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Everything posted by LucG

  1. Sounds like a blast! But did you really eat those fish heads? lol
  2. Use a slingshot Good luck!
  3. Are there any negative effects if your props spins in the wind?
  4. I hear ya! Fall smallies are really fun to get into. Looks like the same two fish to me tho
  5. Good topic. Knowing this would have helped me warn someone as well. I had tried directing them to one side by pointing in that direction with both arms. Ended up having to tow them back to shore...
  6. Nice largies! Good job at putting your old man on fish!
  7. Oddly enough, I never noticed the storm until after I looked at the pics...
  8. Congrats on hooking the elusive aurora!
  9. Nice fish Matt, great pattern on it too!
  10. Nice bass for sure! Good Job!
  11. Good job Mike. For myself, tourny fishing has definitly added new excitment to fishing.
  12. I was actually thinking of sending either you or blair a pm late friday night, but for unknown reasons i did not...lol PM sent Haha, looks like a mean storm eh?. lol I usualy dont bother with all the background blurring stuff, but I didnt want to upset anyone. So yeah, lets just call it a storm. haha
  13. Well once again I couldnt find myself a fishing partner on a rainy Saturday morning, so I headed out on my own. It didnt seem like the kind of day that the bass would be too active, so I decided to target some pike. The water on this waterbody was really merky and stained. So I used a bright chartreuse spinnerbait and stuck with it all day. Right from the beginning I was on fish. Must have caught over a dozen tiny hammer handles within the first 30 min. Having been convinced that the pike might be active, I headed to one of my better spots that seemed to hold bigger fish. The conditions were perfect. The moderate breeze was pushing current/baitfish through a channel right onto a submerged cabbage flat. I ended up fishing there the rest of the morning as the fishing was great. Here are a few of the better fish (28" range) and a surprise smallie as well. Early afternoon my brother calls me and asks if I want to go fishing. He convinces me to go pick him up at the dock. As I'm waiting for him to show up, I through a few casts at a near by weedbed that I usually pass up as its too close to the launch. BAM! Hooked onto my PB muskie! Didnt measure her, but I guess around 36". Didnt catch another fish all day, but it didnt bother me one bit.
  14. Amazing pics, simply amazing!
  15. Good job guys! Looks like to caught quite a bit!
  16. Here's two tank smallies I got last year at around this time. This one won me Big Fish for that Tourny. 4.56 lbs
  17. Nice! Those birds make me want to out out hunting!
  18. This is a very interesting topic. The first time I've ever heard about "the turnover". Its nice to know why the fish go on a feedbag in the fall.
  19. Amazing fish! Thanks
  20. Nice shots! Your going to love your cam! I began using one three years ago, and not only has it opened my eyes to what goes one when we're not around, but it improved my hunts as well. One tip that I got when I bought mine that was very useful, was to buy two memory cards. This way when you want to check your pics, simply swap out the cards. No need to remove the cam, or make a trtip back to put the card back in. Good luck this season!
  21. I would have NEVER though about using a spinnerbait on trout!!!!
  22. She's a beaut!
  23. I've tries several different types of Trigger-X baits. They do catch fish, but there are two things that I dislike about them. They dry up quick if their not in the water(especially on hot days) and they have way too much packaging, lol.
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