in another frog. spros are a bit rich for my wallet as it is.
  11. And then we can just accuse them of putting lead in the fish.
  12. If Harper goes to court,he can take with him a breifcase. where he can open it,and take out golf balls and talk about them.
  13. I find it funny that Michael Ignatieff is saying that the reason we are in a deficit and jobless is because of harper. hahaha, of course it has nothing to do with the world recession! lol , no wait its harpers fault that the world is in recession. we can vote Michael Ignatieff and the liberals in just as we are coming out of the recession so they can take credit for it,and we get stuck with them for another 50 years. thankfully not all of us are as stupid as they would like to think we are. im sure if the conservatives win again Michael Ignatieff will leave the country for another 20 or 30 years. (one can hope)
  14. no,but when you have filled up that can with cigarette butts and toss it in the garbage you've just pissed off the hippies who want to know why you havent cleaned the can out and recycled it!
  15. Liberals cant handle the fact they are not in office. canada has voted and they got the conservatives. wait your turn and challenge them when your supposed to. i like the harper goverment. and i like my vote to stand up. so when i vote and my goverment gets in i expect them to be there untill re-election. all this vote of no confidance crap rears its head, they are telling canadians that their votes do not count.
  16. most cars and trucks do not come with ashtrays these days, so theres your answer. they try to discourage smoking and do not equip cars with ashtrays,then people complain when they get tossed out the window. i do not smoke. i quit 2 years ago. most non smokers treat smokers as if they were hitler.
  17. So i guess superman has tourettes. now we know.
  18. LMAO!! i like the "mmm food" quote in your profile
  19. Perhaps a petition is in order. and then some research and send it off to local tv news stations that might give them something to research or look into.
  20. I hated all the boring cautions! the wrecks were cool tho. glad ANYONE but the shurb won it. i was pulling for ambrose,but carl aint so bad so good outcome. i hate hate hate kyle busch,i cant stand looking at his ugly head,so id rather him run off into his camper after a race then have to look at its head whine during a post race interview!!
  21. haha! i would have done the same thing. ive threatened to toss two punks in the river once and they moved,so i didnt have to and they only crossed my line twice
  22. We've been going thru the same crap for years. used to get snow removal now we dont etc. Here is an interesting story... a few years ago we got hit hard with snow during the night. I wake up early for work 5:30am,look out the window...wow,lots of snow. have a shower,start making breakfast,look out the window,lots of snow...no plows,hmm...oh well, go to leave and 4 or 5 neighbours are stuck on the street trying to go to work, hmmm ,whats one more car, i launch out the drive-way and make it half way down the small road we live on and i get stuck, all of us end up stuck for about 3 hours and in the end we shoveled ourselves out and we had all called in to work not gonna make it today. i finally get off the road and i park it, i walk back to the house sit around for a few hours, still no plows. so i call a friend and decide to go to a high performance car part store,pick up some stuff, as i drive to his place to pick him up i drive by many roads and none of them are plowed...hmmm the main roads are plowed. i have to drive by a welfare neighbourhood (anyone in hamilton will know Oreol cresent) its completely cleaned out and plowed, townhouses,and apartment.......what the hell. the roads around it...plowed, what the hell? i pick up said friend and tell him about it and he says its like that all the time no one can figure it out. so we decide to drive to another welfare area, and its cleaned up and plowed. I remember this to this day because these people have no jobs. most,no cars. Where do they have to go that they become first priority? btw- we didnt get snow removal untill the 3rd day after the snowfall. other notable cash grab Bull artists: lawyers/dentists/insurance compaines, oh and my new enemy, conservation areas lol
  23. Best answer. I cant stand being crowded,and i dont hesitate to let them know. if i see someone coming and i think they might try to squeeze in i will cast my line across the area to discourage them fro trying. but some people are just born ignorant,and punching them in the face may be very tempting,it turns your stress free fishing day into a nightmare day.
  24. This is why you do NOT eat carp. it was sarcasum, it sounded like something from family guy. always a dude in the backround who says something odd like Jugheads comment.
  25. NOOO!! hmm,because of low sales, they are going to raise prices......interesting concept
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